Dear Trump fans,

i'll choose to be relieved that they're not preying on children anymore, and sad that this is what their lives led to...when things could have been so much different, if we didn't have to waste so much time unfucking the country after each republican administration

You sound very sweet for a sympathizer.
Kyle is not the hero people are making him out to be but after watching the trial and video evidence i agree it was definitely a case of self defense.

I have heard all of the arguements that people get from the media.

He crossed state lines - So? Its not illegal to travel. He lived on the border and travelled 20 miles to Kenosha where his family lived and where he worked. Grosskreutz travelled twice as far and had an illegal gun

He shouldn't have been there - Yea well the rioters shouldn't have been there either.

He had an illegal assault rifle - The AR 15 isnt an assault rifle and it was legal for him to open carry so the gun charge was dropped.

He brought a gun across state lines - No he didnt. If you watched the trial you would know his friend admitted to buying the gun with money kyle gave him and the rifle was kept in Kenosha.

His mom shouldn't have dropped him off - She didnt. That was another lie pushed by the media that was proven to be false. Even the prosecution said they couldnt find any evidence of this

They were " peacefully protesting" because they want justice for the unarmed black man shot 7 times - No they were burning the city down over jacob blake who admitted to having a knife.

The best thing to come out of the whole situation was the death of Rosenbaum. If kyle was found guilty i would have put money on his books just for taking out a child rapist. Yes I know Kyle didnt know his criminal record but who really gives a shit? A pedophile is dead and I will always celebrate that.
He's just another sad indicator of growing far-right terrorism. He's a boy that set out to kill people with his mother's blessing and then gets a major network to hail him and adults making him out to be a hero. He'll probably run for office campaigning on freedom. Just what we need, another sociopath with little regard for human life making laws.
He's just another sad indicator of growing far-right terrorism. He's a boy that set out to kill people with his mother's blessing and then gets a major network to hail him and adults making him out to be a hero. He'll probably run for office campaigning on freedom. Just what we need, another sociopath with little regard for human life making laws.
He's seventeen years old and just got a major life lesson about actions leading consequences. I was very different when I was that old (though I never even contemplated shooting anybody). Major changes came a few years later. They say before 20 YO one's parents have the greatest influence on one's political and religious views. After that, things happen, views change and some people turn out completely different from where they started.

Not that I'm saying he will be better, just that it's too soon to tell.
Only the most self-entitled narcissists with the fewest personal achievements hold this perception of slavery.
Pretty sure in his own mind he is “winning” and “owning the libs” with that idiotic meme-storm. To the outside world, he sure looks like a pathetic and lonely incel though. I’m betting he has a crazy good collection of internet porn to go with his meme repository.