deported??? wtf

what is with the canadian government why is ok to take a mans money on taxes from selling seeds witch was reported on his tax forms and now they will through him to the ravenous pack of wolves called the DEA and is going to spend 6 to 10 years in prison in the states why is it so hard for our government to stand up for our own people this is slowly becoming a police state and im sure i cant be to only one that has a problem with this.if mark emery sold seeds from canada then shouldn't he be prosacuted in canada? and since the maximum sentence todate in canada is 1 month in jail and 1 year probation is this not just a little bit of over kill??
its not known widely by the public but we are already bush and dulton miginty signed the treaty last march but it dosent mean anything until they can get the people to agree and its just a matter of time


Well-Known Member
I have not been paying attn. Are they now giving him up to the americans? I know it has been an ongoing battle but just not sure where it's at?


Well-Known Member
Yeah that is complete bullshit. Is there any news on if he has had multiple warnings from the Canadian government?

Also if any of that money made can be linked to terrorism he is fucked. (Like a terrorist buys it and makes money off of growing it still bullshit, but I am just saying he would be boned).

And is it finalized?


Well-Known Member
this is just a snipet from his site.
Marc is expected to be sentenced in the Seattle Federal Court of Ricardo Martinez on Monday, September 21, and the plea agreement is for a 5 year sentence. Our rallies in support of Marc will be on Saturday, September 19.


Well-Known Member
I guess we know who really rules over Canada eh? Canada is not part of the British, its now a lackey of the States, and here you all thought it was a sovereign nation. Personally I live really really close to Canada and have relatives there and If I were a Canadian, I would be ANGRY AS HELL. Its not illegal to sell seeds in Canada. Just like its not Illegal to make bootleg copies of movies and Music in the middle east, yet you don't see any UAE citizens being extradited over here to face copyright infringement.


Well-Known Member
I live really really close to the U.S. Feels even closer now. I'm starting to worry about my outdoor stuff not that I planted this year but in general. There is a predator in the skies now!


Well-Known Member
I guess we know who really rules over Canada eh? Canada is not part of the British, its now a lackey of the States, and here you all thought it was a sovereign nation. Personally I live really really close to Canada and have relatives there and If I were a Canadian, I would be ANGRY AS HELL. Its not illegal to sell seeds in Canada. Just like its not Illegal to make bootleg copies of movies and Music in the middle east, yet you don't see any UAE citizens being extradited over here to face copyright infringement.
No we just collect cab drivers and toss them into a hole, with a few waterboardings to get enough 'evidence' to keep them there forever.

We can be very disgusting.
this is just a snipet from his site.
Marc is expected to be sentenced in the Seattle Federal Court of Ricardo Martinez on Monday, September 21, and the plea agreement is for a 5 year sentence. Our rallies in support of Marc will be on Saturday, September 19.
ur right its just a bit but i wrote this after i seen him speak in london on his farewell tour and IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO SELL SEEDS IN THIS COUNTRY but that being said there have been very few cases in the courts and the ones that have. were fines and probation and 1 month in jail
Yeah that is complete bullshit. Is there any news on if he has had multiple warnings from the Canadian government?

Also if any of that money made can be linked to terrorism he is fucked. (Like a terrorist buys it and makes money off of growing it still bullshit, but I am just saying he would be boned).

And is it finalized?
the gov never warned him they took his money in incometax as i understand it the papers stated marijuana seed retail so id have to say no


New Member
If he had only sold in Canada and from within Canada, the DEA would have left him alone. Once he started selling across the border.... then antennas were raised. The reason they go the tax route is because under that scope, they can look at EVERYTHING you have ever purchased. A real crack in the door to pursue other avenues.


Well-Known Member
Look what they did to Tommy chong. Once the gay u.s. Has u in thier sites, they will do whatever to get you.


Well-Known Member
I think the word you're looking for is "extradicted", not "deported"... he's a Canadian citizen, they can't just deport him, lol.


Well-Known Member
This country (Canada) has gone to the dogs over the last few years. I used to be a conservative with the idea in mind that they stood for small government. Nothing could be further from the truth with this lot!

Now they have passed the bill which means minimum sentencing of 6 months for anyone growing 1 - 199 plants. It just has to pass the senate which is stalling it because they are hoping there will be an election before they have to sign it. Retarded; not to mention guess how many plants I am gonna be growing if that becomes the case :)

The liberal parties elected MP's backed the conservative government on that bill so as much as I hate the bastards I am going to vote NDP (think crazy socialists without a clue) as they at least believe in legalizing our precious commodity :)

I used to have US envy but no offense it ain't much better. I am so sick of the government sticking their nose into every tiny aspect of my life. Go away already and mind your own business!

The current prime minister here is the same twat who was urging (as the opposition leader) the then prime minister to blindly follow the US in to Iraq at the beginning!


Well-Known Member
199!! Sounds good to me. What if everyone in canada that grows weed would all go turn themselves in with 1 plant all on the same day all across canada? They would be better off rounding up everyone who doesn't grow...less work space. But no really what would they do? jails are full now already.


New Member
I think the question for Canada would be..... How can a country so big with such a small population to fill it with, end up so anal and regulatory?

Such a large amount of control on such a small population......


Well-Known Member
Simple, we copied the Nazi's and the Americans :P

I'm hoping that everything is cyclical and it will all swing the other way some day.. doubtful but hopeful.

We should force all of them to watch every episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit! before they pass laws lol