Did Fox Farm always have so much mulch in their mix?


Well-Known Member
Haven't grown with Fox Farm Ocean Forest for a few years, this morning I opened up a bag and was surprised that it was almost half wood pulp and bark, and feels very gritty to touch. Was it always like this? I remember it being lighter, more peat moss and vermiculite, still has a shit load of perlite though. Am I just having a brain fart? Are they just using it a filler to stretch the profit margin?


Well-Known Member
I also noticed an increase in there nute prices. Also I think that the additives, kangaroots, microbe brew, and bushdoctor sledgehammer are absolutely useless. I've seen people use em with no noticeable difference in quality, taste or yield.


Well-Known Member
I also noticed an increase in there nute prices. Also I think that the additives, kangaroots, microbe brew, and bushdoctor sledgehammer are absolutely useless. I've seen people use em with no noticeable difference in quality, taste or yield.
also true,i used them 3,till I seen that the tea I would brew,did what both kangaroot & microbe brew.now I did see sledgehammer work in dwc,and some what in soilless mix.


Well-Known Member
You can feed microbes with molasses, works well in my book and makes the buds a little sweeter. And all those rooting products are just B vitamins anyway.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
FF has 2 locations, west coast and east coast. You can tell the difference unloading the bags lol, west coast is wetter/heavier. And yes they switched their recipe up a little a couple of yrs ago. I use it for convienence sake and OF is a good soil imo. I get a sweet price on mine though, give the store owner and his nutrient line-up (Cornucopia) a shout out every now and then ; !)




Well-Known Member
I wish my hydro spot would have kept getting foxfarmOF from the same spot,they did 3 yrs ago,the bags was always warm to the touch(fresh),some of my best grows was with the full FF line.now I use soilless mix(with additives),and brew teas.i been thinking about doing another nice soil run.