Diablo OG In Dual Monster Plant System

There isn't a damn law out there stops cops from tricking you and lying to you. I would never let cops look at my grow, that is just way too risky.

Look at my lengthy response regarding cops. It could just be my part of the city, but I doubt it. State Law is State Law. I didn't even have to show them my rec.
Gotta love Cali :) Most Police officers in this state are starting to get a pretty good grasp of what constitutes a crime. Most police officers that I have dealt with, are either completely laissez-faire when it comes to chronic, or over emphatic with the whole "I used to smoke in the eighties, dude" act. Let's keep it that way :)

Lord, I know you're a die-hard OG fan, which means you can tolerate kushes, so I'm just going to ask. Have you heard of Plushberry? It's TGA's first Kush strain, which was just released this year, and sold out within seven hours of release. Anyways, supposed to be the best smelling stuff he's ever grown. And, it turns pink at room temp. Lucky for us, we were able to get seeds. Anyways, if you're looking for a life-long keeper kush strain, that some say is unmatched in flavor, check out PB:


Definitely one of those strains you grow, jar up, and never tell a soul about. Weed that good must not end up in the wrong hands :)

Aside from that, I'm nearly surprised that I am actually noticing growth day by day. You are making headway, fast. On top of that, those buds like effin' primo. Definitely an OG, I was just giving you a hard time for having such gnarly plants. They have that classic OG bud formation to them, and they seem to be favoring the main stems for production. I'm sure the smell is a dead giveaway too. I just picked up some Woody Kush that smells like some OG Kush that just spend all day laboring in a wood shop. Gonna smoke some now for the first time. Keep on truckin' pal.

Yeah, I love Cali, man. I feel 'free' at last... well, almost. But compared to scoring weed on a street corner looking out for black and whites? Heaven.

Thanks for noticing my progress. I'll have to check out that Plush Berry. Yeah, I love Kushes too. Master is a classic standby as well.

Woody Kush? Maybe I've been a little hard on exotic crosses. I want that.
Tricking him in to doing what? Admitting that he possesses plants, legally, well under the limits and within the guidelines of state law and a doctor's prescription? It would be a waste of time for any cop to attempt to build a case on someone who is breaking no state law whatsoever. it's Cali. If you're prop 215 compliant, and you have two plants in your house, there is really nothing they could do. I guess they could call the feds and bring the DEA in, but I'm not sure if they would consider busting a medically compliant two plant grow worthwhile. Good thing it's 2011, right?


And again, as i said somewhere else, cops and feds are not best friends AT ALL. Cops want feds far away from their jurisdiction, so yeah, they're not gonna call the Dea for anything... let alone a small time state compliant dude like me.

And you know what? Eric Holder just has to say certain things in public, but even HE knows that state compliant folks growing two plants in file cabinets are not a concern. In fact in a very real sense, it's small growers like US who are the real threat to cartels trafficking marijuana in bulk across our borders. So you see? Why would they want to bust us, when we're part of the solution...NOT the problem.
And you know what? Eric Holder just has to say certain things in public, but even HE knows that state compliant folks growing two plants in file cabinets are not a concern. In fact in a very real sense, it's small growers like US who are the real threat to cartels trafficking marijuana in bulk across our borders. So you see? Why would they want to bust us, when we're part of the solution...NOT the problem.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner :)
Tricking him in to doing what? Admitting that he possesses plants, legally, well under the limits and within the guidelines of state law and a doctor's prescription? It would be a waste of time for any cop to attempt to build a case on someone who is breaking no state law whatsoever. it's Cali. If you're prop 215 compliant, and you have two plants in your house, there is really nothing they could do. I guess they could call the feds and bring the DEA in, but I'm not sure if they would consider busting a medically compliant two plant grow worthwhile. Good thing it's 2011, right?

Yeah I do see your point. I have had a lot of bad experiences with the police in the past, especially when I was a skater. I have never trusted police as they have tricked friends into saying things they shouldn't have--even saying that everything said was off the record (which of course it isn't).

So you have to excuse me when I say this. I've been yelled at by cops, cuffed by cops, kicked around by cops, all for stupid reasons. I'm tired of it. And it might just be my area but I'm not sure I will ever truly trust a cop.

All the more power to you, Lordjin, if you can openly show off your grow to the po po. Must be a good feeling.
I'm actually glad for what happened tonight. It was a great test for me to actually see for myself if what I'm doing is legal. It is. I shit you not, they were COMPLIMENTING me on my grow and warning me not to tell ANYONE about it to avoid the remote chance of a home invasion.

I'm telling you bro, LA cops are different now and they're not all bad. It's just a tough stereotype these guys have to deal with. They have a bad rep, but they deal with a rough crowd.

There it is.


I know exactly how you feel. I'm not so open about it per say, but it has nothing to do with fear of police. That shit they said about home invasions is no joke.

There's a group of police that get a bad reputation and don't deserve it. There's another crowd that does. That one, however, is just a product of the always present human malfeasance. So, assuming that most Police Officers are just normal people with normal ideals like me and you, one would conclude that a law abiding citizen and a law enforcer are a perfect match for best friends. You were a law abiding citizen in the presence of law enforcers. What's sketch about that? It's two parts sanity, one part beating around the bush. And it works, for now. The next step is legalization. In which case I see the golden goose being slaughtered, and served up on a platter to mega corporations. Dank weed will never die, but the golden goose will. Maybe, if you're good enough at growing, you can have a little silver, or copper goose :)

Am I making sense? No? :)
Yeah I do see your point. I have had a lot of bad experiences with the police in the past, especially when I was a skater. I have never trusted police as they have tricked friends into saying things they shouldn't have--even saying that everything said was off the record (which of course it isn't).

So you have to excuse me when I say this. I've been yelled at by cops, cuffed by cops, kicked around by cops, all for stupid reasons. I'm tired of it. And it might just be my area but I'm not sure I will ever truly trust a cop.

All the more power to you, Lordjin, if you can openly show off your grow to the po po. Must be a good feeling.

I can dig what you are saying, hoss. And I am truly sorry for your bad encounters with the uniformed. And if you have skater in your history, all the worse. I too have been on the receiving end of the hard fist of the law myself in my slightly checkered past, but I have made a conscious effort to truly live by what the law says it is. Again, this was a great test for me, and I feel I have jumped a hurdle. I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a little nervous at seeing that uniformed goon-squad outside my door, but I remained cool and confident and just was dying to see what that golden certificate I got from the doctor is really worth. I didn't even have to take it out. It's all about the good rapport you establish with them. I was a punk kid too, but as an older guy now, I feel more confident with them as the laws are written in California.

Thanks, bro. After tonight, I feel just that much more confident about my legality.
There it is.


I know exactly how you feel. I'm not so open about it per say, but it has nothing to do with fear of police. That shit they said about home invasions is no joke.

There's a group of police that get a bad reputation and don't deserve it. There's another crowd that does. That one, however, is just a product of the always present human malfeasance. So, assuming that most Police Officers are just normal people with normal ideals like me and you, one would conclude that a law abiding citizen and a law enforcer are a perfect match for best friends. You were a law abiding citizen in the presence of law enforcers. What's sketch about that? It's two parts sanity, one part beating around the bush. And it works, for now. The next step is legalization. In which case I see the golden goose being slaughtered, and served up on a platter to mega corporations. Dank weed will never die, but the golden goose will. Maybe, if you're good enough at growing, you can have a little silver, or copper goose :)

Am I making sense? No? :)

I can be pretty open about it (I have to since you can smell it from outside), but if you saw the layout of my apartment complex and saw how my place is situated in said complex, you'd see that I have a pretty good situation in terms of security... which is hugely important.

Exactly. When I'm in the presence of the law, this former rebellious youth who used to spit on the idea of cops, puts on his Captain Law-abiding Citizen costume. Cops love that. You lavish them with respect of their authority and they won't fuck with you... you end up talking about your grow with them... Weird experience... and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

and about weed becoming corporate? I could be very wrong, but somehow I think you and I will be dead before we see that. A black Jewish lesbian will be president at that time too.
Yeah I do see your point. I have had a lot of bad experiences with the police in the past, especially when I was a skater. I have never trusted police as they have tricked friends into saying things they shouldn't have--even saying that everything said was off the record (which of course it isn't).

So you have to excuse me when I say this. I've been yelled at by cops, cuffed by cops, kicked around by cops, all for stupid reasons. I'm tired of it. And it might just be my area but I'm not sure I will ever truly trust a cop.

All the more power to you, Lordjin, if you can openly show off your grow to the po po. Must be a good feeling.

Hey man, I've been there too. Did some dirt. Had my run-ins. I'm just level headed enough to chalk that up to me being an insolent little bastard of a teenager, and realize that nowadays, cops are my friend. I see you're from the Bay, so I feel you on the whole "area" thing. I'm from Sac, and things get really fucking hairy on my block. If I get pulled over, I almost always get the feeling as if the cop is thinking "Thank God, this guy isn't some tweaker all twacked out on the road without a valid licence". If anyone is going to protect my grow besides me, it's the police. Provided our Pitbull doesn't eviscerate the culprits. I know where you're coming from, and I felt that way well in to my early twenties. It took a while, but I've shaken my hatred. Aside from the occasional pedal-smash through a yellow light, I don't break the law. Because of this, I attract little to no police attraction. If you're selling it, they'll buy it. In time my man, you'll come around :) It's a shitty job and I commend them for doing what they do. Some of them are assholes, but that's just because some people are assholes, and some people are cops. Charge it to chaos theory. Be easy :)
and about weed becoming corporate? I could be very wrong, but somehow I think you and I will be dead before we see that. A black Jewish lesbian will be president at that time too.

As much as I love all the old fucks and all their shitty logic, I realize that they don't have much time left. Once they die off, shit's going down son! It's science. Science prevails. Cannabis is medicine. I know that, and you know that. I estimate we're under the 10 year mark. That's what is so great about the technology boom. Information flow. This shit is evolving faster than we can understand it. Because of this, everyone will truly understand cannabis at sometime before our collapse. At the going rate, no hasty revision of the bible can prepare for what scientific advances in the next few decades will explain. My two cents!
Hey man, I've been there too. Did some dirt. Had my run-ins. I'm just level headed enough to chalk that up to me being an insolent little bastard of a teenager, and realize that nowadays, cops are my friend. I see you're from the Bay, so I feel you on the whole "area" thing. I'm from Sac, and things get really fucking hairy on my block. If I get pulled over, I almost always get the feeling as if the cop is thinking "Thank God, this guy isn't some tweaker all twacked out on the road without a valid licence". If anyone is going to protect my grow besides me, it's the police. Provided our Pitbull doesn't eviscerate the culprits. I know where you're coming from, and I felt that way well in to my early twenties. It took a while, but I've shaken my hatred. Aside from the occasional pedal-smash through a yellow light, I don't break the law. Because of this, I attract little to no police attraction. If you're selling it, they'll buy it. In time my man, you'll come around :) It's a shitty job and I commend them for doing what they do. Some of them are assholes, but that's just because some people are assholes, and some people are cops. Charge it to chaos theory. Be easy :)

Well said, good man. :clap:

Why do I get the feeling that all these journals are just a buncha old guys who used to be punk kids?
Well said, good man. :clap:

Why do I get the feeling that all these journals are just a buncha old guys who used to be punk kids?

Haha, for sure. I wouldn't consider myself an old guy, but I definitely couldn't tell you any of my high school teacher's names.
Haha, for sure. I wouldn't consider myself an old guy, but I definitely couldn't tell you any of my high school teacher's names.

Hey, we're only as old as we feel. Man, you're scaring me with that high school teacher's name shit. I can't remember a single one, either, now that you mention it...
Hey man, I've been there too. Did some dirt. Had my run-ins. I'm just level headed enough to chalk that up to me being an insolent little bastard of a teenager, and realize that nowadays, cops are my friend. I see you're from the Bay, so I feel you on the whole "area" thing. I'm from Sac, and things get really fucking hairy on my block. If I get pulled over, I almost always get the feeling as if the cop is thinking "Thank God, this guy isn't some tweaker all twacked out on the road without a valid licence". If anyone is going to protect my grow besides me, it's the police. Provided our Pitbull doesn't eviscerate the culprits. I know where you're coming from, and I felt that way well in to my early twenties. It took a while, but I've shaken my hatred. Aside from the occasional pedal-smash through a yellow light, I don't break the law. Because of this, I attract little to no police attraction. If you're selling it, they'll buy it. In time my man, you'll come around :) It's a shitty job and I commend them for doing what they do. Some of them are assholes, but that's just because some people are assholes, and some people are cops. Charge it to chaos theory. Be easy :)

I think I might see your point, with time. As of right now, however, it is really difficult for me to not hate the police. Long story short, bad cops basically locked up two of my friends in prison, and I almost had to go in along with them. It's a fucked up situation and I would probably be in prison too right now if I hadn't taken a second look at my life and turned it around.

Now I'm going to University on a full scholarship and although it was a fucked up situation, caused entirely by cops, I've taken to believing that people are better off living good lives as they see fit. To be honest I would be happy if they did away with the entire police force in my area. In some countries in Europe it is mandatory to own a gun and the crime rates there are much much lower than America's and they have nothing close to our police forces--or should I say armies. Not to mention, the police union in my city is demanding 90% pensions... NOBODY gets 90% of their salary in retirement in the private sector, so why should cops? The money that they demand is taken away from our poor ass schools--meaning dumber generations in the future. It's really disheartening when police have directly almost ruined my life and then indirectly ruined almost countless others. It's frustrating, really.

But I'm not trying to hijack jin's thread by any means I just wanted to explain my extreme distrust (for a time, hatred) of police. I guess it's just something I have to work on.
You showed the cops your grow.???..lol
probly a good idea since u say its easy to smell....
I have nothing against cops.... but i wouldnt trust em....
I hvnt always been a legal member ...(had a rec)...
And cops in la dont rally care about marijuana cause its a misdemeanor...
Legally there is nothing they can do .. So there was no real reason to fear them...
Ive been busted before .. because of mj and it led to imprisonment.... and i live in cali ...(only for several days.lol)
The smell of the marijuana led/ gave the probable cause to search me ....
And back then i had other illegal substance on me....
I was stupid then and didnt understand the law ...
But now i understand my rights and legally can have so much mj with me....
Ive been caught rcently on the train(metro) with some erb..
Two sheriffs nitced the smell...even thru the botles..
And wanted to check me ..i howd the too separate containers... and my rec.
And they let me go ...
They laughed about it....I told them i bought it.... but i was delivering it to a fellow patient (it was some louie i grew)...
theyy were fascinated by the rec and weed also .. mind u tho... they were checking me for other illegal things..
But i had nothing to hide...

Ive had cop frinends...
One in particular.. that i befriended in a college course (law)....ironically..
My gf was also in the class...
He was cool , and offered to take me out .. to mess with the prostitutes and get free food ....
He evn invited me to some raunchy sex party.. which i declined to go to ....
Come to find out after the class was over .. he was calling my gf and aski her to go out for lunch..prick! (he had the number for afterclas studies in are study group)

All in all ... i love the law and in most cases it works in our advantage..
But im just leary of cops..

Let me know when you guy want to see how og really looks like (sleezy ,jin) were alll at the same time.....
Im sure you guys can join the OG consulate.....
Im already the louie Ambasador....lol
I think I might see your point, with time. As of right now, however, it is really difficult for me to not hate the police. Long story short, bad cops basically locked up two of my friends in prison, and I almost had to go in along with them. It's a fucked up situation and I would probably be in prison too right now if I hadn't taken a second look at my life and turned it around.

Now I'm going to University on a full scholarship and although it was a fucked up situation, caused entirely by cops, I've taken to believing that people are better off living good lives as they see fit. To be honest I would be happy if they did away with the entire police force in my area. In some countries in Europe it is mandatory to own a gun and the crime rates there are much much lower than America's and they have nothing close to our police forces--or should I say armies. Not to mention, the police union in my city is demanding 90% pensions... NOBODY gets 90% of their salary in retirement in the private sector, so why should cops? The money that they demand is taken away from our poor ass schools--meaning dumber generations in the future. It's really disheartening when police have directly almost ruined my life and then indirectly ruined almost countless others. It's frustrating, really.

But I'm not trying to hijack jin's thread by any means I just wanted to explain my extreme distrust (for a time, hatred) of police. I guess it's just something I have to work on.

Duder, don't worry about hijacking my thread. I find this open discussion I've started very fascinating and have enjoyed reading all your thoughts. That's what an open forum is all about, isn't it?

Yeah, I don't expect to change the way you feel. And I certainly am no lover of police. I acknowledge them, what they do, and to a very real degree respect them, but the sight of them still makes me tense a little...old habits die hard.

But my point is that we're not doing anything wrong, so we have no need to be paranoid and defensive anymore. With some (like you), the chill out towards the po po will take a little longer, but that's understandable.
You showed the cops your grow.???..lol
probly a good idea since u say its easy to smell....
I have nothing against cops.... but i wouldnt trust em....
I hvnt always been a legal member ...(had a rec)...
And cops in la dont rally care about marijuana cause its a misdemeanor...
Legally there is nothing they can do .. So there was no real reason to fear them...
Ive been busted before .. because of mj and it led to imprisonment.... and i live in cali ...(only for several days.lol)
The smell of the marijuana led/ gave the probable cause to search me ....
And back then i had other illegal substance on me....
I was stupid then and didnt understand the law ...
But now i understand my rights and legally can have so much mj with me....
Ive been caught rcently on the train(metro) with some erb..
Two sheriffs nitced the smell...even thru the botles..
And wanted to check me ..i howd the too separate containers... and my rec.
And they let me go ...
They laughed about it....I told them i bought it.... but i was delivering it to a fellow patient (it was some louie i grew)...
theyy were fascinated by the rec and weed also .. mind u tho... they were checking me for other illegal things..
But i had nothing to hide...

Ive had cop frinends...
One in particular.. that i befriended in a college course (law)....ironically..
My gf was also in the class...
He was cool , and offered to take me out .. to mess with the prostitutes and get free food ....
He evn invited me to some raunchy sex party.. which i declined to go to ....
Come to find out after the class was over .. he was calling my gf and aski her to go out for lunch..prick! (he had the number for afterclas studies in are study group)

All in all ... i love the law and in most cases it works in our advantage..
But im just leary of cops..

Let me know when you guy want to see how og really looks like (sleezy ,jin) were alll at the same time.....
Im sure you guys can join the OG consulate.....
Im already the louie Ambasador....lol

Hey, Love your train story. Totally. That's how the cops were in my house. They were fascinated by it. That's sweet that you were delivering your own meds to a friend, tho.

And that cop macking on your girl ain't cool.
jin just be careful man. i too am state compliant but a buddy of mine got robbed about a year ago. his dumb ass told someone and they told 3 huge guys that he was growing. they came pistil whipped him and took off with about 10k cash and about 20 plants. the cops got the $$$ back but his crop was ruined. just saying being "too open" might bring things much worse than the police. there are a lot of people who would love to robb someone and then sell their plants on the black market.
jin just be careful man. i too am state compliant but a buddy of mine got robbed about a year ago. his dumb ass told someone and they told 3 huge guys that he was growing. they came pistil whipped him and took off with about 10k cash and about 20 plants. the cops got the $$$ back but his crop was ruined. just saying being "too open" might bring things much worse than the police. there are a lot of people who would love to robb someone and then sell their plants on the black market.

Totally. But when I say 'open' I mean that my manager knows and my immediate next door neighbor (she can obviously smell it when she walks past my door to get to hers). Other than that, only close, close friends who live out of state know about it. Also, anyone trying to break in would have a heck of a time getting in here... the effort alone wouldn't be worth my paltry two plants. And the smell cannot be detected outside of our building which is heavily gated anyway.