Dems trigger "Nuclear Option"

Fucking uneducated adolescent grease ball.

It burns your ass that there are brown people doing more than you ever will. You are genetically inferior so blame this on your parents. Your nuclear family had the option of raising you differently but it did not happen. This can be either limited resources or limited intelligence but inevitably their apple did not fall far from the tree. Your hate makes me laugh at you gringo. Brown people will push their seed into your gentetics and yes, this will happen eventually and you will be no more.
It burns your ass that there are brown people doing more than you ever will. You are genetically inferior so blame this on your parents. Your nuclear family had the option of raising you differently but it did not happen. This can be either limited resources or limited intelligence but inevitably their apple did not fall far from the tree. Your hate makes me laugh at you gringo. Brown people will push their seed into your gentetics and yes, this will happen eventually and you will be no more.

I'm not full caucasian, grease ball.
You do that Buckie, what else do ya have planed for Friday night?

seeing as how i just got done giving it to my wife again, i plan to watch 'crash' while getting insanely high and drinking some pabst blue ribbon.

i'll probably browse a few rentals on craigslist near the denver area too.
You realize this would mean the end of both races, right? Nah of course you don't, you're a fucking retard.

How can this be possible? You call your president a black man and his mother was white. You recognize everything other than pure white as being the race that contaminated your purity. Brown people do not do this.
How can this be possible? You call your president a black man and his mother was white. You recognize everything other than pure white as being the race that contaminated your purity. Brown people do not do this.

well, to be fair, the "one drop rule" works in reverse when the GOP has a blacker friend, like herman cain.

“Well I have a question. Herman Cain, if he became president, he would be the first black president, when you measure it by — because he doesn’t — does he have a white mother, white father, grandparents, no, right? So Herman Cain, he could say that he’s — he’s — he’s the first, uh — he could make the claim to be the first — yeah, the first Main Street black Republican to be the president of the United States. Right? He’s historic too.”
Until you provide evidence of being on the roll of an indigenous tribe from the US, you are certainly Caucasian no matter how much you want to be something else.

So everyone in the USA who isn't Native American is actually Caucasian?

Yeah just like you guys showed them in 2012 for daring to pass that communist ACA
Well they have managed to secure the house of representatives, the senate will be harder but they'll get it back at some point. With an ageing population the conservatives are better off then the democrats, add to that 2014 is not a us presidential election so turn out will be much lower. Honestly no party can hold the reigns of power for ever, so sooner or later they will be cursing themselves over the rule change.
I know. Its pretty pathetic. This nuclear option is going to be very bad for the liberals. Young people who supported Obama who have not found jobs or have lost their jobs, who are the funding mechanism for Obamacare, are slowly receiving their invoices. Only Democrats voted for this awful law and for the special exemptions for everybody but middle class Americans. The masses who supported this guy and his party won't be fooled again.
Yes they will. Ideology trumps reality every time.
Colombians do not need luck. We are better off on average than your own citizens. Your own average household salaries for citizens is a shade over 51.000 each year. The average for Colombians in the US is a little over 61.000. We live better in your country than your own citizens and this does not involve luck. Colombians in the US are simply wealthier on average than US citizens.
So the wealthier Colombians come to America? Why is that? I'm willing to bet your daughter pays for her education sucking American dick. Yeah, we know you claim you getting it for free. Maybe she just likes sucking American Dick?