Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

Damn dude, are you sure those are OG? What happened to little golf ball nugs everywhere? Those things are THICK!! Keep jammin' til payday.

I know. As someone else pointed out, would a true OG really grow like that?

Well as far as OG plant structure characteristics are concerned, I'm pretty familiar. The buds usually ARE more individual in appearance and are spaced a little wider apart... The buds themselves are recognizeably OG, but the way they are spaced on the plant is super stout and chubby... I think it might be due in part to the extreme grow environment they're getting. One thing is for sure, the smell puts all doubts to rest.
I actually like Louis XIII a lot. It's a very heavy stone. OG's with male names? Have you looked into Charlie Sheen OG? I've heard the name tossed about, but don't know what it is. Probably somethin they just made up... but funny.

I'm pretty close to harvest myself. So when I'm done, I'm gonna check back with you and that other guy (Sleezy) growing Fire. I think we OG growers need to stick together.

I was thinking of starting a group...(exclusively for og growers).....
The og snobs sounds like a catchy name....

Allot people are not too familiar with its characteristics....
I can tell once uve grown og thiers no mistaking it ....
Your stuff is no doubt og ..

Charlie sheen is just some bullshit gimmmick ....i only deal with real cuts....
Will chat later....
I was thinking of starting a group...(exclusively for og growers).....
The og snobs sounds like a catchy name....

Allot people are not too familiar with its characteristics....
I can tell once uve grown og thiers no mistaking it ....
Your stuff is no doubt og ..

Charlie sheen is just some bullshit gimmmick ....i only deal with real cuts....
Will chat later....

Hey, an OG grower club... that sounds pretty cool. Count me in. I don't grow anything else either.

Yeah, sometimes it's hard to sift through all the fake name cuts to what's the real deal.
Hey I figured out how to use my digital camera and I took some new pics for ya! This is from Flower Day 47.
Here in the valley I have run across, Skywalker OG, SFV OG, TAHOE OG, Fire OG, $100 OG, Platinum OG, Diablo OG, Larry OG, Herojuana OG, Henry VIII OG, obama OG, sheen OG The Hills OG....I wanna grow alllllll of them because Im an OG GROWER ya digg? Los Scandalous OG (made that up)
Hey I figured out how to use my digital camera and I took some new pics for ya! This is from Flower Day 47.

Oh fuckin' yeah, hoss. That is MUCH better photo quality. Yeah, just as I thought, I want to smoke that when it's done.

Can you believe it? I'm high out of my mind on my dried prune trimmings. It's a very, very speedy, rush high because of the lack of maturity, but MAN I'm high. I think the real stuff is gonna be fuckin' lethal.
Here in the valley I have run across, Skywalker OG, SFV OG, TAHOE OG, Fire OG, $100 OG, Platinum OG, Diablo OG, Larry OG, Herojuana OG, Henry VIII OG, obama OG, sheen OG The Hills OG....I wanna grow alllllll of them because Im an OG GROWER ya digg? Los Scandalous OG (made that up)

How come there ain't no "Original Gangsta OG?" That would be like OG OG. Crazy shit. Lol. Can I call mine OG OG Kush?
Oh fuckin' yeah, hoss. That is MUCH better photo quality. Yeah, just as I thought, I want to smoke that when it's done.

Can you believe it? I'm high out of my mind on my dried prune trimmings. It's a very, very speedy, rush high because of the lack of maturity, but MAN I'm high. I think the real stuff is gonna be fuckin' lethal.

You lil cheater! I won't dare to touch anything until Day 60! But im glad your having fun!
Hey I figured out how to use my digital camera and I took some new pics for ya! This is from Flower Day 47.

lord, about how much do you estimate yopu will get from these 2 plants and how large is your grow room exactly???...thanks bud, looking awesome!
lord, about how much do you estimate yopu will get from these 2 plants and how large is your grow room exactly???...thanks bud, looking awesome!

Ha ha. Do you have Sleezy's and my plants mixed up? I think you replied to his posted comment. Lol.

As far as yield goes, an average will land me anywhere from 12-14 zips. A particularly outstanding yield (like my last grow) a shade over the magical pound mark. As far as these two here? I try not to guess or hope to much.... I have too much experience with this. So now I'm just chillin' and letting it ride out and happy to weigh whatever it comes to when they're dry. But I'll have a detailed harvest/yield report...
You lil cheater! I won't dare to touch anything until Day 60! But im glad your having fun!

No, no. I have absolutely not touched any of the real buds with swollen glands. These were just those pesky, scrawny things that only a complete noob would leave on his plants. Real throw-away stuff... or so I thought. Something told me to just leave those sickly branches on my bookshelf to dry. So glad I didn't toss 'em. It has saved me another $100 trip to the dispensary.
Funny little story to go with tonight's update. I had a minor domestic dispute here on the home front that brought five very large police officers into my living room tonight. Don't worry, it was just a stupid misunderstanding and everything is kosher now. So the cops being here ended up as almost a social call.

We got to chatting about cats, photography (one of the cop's relatives is a photographer)... just making common small talk. Then the officer I presumed to be the highest in rank asks if he can have a look inside my cab. I rushed over there with a head jerk and flung open the doors. They stood there, five over six foot uniformed cops with their jaws open. One of them said that with these small residential grows, he is NOT used to seeing such magnificent plants and such a high-tech, clean system. I made them all clarify that in all their experience so far as cops, mine is the BEST residential grow they've seen. They said hands down as I pumped my fist in victory. One of them said he even wanted to take a picture to show some of the guys back at the station he was so impressed... but then he stopped and said, "but you probably wouldn't be comfortable with that." I laughed and actually slapped him on the shoulder. Then I said, "Can I just step back a few feet and take in this scene? I wish I could have a picture of you guys staring at my plants." We all had a good laugh and wished each other a pleasant evening.

What can I say? I just have a way with cops.







Tonight's avatar change and update is dedicated to the Los Angeles Police Department. Peace and good growing.
Better cut them down and stash em! Dirty lil pigs! I wouldn't ever trust 50. Your nutz! How in the hell did they know you had dank in there? Did you show them your license? Crazy Crazy Crazy! I don't tell anyone but 2-3 friends at most! They wanted to take a pic for evidence for a warrant! To arrest you for those two plants of yours! Then they would take em and store it for when they have vacation for 30 days, smoke all your OG and laugh it up! My boy is a pig and thats what he does. Stashes all the weed he catches people smoking in public, lets them go with a warning and brings home the dank. Last time he had half a pound stored up!
Better cut them down and stash em! Dirty lil pigs! I wouldn't ever trust 50. Your nutz! How in the hell did they know you had dank in there? Did you show them your license? Crazy Crazy Crazy! I don't tell anyone but 2-3 friends at most! They wanted to take a pic for evidence for a warrant! To arrest you for those two plants of yours! Then they would take em and store it for when they have vacation for 30 days, smoke all your OG and laugh it up! My boy is a pig and thats what he does. Stashes all the weed he catches people smoking in public, lets them go with a warning and brings home the dank. Last time he had half a pound stored up!

There isn't a damn law out there stops cops from tricking you and lying to you. I would never let cops look at my grow, that is just way too risky.
Gotta love Cali :) Most Police officers in this state are starting to get a pretty good grasp of what constitutes a crime. Most police officers that I have dealt with, are either completely laissez-faire when it comes to chronic, or over emphatic with the whole "I used to smoke in the eighties, dude" act. Let's keep it that way :)

Lord, I know you're a die-hard OG fan, which means you can tolerate kushes, so I'm just going to ask. Have you heard of Plushberry? It's TGA's first Kush strain, which was just released this year, and sold out within seven hours of release. Anyways, supposed to be the best smelling stuff he's ever grown. And, it turns pink at room temp. Lucky for us, we were able to get seeds. Anyways, if you're looking for a life-long keeper kush strain, that some say is unmatched in flavor, check out PB:


Definitely one of those strains you grow, jar up, and never tell a soul about. Weed that good must not end up in the wrong hands :)

Aside from that, I'm nearly surprised that I am actually noticing growth day by day. You are making headway, fast. On top of that, those buds like effin' primo. Definitely an OG, I was just giving you a hard time for having such gnarly plants. They have that classic OG bud formation to them, and they seem to be favoring the main stems for production. I'm sure the smell is a dead giveaway too. I just picked up some Woody Kush that smells like some OG Kush that just spend all day laboring in a wood shop. Gonna smoke some now for the first time. Keep on truckin' pal.
There isn't a damn law out there stops cops from tricking you and lying to you. I would never let cops look at my grow, that is just way too risky.

Tricking him in to doing what? Admitting that he possesses plants, legally, well under the limits and within the guidelines of state law and a doctor's prescription? It would be a waste of time for any cop to attempt to build a case on someone who is breaking no state law whatsoever. it's Cali. If you're prop 215 compliant, and you have two plants in your house, there is really nothing they could do. I guess they could call the feds and bring the DEA in, but I'm not sure if they would consider busting a medically compliant two plant grow worthwhile. Good thing it's 2011, right?
Better cut them down and stash em! Dirty lil pigs! I wouldn't ever trust 50. Your nutz! How in the hell did they know you had dank in there? Did you show them your license? Crazy Crazy Crazy! I don't tell anyone but 2-3 friends at most! They wanted to take a pic for evidence for a warrant! To arrest you for those two plants of yours! Then they would take em and store it for when they have vacation for 30 days, smoke all your OG and laugh it up! My boy is a pig and thats what he does. Stashes all the weed he catches people smoking in public, lets them go with a warning and brings home the dank. Last time he had half a pound stored up!

Dude, don't get me wrong. I appreciate and understand your concern, and it was something of an effort to shake those old fears of police, but I have largely let my fear of cops go. Their visit was completely unrelated to my grow. My manager knows about it. You can even smell it from outside. They did. And so they knew about it even before I mentioned it to them outside. I CANNOT hide this smell even if I piggy-backed three carbon scrubbers. Since there is nothing I can do really to hide this, I put it out in the open as much as possible. This is something I can't hide physically, so I don't try to hide it socially. I fully embrace that there is absolutely nothing illegal or even unlawful about what I am doing. You wouldn't be seeing my journal posted on my IP address at home if I didn't truly feel this way... And it took many years of just spectating at RIU before I finally took the plunge, so I still had a little paranoia going not that long ago. California has changed. Cops are our friends. The sooner we start truly believing that and living that way, the more cannabis will be brought out into the open... and the greater likelihood towards full legalization.

When head officer joked about taking a picture. He was JOKING. There was absolutely no tension in the air AT ALL. I even slapped him on the back. Technically it's still illegal by Federal standards. But regular beat cops hate it when feds try to muscle in on their turf. What you see in the movies about cops hating feds isn't that much of an exaggeration of real life. The cops feel that they are in control of the marijuana situation in California... and they want to keep it that way. They are completely, and I mean completely as compliant with state law as the rest of us. Believe it, brother. I'm actually glad for what happened tonight. It was a great test for me to actually see for myself if what I'm doing is legal. It is. I shit you not, they were COMPLIMENTING me on my grow and warning me not to tell ANYONE about it to avoid the remote chance of a home invasion.

I'm telling you bro, LA cops are different now and they're not all bad. It's just a tough stereotype these guys have to deal with. They have a bad rep, but they deal with a rough crowd.


OH, and the coolest cop, the biggest guy, was wearing a short-sleeved uniform that showed some kind of wicked looking dragon tattoo on his right arm.