Dense buds while alive, fluffy after harvest

So you're saying to cut buds off plant & stick them straight into bags right after you cut them to save trichomes ? Hmmmm
No, that's not what i'm saying.

What i said was telling someone not to do something
that will damage trichomes, and then to give advice
like put dried buds in a bag and shake it
for a few minutes will do the exact same thing. Aka damage the trichomes.
My advice would be to have plenty of light, and the correct growing conditions,
grow the plants until they're mature.
Harvest, trim, or dry then trim, then cure. Taking care not to handle
buds too much as to not lose the valuable trichomes.
Buds grow dense when they're grown under the correct
conditions, and allowed to fully mature. Not because you shake them
in a paperbag.
Thanks Ledhed. I asked for helpful advice and that's what I got from you.

The tupperware was only a temporary storage place and by no means will I keep them in there. I took all my glass to the recycling last week (not thinking ahead that I would need it) so I just need to make spaghetti tonight so I can use that glass.
Thanks Ledhed. I asked for helpful advice and that's what I got from you.

The tupperware was only a temporary storage place and by no means will I keep them in there. I took all my glass to the recycling last week (not thinking ahead that I would need it) so I just need to make spaghetti tonight so I can use that glass.

Thats no good. If you are making spaghetti and not making the sauce, how on earth can we trust you to cure your buds correctly? :wall:

Sorry, I am Italian, had to say it. :) :) :)
What I do before I jar, is put my buds in a brown paper bag & give it a slight shake for a few minutes. Let the buds tumble in the brown paper bag.

Thats sounds stupid!!! Woudlnt you be breaking off trichs by doing that?? you just said to that guy how that is piss poor advice and then you go and say me shaking the buds in a bag sounds even more like piss poor advice.
Here's a novel idea:

We all know chlorophyll in tree leaves (oak, maple, etc.) breaks down in the fall due to lower temperatures, which allows the other colored pigments in the leaves to reveal themselves (red, yellow, and orange). If one of the main purposes of the curing stage is to allow for the breakdown of chlorophyll, wouldn't putting the curing buds in the fridge help the chlorophyll break down faster? Me thinks yes.
I never shake my buds, good way to lose trichs. I only use paper bags if I harvest during the more humid summer months because your typical brown paper shopping bag sucks moisure out quite easily. My personal preferred method is the old tried and true hanging, or on wire racks, for a few days, then directly into glass jars for the actual cure. There are a lot of different methods, and everyone has their own preferences, but to me, a few days of exposure to air, then in jars, works the best. I've never put a fan on my bud after harvesting, don't really get that. Maybe because after months of growing and TLC, I see no need to try to rush the most important part of obtaining quality smoke. I have used paper bags, but again, only in summer when the humidity in my region is extremely high. All this talk of shaking and "shaping" buds, to me, is ridiculous.

best avatar on this site ever lol
It's amazing that the makers of the site can look through it ,and delete stuff that they dont feel is appropriate.. OK WELL someone needs to tell them that they need to look out for stupidity and deleted all the nonsense.. (LIKE IF U WANT DENSE BUDS PUT THE FRESH WET BUDS IN A BAG AND SHAPE EM TO YOUR LIKING FOR THE(SMOOTH BUD LOOK) LOLOLOL LOL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. my goodness but anyways the problem lies with all this bad information. Theres lots of new growers that come to this site for help and what I wrote above is the advice being giving lololol. Like I said, I think rollitup need to scan for stupidity. Peace out and good luck growing!! REMEMBER KIDS. IF U WANT BUDS TO LOOK HOW THERE SUPPOSED TO THEN LET THEM GO THE DESIRED TIME AND YOU WILL HAVE DISPENSARY TYPE NUGGET. PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR PLANT THAT UH WORKED HARD ON GROWING AND SHAPE THE BUDS IN A BAG OR SHAKE THE BUDS IN BAGS LOL READ A BOOK. DONT TAKE ADVICE FROM NEW GROWERS TRYING TO PROVE THERE MASTER GROWERS TO EVERYONE.. HAPPY GROWING
It's amazing that the makers of the site can look through it ,and delete stuff that they dont feel is appropriate.. OK WELL someone needs to tell them that they need to look out for stupidity and deleted all the nonsense.. (LIKE IF U WANT DENSE BUDS PUT THE FRESH WET BUDS IN A BAG AND SHAPE EM TO YOUR LIKING FOR THE(SMOOTH BUD LOOK) LOLOLOL LOL WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS WORLD. my goodness but anyways the problem lies with all this bad information. Theres lots of new growers that come to this site for help and what I wrote above is the advice being giving lololol. Like I said, I think rollitup need to scan for stupidity. Peace out and good luck growing!! REMEMBER KIDS. IF U WANT BUDS TO LOOK HOW THERE SUPPOSED TO THEN LET THEM GO THE DESIRED TIME AND YOU WILL HAVE DISPENSARY TYPE NUGGET. PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR PLANT THAT UH WORKED HARD ON GROWING AND SHAPE THE BUDS IN A BAG OR SHAKE THE BUDS IN BAGS LOL READ A BOOK. DONT TAKE ADVICE FROM NEW GROWERS TRYING TO PROVE THERE MASTER GROWERS TO EVERYONE.. HAPPY GROWING
Or new growers could just check the date of the thread/comments and weed out the decade+ old threads. The general quality of information has risen greatly here since then, but you still see idiots telling people to flush their plants and harvest when they see 5% amber trichomes. It's up to the grower to seek out the correct information by reading as much as possible, and talking to people here who actually post quality grow journals, etc.
Iv been noticing the last few people to bring up decade old thread were up to no good.
Old post still a hugh problem.. lol up to no good for bring up an old post?? Not sure I understand that one.. was just commenting on a subject . Old post new post. Dont matter. The info is still what people read and they need to know it's still bad advice even 10 yrs later.. btw I didnt realize the post was that old
Problem is answer is as close as “ search bar “ but most will just create another and another thread on “ flushing “ or “ is it done yet “ ?

No matter the info it still falls in your lap to do it or not.
Why hang dry, then bag them? Paper bags themselves absorb a ton of moisture, that is the main reason for using them. It helps to speed up the actual hang drying time for those with little patience, or those in a more humid climate. Just my opinion, but hanging to dry, then bagging them would result in overdrying before the actual cure. Just my opinion here, do what you think is best

Totally agree. Hang dry in the same environment you cure in. 60ish % humidity at low to mid room temps, in a dark place. Usually 10 to 14 days, sometimes a few more because keeping the humidity under 70 is difficult for the first few days. Even when it's only 25-35% outside (CO in Oct). If you grow a lot, you can dry them close together and intermittently rotate them to get an even dry. Or if you are rich, buy a humidifier and dehumidifier, and a hygrometer switch and dry your bud in a humidor. Check out BuildASoil on YouTube, keywords: dry, cure.
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Putting weed in paper bags was what you did back when weed was 5% THC. Times have changed thanks to Jorge Cervantes and now channels like BuildASoil on youtube.