Death To Mubarak!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Or any other religion who wants to impose and enforce their beliefs on everyone.
....why not continue that thought just a bit more to include those that think it's okay to make other people's choices regarding their body, their property or their labor ? You are getting dangerously close to "getting it" . :bigjoint:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Hopefully, now another douchebag doesn't just take his place.. long as there are governments that rely on force , there will be douchbags willing to take the place of the former douchebag.
Egypt is not unique in that regard.


Active Member
People are speaking as though what is taking part in Egypt is some sort of repetitive cycle, that cant be broken.

Some say Mubarak will be replaced inevitably by someone who either has the potential to be, or is already equally corrupt. This is always a possibility, and if you take a trip down memory lane you couldn't be blamed for expecting this. BUT, things have happened differently this time, the regional climate (both economic & diplomatic) is so uncertain that even corrupt organisations have trouble deciding who is who. The national climate in Egypt is one of doubt & frustration, and the only people who dare to speak now are those who have the support of the nation. And the nation is united behind the people who are driving this "revolution" (i use that word tentatively).

So whats different, not much you might say. But i'd say your wrong.

You know when people say "they..." and you always ask, "well, who are they...., who are these people you call "them"...., do "they" even exist......"

In the case of Egypt today, "They" and "Them" are the students, young & old.

The students are the people the country is behind. The students are a new stream of the Egyptian population with a future they could see, but couldn't touch, till now. And with the introduction of new communication mediums, social networking, the internet etc. they (the students) have the means... no, THE POWER - to do what no other generation in the history of man has ever been able to do. FORCE THE PEOPLE CHOSEN TO LEAD, TO LISTEN - AND TO LISTEN CAREFULLY. VERY VERY CAREFULLY. There are so many examples of the effects these new mediums had on the course of events taking place there, that i need not list them - just google how twitter, facebook, skype, satelites, cellphones, cellphone cameras affected everything.

The key here, is simple. They/Them need to make sure that they dont allow the U.S. to ass fuck them by giving them lip service and promises based on lies, in an effort to win a sort of partnership in choosing the next government.

The army has no place in the elections to come. The U.S. should find no part in it either. The US should vacate egypt, why are they there anyway?.

The money from the US isn't needed, because dropping mubarak was like slashing the wage bill by 2.2b.

Sorry if this post is all over the place, wrote it as i thought it.


Well-Known Member
They/Them need to make sure that they dont allow the U.S. to ass fuck them by giving them lip service and promises based on lies, in an effort to win a sort of partnership in choosing the next government.
The army has no place in the elections to come. The U.S. should find no part in it either. The US should vacate egypt, why are they there anyway?.
The money from the US isn't needed, because dropping mubarak was like slashing the wage bill by 2.2b.
I can't believe we sent all this money overseas to prop up other countries. if we cut off all foreign aid for 10 years we would be out of debt


Well-Known Member
Gee look at who the top 2 countries that receive US foreign aid are, Israel, followed closely by EGYPT! The rest of the world doesn't come close.

And Beardo, we only spend an estimated TOTAL FOREIGN AID of a mere $30 Billion. The current US Debt is at $14.1 trillion and increasing by $4.2 Billion PER DAY!!!!!!!!!

In other words, it would take nearly 54,000 years to pay off the debt if the debt stopped accumulating right this second and we had an extra 30 billion/year to pay it off with. So in reality things are 530 times worse than you thought. Staggering isn't it?
Per Capita, what the USA gives in foreign aid is at the lowest in the developed world.

Oh and you know what the total value of derivatives held by Goldman Sachs is? $42.1 TRILLION!!!!!!!!!!! And funny enough, GS is in position number 4. BofA, JPMorgan, CitiBank all have more than GS does, HSBC trails the crowd at number 5 in exposure. TOTAL DERIVATIVES held by the top 5? $215.535 TRILLION
So how much in assets do you think they have? Less than 2/10ths of a percent of that.

Total derivative value held by all the other banks in the USA? all 1059 of them? $7.1 trillion.

I'm afraid most people have no comprehension of what has really happened and how any idea that we can somehow bail ourselves out is completely impossible, COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE!!!.


Active Member
The world is ruled by debt, the US isn't some charity that gives countries hope through loans. Its a loan shark waiting to hang you up on a noose of debt. Fuck the Fed, Fuck the Corporatocracy, Fuck the illusion of democracy.

If you wanna know watch the zeitgeist movies, 1,2 &3.

Dont be an dumb ass fuckin know-all who knows fuck all. Ask your questions, answer them yourself. Then you will know.

We are all, and i mean 99% percent of us, slaves to a fake, impossible system, designed to fool you and fuck you when you sleep.

ZEITGEIST people...... JOIN THE REVOLUTION!!!!! ---- its coming soon, tempers will crack all around the world. Peacefull societies are not peaceful at all. They are ignorant, blind fools, led by corruption.

Be your own leader and make a difference, think of your children, think of their children. Your children are going to be financially raped by the corporations that are motivated by greed and sales figures.

MONEY--- Pft!.... fuck money, it doesnt exist, its created out of thin air to keep you on the noose.

ZEITGEIST PEOPLE!!!!! Learn for yourself. Learn for your children!......fuck the system, like its been fucking us all since before you can remember!!!!


Politics cannot solve problems, its not designed to. Its designed to create problems.


Active Member
I can't believe we sent all this money overseas to prop up other countries. if we cut off all foreign aid for 10 years we would be out of debt
Debt is perpetual, dont fool yourself. Aslong as you value the dollar you cannot be free of debt. The US is built on a system of loan sharking. Loaning money it never had.


Well-Known Member
The world is ruled by debt, the US isn't some charity that gives countries hope through loans. Its a loan shark waiting to hang you up on a noose of debt. Fuck the Fed, Fuck the Corporatocracy, Fuck the illusion of democracy.

If you wanna know watch the zeitgeist movies, 1,2 &3.

Dont be an dumb ass fuckin know-all who knows fuck all. Ask your questions, answer them yourself. Then you will know.

We are all, and i mean 99% percent of us, slaves to a fake, impossible system, designed to fool you and fuck you when you sleep.

ZEITGEIST people...... JOIN THE REVOLUTION!!!!! ---- its coming soon, tempers will crack all around the world. Peacefull societies are not peaceful at all. They are ignorant, blind fools, led by corruption.

Be your own leader and make a difference, think of your children, think of their children. Your children are going to be financially raped by the corporations that are motivated by greed and sales figures.

MONEY--- Pft!.... fuck money, it doesnt exist, its created out of thin air to keep you on the noose.

ZEITGEIST PEOPLE!!!!! Learn for yourself. Learn for your children!......fuck the system, like its been fucking us all since before you can remember!!!!


Politics cannot solve problems, its not designed to. Its designed to create problems.

DUDE zeitgeist all the way!! we have the technology and ability to build our world into the future, but money limits us. we have a trillion dollars to bail out banks and failing car companies (completely opposite of the ideas of capitalism that something bigger and better will replace it) but no money to help students go to college! and make em spend over $500 for books, why not make a profit off our kids education! sickening how low people will go to make profit. to benefit off others loss. but in reality, most people are too ignorant to watch the first 5 mins of it, automatically condemning as a conspiracy. people just dont really care. back to the trillion dollars printed in money supply though ( that inevitably led to this inflation we're all paying for), i think it wouldve been alot more productive to invest it into a super renewable energy source that would help reduce the nations dependency on scarce fossil fuels (scarcity= power to control suppy aka prices i.e. opec controlling oil prices) and at the same time reduce the price us americans pay for energy. but we're so caught up on the profitability of oil. even electric cars is a joke! where do we get electricity from? burning fossil fuels!! so lets just instead of burning gas directly, lets burn fossil fuelss to make electricity that then is used for the cars, which is an indirect process, and waste more energy in the conversion process. its just tossing the paytag from on form of gas to another.


Well-Known Member
Gee look at who the top 2 countries that receive US foreign aid are, Israel, followed closely by EGYPT! The rest of the world doesn't come close.

And Beardo, we only spend an estimated TOTAL FOREIGN AID of a mere $30 Billion. The current US Debt is at $14.1 trillion and increasing by $4.2 Billion PER DAY!!!!!!!!!

In other words, it would take nearly 54,000 years to pay off the debt if the debt stopped accumulating right this second and we had an extra 30 billion/year to pay it off with. So in reality things are 530 times worse than you thought. Staggering isn't it?
Per Capita, what the USA gives in foreign aid is at the lowest in the developed world.

Oh and you know what the total value of derivatives held by Goldman Sachs is? $42.1 TRILLION!!!!!!!!!!! And funny enough, GS is in position number 4. BofA, JPMorgan, CitiBank all have more than GS does, HSBC trails the crowd at number 5 in exposure. TOTAL DERIVATIVES held by the top 5? $215.535 TRILLION
So how much in assets do you think they have? Less than 2/10ths of a percent of that.

Total derivative value held by all the other banks in the USA? all 1059 of them? $7.1 trillion.

I'm afraid most people have no comprehension of what has really happened and how any idea that we can somehow bail ourselves out is completely impossible, COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE!!!.
Thanks for the uplifting news....
Maybe we need to Nationalize the banks


Active Member
Yeah i mostly agree with you z3r0_4_life.

I think the only way something will happen is if the world outside of America turns its back on America. Because people in America are ignorant they dont care about anything that interupts routine, because they are comfortable. And if they begin to ask why the world has turned its back on them, they will see that their own ignorance has had consequences. As a result they will either continue to be ignorant, and inevitably suffer their own demise. Or maybe, just maybe they will do what needs to be done. The US is due for a revolution. The corporatocracy must be held accountable, peoples heads should roll... LITERALLY!!!. The people need to take control of their country! And execute justice on the heads of big corporations!

But your wrong to think that electric cars are not viable. Your implying electricity comes from burning fossil feuls. This is false. There are so many alternatives in existence that its a mystery why they arent being used to their full potential.... geothermal, NIF, Tokamak, solar, wind, fusion tech etc etc etc the list goes on for years. Or is it a mystery. I bet those members of the corporatocracy are sliming there way through research projects sabotaging them wherever possible. They do this to protect their own interest. I would personally make it law that these bastards are named and hung publicly, they are the reason the world is not yet truly civilised. Shame on us all for allowing this, shame shame shame!!!


Active Member
Any one? Isn't that what castro and chavez did?
What happened to mubarek? did he disappear or what? seems pretty shady
Yes they did among other things. And mubarak, well he is gone. Recently had his swiss bank accounts frozen. And as i predicted is running for cover. He will be silenced, although the more i think about it i would love to know what he knows about US policy in the region. He should subscribe to Wikileaks, let julian filter through his crap and find out the small truths. He should also be shot.


Well-Known Member
don't you find it strange how much importance and priority the U.S. world super power gives to Israel a small country of few millions? don't you see? why do you care about them so much and don't give a shit about the billions of others? YOU have been successfully BRAINWASHED! they control ALL your fucking media! ALL OF IT LITERALLY!!!


Well-Known Member
Shit, don't get yer panties bunched up. This ain't nothing yet. I posted in another a countdown.
And it's happening now and only gets worse.

Ain't no democracy gonna take over an Arab state. phhhhhtttttt. Not gonna happen.
The many are controlled by the few. tmb is gonna rip egypt a new one.

Ain't what they want, it's who they want in charge.

Radicals are gonna rock yer world kids.

36 hours to go. Or less. Then the big surprise will hit ya right in yer pieholes.

You really think the egyptians don't carry a grudge against israhell?

Big Ol' furball coming.

BB57, reader of the wall writings.
Well care to rethink your predictions at all?


Well-Known Member
don't you find it strange how much importance and priority the U.S. world super power gives to Israel a small country of few millions? don't you see? why do you care about them so much and don't give a shit about the billions of others? YOU have been successfully BRAINWASHED! they control ALL your fucking media! ALL OF IT LITERALLY!!!
Because of the bible, people think we need jews in israel to bring on armageddon...what do you think all the weapons are for


Well-Known Member
Because of the bible, people think we need jews in israel to bring on armageddon...what do you think all the weapons are for
sadly the people got nothing to do with it, they have been blindfolded. i agree that there is ideology to it but it's not an alliance. any political analyst cannot in any way explain the total support the U.S gives to israel based on interest. it's actually total dominance! Israel controls the U.S. as strange as it may sound. these people own all the banks, media, book publishing, and the stock market. they control what you see and what you think and what you own. Ariel Sharon said it in plain words "the jews rule the U.S" they can crash the whole stock market in a minute if they wanted. they have enslaved America. all the presidents in U.S cannot win power unless they have sworn obedience to Israel, search for the truth and you shall find it...


Well-Known Member
Because of the bible, people think we need jews in israel to bring on armageddon...what do you think all the weapons are for
sadly the people got nothing to do with it, they have been blindfolded. i agree that there is ideology to it but it's not an alliance. any political analyst cannot in any way explain the total support the U.S gives to israel based on interest. it's actually total dominance! Israel controls the U.S. as strange as it may sound. these people own all the banks, media, book publishing, and the stock market. they control what you see and what you think and what you own. Ariel Sharon said it in plain words "the jews rule the U.S" they can crash the whole stock market in a minute if they wanted. they have enslaved America. all the presidents in U.S cannot win power unless they have sworn obedience to Israel, search for the truth and you shall find it...


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean 'the people' as in 'we the people' . I meant people as in the people in control, it's about bringing on Armageddon.