depersonalization and derealization


Well-Known Member
I'm professionally inclined more towards psychodynamic therapies, over the more behavioral ones. Existentialism is something I rather enjoy working bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
TY? are you still with us buddy?
Don't get me wrong, I like Ty, he's young brash, fulla vinegar and intelligent enough to be funny. That said, he starts outlandish threads and bails; later he comes back and says he was yanking us for fun. That's cool, and I like the spunk................wait for it.......................however, I don't believe anything he says, esp when it gets to the "sensitive" areas. My vote is he's yanking chains again

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
My cure all is a cap of bleach in a half cup of warm water, instead of mouthwash, gargle daily. I got that from a WW2 vet that had to handle a lot of corpses. Even my eyesite, memory and overall health has improved since I started doing this. no more lung problems, gut problems, hair is shiny and new looking. No more anxiety, sleepless nights etc. I feel like a teenager again, before the problem started.
I stopped trusting doctors when I was almost in the grave 9 years ago.
Thank god for old war vets. They saved my life.
I have a freind that suffered the same way. He has a brother who is a doctor so he wouldn't listen to the advice from the old vet. We buried him last june at age 49. I would like to note that my buddy didn't smoke weed.


Well-Known Member
TY? are you still with us buddy?
Yeah lol i was actually trying to get a job welding

I'm gonna stop smoking weed until I get with a doc and iam looking into a juicer and thanks for the help y'all I thought no one whould reply I do hike alot and I'm thinking about college football or simi pro because I played football since I was little so thats at least something to think about maybe not simi pro but I chould go to college and try out I just need to work out again cuz my big ass skull crushers turned into granny arms lol

But iam still gonna grow and hang out with y'all cuz one y'all are pretty cool and to me growing was entertaining and a little traputic


Well-Known Member
Yeah lol i was actually trying to get a job welding

I'm gonna stop smoking weed until I get with a doc and iam looking into a juicer and thanks for the help y'all I thought no one whould reply I do hike alot and I'm thinking about college football or simi pro because I played football since I was little so thats at least something to think about maybe not simi pro but I chould go to college and try out I just need to work out again cuz my big ass skull crushers turned into granny arms lol

But iam still gonna grow and hang out with y'all cuz one y'all are pretty cool and to me growing was entertaining and a little traputic
so you're trolling us?


Well-Known Member
No this is the guy that has that gay lil brother that beat up the tweeker bully because he wanted to up his swag! But turns out he's still a pussy!!

Lmao that was the funniest post I seen on here

But this isn't a outlandish thread I'm actually serious about this but that was actually pretty fucking funny but I'm still gonna give Dustin special K mixed with meth and molly and watch him trip balls ( that was a real joke ) I don't feel as moody as I did when I made this thread but I still kinda have a foggy mind set but iam working on it with the advice y'all said

Oh and FUCK YOU I whould report that one post but thats kinda a dick move lol and it didn't piss me off I actually liked it cuz it was kinda funny I like witty responses even if its towards me