Defund Police

This is impractical and isn't the answer. What if a cop is undercover investigating a mysterious outbreak of felony floor shitting ? You gonna wanna keep an eye on him when he's staked out in stall #3 waiting for a serial floor pooper to come in and drop his load? Ewwww !
Leave it to you to take something to the absurd and try to paint it as that being the reason something wouldn't work.
Leave it to you to take something to the absurd and try to paint it as that being the reason something wouldn't work.

Speaking of absurd and things that CAN'T work.

How do you have a protector, who derives his pay from coercion based funding, be part of something which will protect you from people who might coerce you?
Looks like Minneapolis is serious about this.

Minneapolis City Council Pledges to Disband Police Department

Minneapolis is Not the First City to Disband Its Police Department
Mn is retarded.
If any rednecks actually had the balls to go through with the threat, they'd of already done it by now. The truth is, most of them are lazy racist pussies who think they're 'supercop' in their own head, and they'll never do shit except bitch and complain
The rednecks aren't making any threats. They are saying, "Come to the country and fuck with us and see what happens."
The rednecks aren't making any threats. They are saying, "Come to the country and fuck with us and see what happens."

Also you are replying to a cat fishing 'left -troll' that is designed to make it look like the 'libs' are batshit when you talk to that account.


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It seems to have convinced a whole lot of people police brutality got bad when the cameras started popping up, rather than just realizing it raised awareness...
You are saying exactly what that article said. Raising awareness is one thing, facing legal retribution for comitting the crime is another. That cop who killed Floyd stared right into the camera when he was committing the murder. The message that he knows he won't be punished was clear for all to see. Change won't happen until cops who kill people for no good reason know they face an authority that will punish them for it.
Make the police pay for lawsuits from their pension and retirement funds rather than our tax money.

Oh yeah, and I'm STILL amazed there are so many bootlicking cop lovers on this site, where most have been growing long enough to remember the fear of the having their doors booted in and/or spending their life in a cage for growing a plant.
Its cringey AF
Make the police pay for lawsuits from their pension and retirement funds rather than our tax money.

Oh yeah, and I'm STILL amazed there are so many bootlicking cop lovers on this site, where most have been growing long enough to remember the fear of the having their doors booted in and/or spending their life in a cage for growing a plant.
Its cringey AF
Portland is a small city, very liberal, not very diverse, more white than most cities. Rose City Antifa is an old thing here and well supported by the community. We turn out FOR Antifa. That we have a fascist-dominated police force with a problem of racist, brutal cops shows that it's everywhere, not just a few cities or a few "bad apples".