Democrats for Romney!!!!


Well-Known Member
Or the greatest one of all, the almighty race card.

So again, I say fuck voting. Sorry for thread jacking but it annoys me when somebody implies because I don't vote, I have no right to complain. I pay fucking taxes, so I have every right to bitch about it.
The Republicans do well when voter turn out is low
So by not voting and advocating other people dont vote
you are effectivly
Voting for Romney


The Republicans do well when voter turn out is low
So by not voting and advocating other people dont vote
you are effectivly
Voting for Romney
Point still missed, it doesn't matter. You can put Ron Paul in office and the status quo will ensure that none of his policies will be enacted. Tell me, since you're obviously a Democrat or just really hate Romney (can't blame you), whats Obama going to do this go around since all the things he pormised last time have come true? You really seem to miss on the notion that the lesser of two evils is still evil. I love quotes, short, sound advice left in a small phrase, so i'll leave you with one of my favorites, bullets change governments far surer than votes do.


Great post but I think they think with robots these days they no longer need obedient workers. Prepare for ''the great culling'' Its getting time to make a move folks before its to late.
The great culling, thats a good one. Seems to border the edge of what the Georgia Guide Stone implies. If you really want to know what the people in this world who really have control desire, all you have to do is look at the list. Now, I'm not a believer in the Illuminati, with this whole 13 families control the world. However, I think people need to change that idea into "the people in control are the ones who shape international policies outside of legal channels." International bankers, corporate figure heads, government committees like the council on foreign relations or trilateral commission. Bill Gates and George Soros should have no more of a say in what goes on in government and global agenda, but since they're two of the richest people on the planet, what they say seems to matter more than everyone else. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but it's all a charade.


Well-Known Member
The great culling, thats a good one. Seems to border the edge of what the Georgia Guide Stone implies. If you really want to know what the people in this world who really have control desire, all you have to do is look at the list. Now, I'm not a believer in the Illuminati, with this whole 13 families control the world. However, I think people need to change that idea into "the people in control are the ones who shape international policies outside of legal channels." International bankers, corporate figure heads, government committees like the council on foreign relations or trilateral commission. Bill Gates and George Soros should have no more of a say in what goes on in government and global agenda, but since they're two of the richest people on the planet, what they say seems to matter more than everyone else. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but it's all a charade.
It may all be a charade, but that is not the way I intend to behave. I will pretend that my vote does count and that my country is influenced by those votes. I will act as though there is reason and order and I am a part of that reason and order. Perception is reality.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
Like south park said "Your voice has to heard, because you've given the right, between a douche and a turd." Sorry for rambling but I had to say it.
Actually, I think it was between a douche bag and a giant turd sandwich but I could be mistaken.

edit: wrong video and it's a giant douche and a turd sandwich

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
This thing about education being poor because someone in power doesn't want a descerning population. I see it spoken by people who usually are publicly educated and I wonder how they somehow feel superior to those "others" who got the same education but failed to become as enlightened as the speaker. I wonder what omniciant blessing was bestowed upon those folk to the exclusion of all others.

I really don't think that education has anything to do with how a people perceive and what conclusions they draw. But it is very convenient to blame everyone around us for their errant decisions.
You remind me of the story of four blind men trying to describe an elephant. Each had a different idea of what it was and none were correct.

young:old woman.jpg

Old woman or young woman? Even though you can see one or the other, you cannot see both at the same time.

We learn things in stages. We are not born knowing how to talk and walk, we must learn these things. All learning goes through four stages:

1) unconscious imcompetent: we don't know how to drive a car, we are not aware of our ignorance, we don't even know what a car is

2) conscious incompetent: one day, we discover what a car is and what driving is... but we still are unable to drive

3) conscious competent: later, after some education and practice, we learn how to drive but it requires a lot of concentration

4) unconscious competent: after much practice, we drive without thinking about it (some better than others)

Just because you can't see what the education system is turning out doesn't mean that the idea is invalid. It just means you're at step 1. This is the hardest stage to overcome. It is where a lot of denial helps to soothe the frightened psyche.
Propaganda and brainwashing are not practiced because they don't work. If you were a victim of really good propaganda and brainwashing, how would you know it? You wouldn't, that's the whole idea. You believe the propaganda because of your thorough brainwashing. THAT is the result of our education system.



Well-Known Member
You remind me of the story of four blind men trying to describe an elephant. Each had a different idea of what it was and none were correct.

View attachment 2260926

Old woman or young woman? Even though you can see one or the other, you cannot see both at the same time.

We learn things in stages. We are not born knowing how to talk and walk, we must learn these things. All learning goes through four stages:

1) unconscious imcompetent: we don't know how to drive a car, we are not aware of our ignorance, we don't even know what a car is

2) conscious incompetent: one day, we discover what a car is and what driving is... but we still are unable to drive

3) conscious competent: later, after some education and practice, we learn how to drive but it requires a lot of concentration

4) unconscious competent: after much practice, we drive without thinking about it (some better than others)

Just because you can't see what the education system is turning out doesn't mean that the idea is invalid. It just means you're at step 1. This is the hardest stage to overcome. It is where a lot of denial helps to soothe the frightened psyche.
Propaganda and brainwashing are not practiced because they don't work. If you were a victim of really good propaganda and brainwashing, how would you know it? You wouldn't, that's the whole idea. You believe the propaganda because of your thorough brainwashing. THAT is the result of our education system.


Yet conveniently, no one who believes that our education system is simply a brain washing machine, is subject to that brain washing, it is only all the others who are brainwashed and they have come through unscathed. I am fully aware that our education system by virtue of it's methods, preaches and teaches conformity but the fact that it attempts such things does not guarantee that everyone is brainwashed.

Now if school operated in a vaccuum, and there was no other influence, such as individual, altruisticly motivated teachers, other enlightened students, parents, books and published opinions you might have a point, but that isn't how it works.

I have been voluntarily "brain washed" and am capable of determining what that washing is and how it affects me. it isn't all that hard to determine once you know what to look for.


It may all be a charade, but that is not the way I intend to behave. I will pretend that my vote does count and that my country is influenced by those votes. I will act as though there is reason and order and I am a part of that reason and order. Perception is reality.
And thats all you'll doing, pretending. On November 5th, you can go to polls, believe you've had some significant impact, and I'll be doing the same thing. Except when I'm done jerking off, I'll have something to show for it. You're willing to admit that it's a charade, but are still going to join in the reindeer games anyways? Please, if you can, go read the long ass post I made on page 2. Tell me if anything throughout that post will be changed by either of these men.


Ursus marijanus
And thats all you'll doing, pretending. On November 5th, you can go to polls, believe you've had some significant impact, and I'll be doing the same thing. Except when I'm done jerking off, I'll have something to show for it. Please, if you can, go read the long ass post I made on page 2.
Tell me if anything throughout that post will be changed by either of these men.
That's why you don't only vote for the President, but also for national and State legislative seats, and ideally for local seats from an informed basis Local politics is the "farm team" for the folks who'll be making the decisions in ten, twenty years. cn. cn


Well-Known Member
And thats all you'll doing, pretending. On November 5th, you can go to polls, believe you've had some significant impact, and I'll be doing the same thing. Except when I'm done jerking off, I'll have something to show for it. You're willing to admit that it's a charade, but are still going to join in the reindeer games anyways? Please, if you can, go read the long ass post I made on page 2. Tell me if anything throughout that post will be changed by either of these men.

The concept is from long ago, from the teachings of Don Juan - controled folly, we conduct ourselves in a certain way even when we know that conducting ourselves that way brings us no result, what it does do is instill in us a measure of resolve.


That's why you don't only vote for the President, but also for national and State legislative seats, and ideally for local seats from an informed basis Local politics is the "farm team" for the folks who'll be making the decisions in ten, twenty years. cn. cn
Yes, the farm team. Well, this doesn't apply to anyone unless you live near me, and you might be able to figure it out. My current major local topic of debate is to annex a gated neighborhood on the outskirts (think maybe a mile outside) of the city limits. This is only to increase tax revenue, but because some of the local mega money living there, it's probably not going to happen, again, for the third time. Yet this is the major issue. Democrats want it to boost revenue but they have failed to realize that with annexing this part of town, It will cost millions more to put them on city services. The private power grid will have to extend into the community, sanitation collection, new police subdivision, and sewer installment. The republicans are opposed (I think because a lot of them live there) because they, themselves, just last year raised the tax value of all homes 15-25% depending on square footage. Now its going to affect their property value significantly. With the cost of homes there, the new city tax will cost them around $5,000-$15,000 every year.

Meanwhile, a Hispanic lady has died in the ER waiting room of the local hospital from a hemorrhage. She couldn't speak english, even though many people in the ER were trying to find aid for this poor woman, she sat there 5 hours. The only answer they got was "We have a policy to serve on a first come basis, unless they arrived in an ambulance." Or murder is up 32% from last year. Burglary has doubled. Yet nobody here seems to touch on those topics. The only thing I like about my state government is, the current governor has actually admitted they fuck up the state economy and will not seek re-election. About time somebody in government is honest. Have to go to my 9-5 but I have much more say on this topic.


Well-Known Member
The great culling, thats a good one. Seems to border the edge of what the Georgia Guide Stone implies. If you really want to know what the people in this world who really have control desire, all you have to do is look at the list. Now, I'm not a believer in the Illuminati, with this whole 13 families control the world. However, I think people need to change that idea into "the people in control are the ones who shape international policies outside of legal channels." International bankers, corporate figure heads, government committees like the council on foreign relations or trilateral commission. Bill Gates and George Soros should have no more of a say in what goes on in government and global agenda, but since they're two of the richest people on the planet, what they say seems to matter more than everyone else. Sorry to be the barer of bad news, but it's all a charade.
The controlling cabal you refer to is the iluminati, or super elites or controllers. Whatever we choose to call them. They are for real and they are the ones in control from behind the curtains or behind the campaign contributions etc and other forms of bribery. Our representatives are utterly corrupt and the minions of this small group who's interests are mutual.