Defund Police

Thats exactly why these clowns are only destroying their own cities. Please, by all means, riot in rural America. Lets see how that goes for you.

You want to get rid of police? Stop living and treating each other like animals.
It's going pretty well so far, the police are doing exactly what police do - terrorize innocent people - and the public is getting a first hand look at it on the news every night. A few places have already committed to demilitarizing their own police forces or getting rid of them entirely and investing the police budget in their community

If any rednecks actually had the balls to go through with the threat, they'd of already done it by now. The truth is, most of them are lazy racist pussies who think they're 'supercop' in their own head, and they'll never do shit except bitch and complain
Biden wants to pump 300 million into training and resources for the police. It needs to become harder to br a cop. Actual college IMO

Setting barriers to entry into any line of work with government at the controls isn't the answer. That would be like requiring a "college degree" to grow weed, it's an unnecessary barrier and doesn't address the root problem. Cops are protected and have a captive customer base, THAT is the problem.

Any service provider who is mostly exempt from any repercussions of wrong doing and has an automatic revenue stream coming in, is DISINCENTIVIZED to provide good service. Even removing individual "bad cops" doesn't address the problem substantially, since the captive revenue stream remains in place. Not to mention Policing is ALREADY in the hands of government and they fucked that up to the point most people can agree something has to change.

Defunding is what I've been talking about (ad nauseum) for years. How to do it, is to allow and encourage competition. A free market.

Police / security services are like any other service in that when there's competition, the customer can take their money and reward the service provider that does a good job and defund those who don't. Knowing that a customer can walk away provides incentive to perform at a good cost. Competition drives good service and innovation. If customer feedback is rendered irrelevant, there is no incentive to change.

Biden is like all politicians, jumping in front of the parade. Now he wants to "reform policing", after spending most of his life pushing for "law and order". He's an idiot and should stay home in his basement in his depends flipping thru dog eared copies of "Grope magazine".
Just take the cops guns away. Just like in a ton of other countries around the world. The police need to fear the people. Not the other way around.

You're getting closer to the answer. Just take away "the gun" that forces people to fund a monopolistic police force and allow competition.

What if there were a grocery store that you were forced to pay if you hated their service and shopped elsewhere? Would you think that was a good way to incentivize the grocery store you don't like to perform better?
Everything is the Republicans fault, even being a feckless minority leader
The Republicans wouldn't even let a anti-lynching bill through the senate, what do you think Nancy is actually able to push through to impact any real change in the Republicans' racist agenda?
Why are Democratic mayors/governors allowing the violence against peaceful protestors from the police?

This is the sort of 'leadership' you end up with when you don't care about anything but the 'D' in front of their name

Mayor of Buffalo called that 75 year old man who cops pushed down and started bleeding out of his head an "agitator" and tried to justify the police actions (both cops are being charged with felony assault). Shouldn't a Democratic mayor in a Democratic state side with the protestors over the police, especially when the assault was caught on video and the evidence is clear?
Just believe this because a left-troll said so? Why not find where the mayor was saying this and share that?
This is why "moderate whites" aren't allies, they allow this to happen and defend team D at all costs

And there it is, the big lie. You are just another Trump troll. 'The Hill' is just RT cat fishing the left.
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ATLANTA — Joe Biden diverged Monday from activists pushing to “defund the police” in the United States, arguing that an overhaul of policing in America can be accomplished within existing law enforcement agencies.

A Biden presidential campaign aide said the Democrat “hears and shares the deep grief and frustration of those calling out for change” after George

Floyd’s death by police in Minneapolis refocused the nation’s attention on institutional racism. But spokesman Andrew Bates added that Biden “does not believe that police should be defunded,” as some Minneapolis authorities are pursuing locally and some activists are demanding nationally.

Floyd, a black man who was handcuffed, died after a white officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for over eight minutes, as three other officers stood by. Video of the officers’ actions led to protests in cities across the world and pushed Biden and other high-profile Democrats to call for America finally to confront institutional racism.

The former vice president was in Houston on Monday to meet privately with Floyd’s family ahead of his funeral.

“Biden supports the urgent need for reform -- including funding for public schools, summer programs, and mental health and substance abuse treatment separate from funding for policing -- so that officers can focus on the job of policing,” Bates said.

The “defund the police” mantra has gained steam among some protesters and progressive activists since Floyd’s death, potentially complicating Biden’s ability to satisfy a splintered movement demanding differing levels of changes in policing practices. And it highlights a familiar exercise for

Biden: trying to appeal to a progressive flank that distrusts him as an establishment politician while not alienating more moderate voters and even some Republicans who don’t want President Donald Trump reelected.

The Republican incumbent, who’s postured as a “law and order” figure and urged federal and state authorities to “dominate” protesters, has seized on the latest dynamics, casting “defund the police” as the official rallying cry for Biden and all Democrats.

Biden’s criminal justice agenda, released long before he became Democrats’ presumptive nominee, includes more federal money for “training that is needed to avert tragic, unjustifiable deaths” and hiring additional officers to ensure that departments are racially and ethnically reflective of the populations they serve.

Specifically, he calls for a $300 million infusion into existing federal community policing grant programs. And he pledges to continue Obama administration practices of scrutinizing what equipment is used by law enforcement, a nod to critics of U.S. domestic police agencies using military-grade equipment in encounters with civilians.

Biden’s priority, Bates said, is to “improve relationships between officers and residents.”

In discussing policing and criminal justice changes, Biden also has emphasized his proposals to spend more on education and social services and invest in struggling areas of cities and rural America, all ideas he touts as addressing the root causes of crime.

Those positions largely reflect Biden’s approach to policing as a Delaware senator and vice president, trying to strike a balance somewhere being tough on crime and building a criminal justice system that rehabilitates rather than simply punishes. But he’s met skepticism for his role in the 1994 federal crime law. The measure included federal money for the kind of community policing Biden champions, but it also helped states build more prisons and toughened federal sentencing laws in ways that Biden and others now acknowledge disproportionately hurt black and other nonwhite defendants.

Many of those calling to “defund the police” share Biden’s emphasis on increasing public spending on other government services, from education to mental health. Their contention is that other agencies could address many societal problems without the involvement of traditional police forces.
Things like live body cams on every cop takes money, but it will help actually hold them accountable.

Why do you need to use all these crazy colors?
Because it makes him all edgy.
Things like live body cams on every cop takes money, but it will help actually hold them accountable.

This is impractical and isn't the answer. What if a cop is undercover investigating a mysterious outbreak of felony floor shitting ? You gonna wanna keep an eye on him when he's staked out in stall #3 waiting for a serial floor pooper to come in and drop his load? Ewwww !