def. question


I don't have pics yet but think i have a potassium def. I am broke and cannot afford anything right now what can i do to raise this without going to buy more nutes? I have the fox farm trio and the plants are in ocean forest soil I have been using the feeding schedule that came with them up till a few days ago they were fine. I watered 3 days ago and used 3 tsp per gallon big bloom and 1 tsp per gallon of tiger bloom run off ph was good they have been in flower for three weeks and look small to me what should I do feed again this water?

I would post a pic but lights are off right now sorry



Well-Known Member
I use FF and the soil...never had a potassium def...most likely its mag def..the line lacks cal/mag it needs to be supplemented in. Have any epsom salts around? If so Use that, or its like $3 a bag at the store


Well-Known Member
You dont need to buy any nutes. The fox farms trio in ffof is enough for veg & flower. Not to mention tiger bloom has a good amount of phosphorus. Something must be wrong in the macro department. we will be waiting for pics:bigjoint:


What? they are inside plants with a box fan on high four feet away but I just looked it's only on the side that the fan faces Wow didn't think of that why do they do that?