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Plants need energy to grow they receive that through there leaves let it be i never take anything of and i always have firm buds
You have no credibility nor honor as it stands now with the long term seasoned growers at RIU. You have earned the reputation as the Village Troll. It's up to you to redeem yourself.
I have proven what I came here to do, to show people what they are missing by following your guidance without doing their own research. If your considering yourself as seasoned growers at RIU then I want no part of it. But I seriously doubt that! RIU could do without you and your kind as stated day after day by many maybe you have it backwards. I would rather be called the Village Troll then what most call you...The Village Idiot!
If you show the solid research/ proof, then the argument is over. It's that simple guys.
Do a few more hours of reading before pointing the finger. Not only have I backed up my mouth with pictures, side by side studies, and just about everything except going over to their homes(yes...I KNOW)and growing it for them, but others have as well. There is pages and pages of evidence that has been presented time and time again and you know what...if its not how they do things ...its bunkim or not backed, or this or that...Just read my friend and you will see what the real story is. Its a JOKE and so are they. Believe what you want but if you want bias info don't ask UB or his cronies(you will know them!)...that's for sure.
I am the OP of this thread. I had NO IDEA it was going to take on a life of its own.

So much for getting feedback. You all are too worried about proving each other wrong than to provide any feedback or help whatsosever. I guess I'm unsubscribing to my own thread :(
I am the OP of this thread. I had NO IDEA it was going to take on a life of its own.

So much for getting feedback. You all are too worried about proving each other wrong than to provide any feedback or help whatsosever. I guess I'm unsubscribing to my own thread :(

your plants look really bad........ i didnt think it was even dope...........should probably throw em away and start over
And if your to lazy to read, here's one of 100s of pics in the thread. Defoliated on the left, and undefoliated on the right. Clones of the same plant on both sides.

Well of course defoliation looks good...

*cough* ...when you forget to mention that the plant on the left is four weeks older than the plant on the right lol... *cough*
leave your pour girl alone and let her flower already! your like some sick mad scientist that experiments on people, leave her alone!
I'm a new grower and was hoping to find valuable info on this forum. However I've realized its just as easy to be misled as it is to find the real deal. I know some will flame me for saying this but uncle ben is one of the few on here I've seen that base their methods on sound and proven botanical biology. So here's my question for uncle ben...

I know I could search the forums and hope to weed out the nonsense and spend forever finding answers to my relatively simple questions. I don't really want to go through all that. Uncle ben, are there any good books or other sources on botany/cannabis that you would suggest? I have no problem with doing research and putting in leg work but it seems with a subject such as marijuana that is surrounded by all types of hocus pocus it becomes difficult to remember it's still just another plant. So again if you have any resources for me and the rest of the community it'd be awesome. Thanks bro
I'm a new grower and was hoping to find valuable info on this forum. However I've realized its just as easy to be misled as it is to find the real deal. I know some will flame me for saying this but uncle ben is one of the few on here I've seen that base their methods on sound and proven botanical biology. So here's my question for uncle ben...

I know I could search the forums and hope to weed out the nonsense and spend forever finding answers to my relatively simple questions. I don't really want to go through all that. Uncle ben, are there any good books or other sources on botany/cannabis that you would suggest? I have no problem with doing research and putting in leg work but it seems with a subject such as marijuana that is surrounded by all types of hocus pocus it becomes difficult to remember it's still just another plant. So again if you have any resources for me and the rest of the community it'd be awesome. Thanks bro

I hope UB won't mind me answering your question. Several times now, I've seen him recommend the following book.
gotta say it buddy you have that strain down to a tee does having they parabolic reflectors give you more coverage than normal barn reflectors ? and can I ask what nutes your running, I bet you have some co2 running in their too either way you have some nice bud their
I'm a new grower and was hoping to find valuable info on this forum. However I've realized its just as easy to be misled as it is to find the real deal. I know some will flame me for saying this but uncle ben is one of the few on here I've seen that base their methods on sound and proven botanical biology. So here's my question for uncle ben...

I know I could search the forums and hope to weed out the nonsense and spend forever finding answers to my relatively simple questions. I don't really want to go through all that. Uncle ben, are there any good books or other sources on botany/cannabis that you would suggest? I have no problem with doing research and putting in leg work but it seems with a subject such as marijuana that is surrounded by all types of hocus pocus it becomes difficult to remember it's still just another plant. So again if you have any resources for me and the rest of the community it'd be awesome. Thanks bro

I just mentioned in another post do it quite often to get Mel Frank's book, "MJ Insider's Growers Guide". Check out my posts. If you are not a gardener and know little to nothing about horticulture, that book is about as solid as it gets plus there are many fascinating graphs and tests done by a the U. of Miss.

Oh.....see now where socaljoe gave you a link.

Good luck,
Thanks socajoe and UB! And I just opened up every thread that you've posted on at least as far back as search will allow me to go. I wish it had them all :/ anyways I'm in the process of reading those threads and as always your replies seem solid. It may take a while to read all so I apologize in advance for any repeat questions in the mean time.
I took off about 5 lbs of foliage with prolly that much more left on my plants and with in 4 days I noticed how much better the buds were doing
4 days is a lot of time for growth... they would have probably looked bigger and better regardless. Especially since the further into bloom you are the faster development seems to happen.
I am so tired of people that don't have a clue to what defoliation actually is and how it works. Thread started by a 30 year expert, it's full of pictures and totally documented facts on the process.

These plants in the picture below were grown using this defoliation technique. Show me yours again UB where you didn't defoliate, I cant seem to find them anywhere.

That post on defoliation finally explained what I was trying to tell you guys. You can defoliate in veg but not after the first week of flowering. It gives you more compact plants for the area you are in allowing for more mature cola stem development in the veg stage giving you bigger buds. He is definitely right about getting the light green buds light and then they grow darker and mature more. I know you have harvested a top cola and left portions covered by her still on the plant and saw that over the course of the next week, that light green bud now exposed to the light grew darker and matured much faster.

That just shows that your claim that far red light penetrating the canopy is enough light to support shaded foliage is crap, because shaded foliage does not do photosynthesis at the same rate a as those areas with light but still uses up resources taken up by the roots, taking away from overall plant production. Learning how to defoliate properly will give you bigger buds guaranteed. The main reason is that stems grow slower thus more compact in the veg stage, however a 3 week veg will now take you 5 weeks for a plant to get to the same height but what is the difference if you have plants already in flowering for 8 weeks anyway? I know any experienced grower can understand that a thicker stem directly relates to a larger bud on the end of it. Even noobs can tell you that thats true to all you nay sayers about defoliation.

Also, just because someone gives sound advice, does not necessarily mean that they give the best advice.

Defoliation done right:

View attachment 2758819
These plants in the picture below were grown using this defoliation technique. Show me yours again UB where you didn't defoliate, I cant seem to find them anywhere.

Then you're not looking hard enough. Best bet is to go fetch and while you're at it pick up a book on indoor horticulture. Oh I forgot, you've only been here since last month, and talk like you've seen my hundreds of photos and thousands of posts from a dozen websites for the last 15 years.

You newbies are all alike. You drift into cannabis forums like some big swinging dick, charging like a bull in a china store thinking you're so fuckin' smart and gonna tear the "old folks" a new asshole. Well, hi, I'm Uncle Ben, glad to meet you. You best watch out for my Uncle Ben Dover....if you think I'm bad. :hump:

Sorry, but only cannabis forum tards, primarily newbies, butcher their plants. I have never known a commercial greenhouse operator defoliate anything whether it be tomatoes, mums, poinsettia or any annuals. I wouldn't dare discuss it with them for starts. They'd automatically consider me a complete idiot who knows nothing about what makes plants tick. (And they'd be right.)

Having said that, there is nothing you've presented that can be confirmed, verified or truthfully acknowledged by your anecdotal evidence and a photo of some good genetics, indica mutts.

Give me those genetics. I'll show you what a pot plant is supposed to look like. ;) Like to see what the grower could do with sativa, hah!

Just before the thread was closed due to the usual cannabis forum trolling and fighting, Dr. Fever wrapped up it very well:

Dr. Fever said:
Originally Posted by DrFever View Post
enlighten i took this last post from the link you provided hahahaha

i know i am year late. but i been up on the defol. thread since it started.

to this day, all the "here's you proof shot's" go like this.

one poster who is not convinced of this technique (any poster not specific) wants to see a finished bud shot of a defoliated plant.

the defoliater guy says "wait till i find the cam" or something to that effect, but they build up the ensuing post like "wait till you see this"

it gets posted.

it looks like shit, more flarfy that ever, or at very best the same or worse

then this happens "well i let these one get away from me" or "they yielded the same" or "my temps" or "something happened out of my control"

so every proof shot has an excuse attached, and we should take this excuse and see past the fuckery and except it as a good yield tech. because all the other times you grew like this were great, but defoliar's failed to capture the result that they liked on cam. but the only result they have is one they make excuses for.

sounds like some straight ol' sucker shit.

pruning lower leaves off and lower budsites, isnt that something called "pruning for single stem plants" like something that has been done since SoG grow methods have been around?

i mean lollipopping, or pruning? wtf, to call it a new method, bananas

what it comes down to is pruning for yield, something all gardeners of all plants have been doing since plants and people intermingled.

grow em short, keep em full, grow em high, keep them tidy, nothing new here.

i mean every grow book tells you plants have a threshold for bud production, if you focus the plants energy to the main lighted areas the resulting bud will be tighter and denser, but this is just plucking off lower branches budsites

pluck off the lower budsites and leave the leafs, thats way more surface area of leaf gets more lumens/micro moles whatever, and they in turn make more food and sugar for the plant. again nothing new here.

no way any one who been around this plant a long time will take defoliation seriously after this. and when i say defoliation, im not talking about the decades old pruning tech. i described above, when i say defoliate, i mean the absolute raping of a plants energy factories, no leaves but bud leaves.

streme defoliation = diminished plant health and yields

there i summed it up for the original posters of both threads
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