Did I get a fake Seed Junky pack??

I hope those beans are what you expected. I'm always hunting for the next wow seed. If you do not have lots of space, maybe just pop 2-3 per grow and grow them out with your other beans. They are plenty easy to kill if you aren't satisfied, hell there are some guys here that are professional plant killers, or so it seems:lol:. Good growing...
I hope those beans are what you expected. I'm 7 79 for the next wow seed. If you do not have lots of space, maybe just pop 2-3 per grow and grow them out with your other beans. They are plenty easy to kill if you aren't satisfied, hell there are some guys here that are professional plant killers, or so it seems:lol:. Good growing...

Yeah I'd do that but I'm limited to a single 5x5 tent for indoors and being it's supposed to be reg pack I'd prefer to run all 10 in search of that one stand out mother. Going to need to split it between two separate sites. Will have to ask a mate if they'll be in on the "hunt".
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Not even kidding lad. I paid $140 for 3.5g Sherbinski Bacio/#41 PRE-ROLLS on my first purchase. Get your head around that.
What's that's fucking insanity dude, I've never even heard of such a thing....jeez since Australia is full of criminals you'd figure you'd have some good drug dealers charging good prices....joke by the way, though England sent a lot of prisoners there to basically build the colonies and serve out there time with hard labor. Convicts and ex cons were the majority of Australia for decades and they made that place their paradise. Good on them.
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Wow dude,
Why the sky high price? Supply and demand or to much government interference? Maybe I can catch up to Divided sky and bring my lights as well...

Everything in this country is expensive as fuck. We pay an eye, a tooth, a pint of blood and your first born child for everything in this country. The standard price of an ounce here is $300 for decent stuff from South Australia (consider it as Australia's Humboldt as S.A. laws are most favourable for cultivation and therefore they export interstate). High quality is never consistent though.

Pounds sell for $2k down in South Australia. They then come here to New South Wales and sell for $3500 on average. Christmas time prices creep up to $4000 and over. Quality is a lucky dip. This week it's proper chronic/dank top shelf and then next week it's some shitty B grade with a less than inviting aroma, fuck all trichs on it and it's PGR'd to death.

Welcome to our "paradise" guys.
Everything in this country is expensive as fuck. We pay an eye, a tooth, a pint of blood and your first born child for everything in this country. The standard price of an ounce here is $300 for decent stuff from South Australia (consider it as Australia's Humboldt as S.A. laws are most favourable for cultivation and therefore they export interstate). High quality is never consistent though.

Pounds sell for $2k down in South Australia. They then come here to New South Wales and sell for $3500 on average. Christmas time prices creep up to $4000 and over. Quality is a lucky dip. This week it's proper chronic/dank top shelf and then next week it's some shitty B grade with a less than inviting aroma, fuck all trichs on it and it's PGR'd to death.

Welcome to our "paradise" guys.
Sorry dude,
I'm glad that you grow, saves you money and guarantees high quality...
Everything in this country is expensive as fuck. We pay an eye, a tooth, a pint of blood and your first born child for everything in this country. The standard price of an ounce here is $300 for decent stuff from South Australia (consider it as Australia's Humboldt as S.A. laws are most favourable for cultivation and therefore they export interstate). High quality is never consistent though.

Pounds sell for $2k down in South Australia. They then come here to New South Wales and sell for $3500 on average. Christmas time prices creep up to $4000 and over. Quality is a lucky dip. This week it's proper chronic/dank top shelf and then next week it's some shitty B grade with a less than inviting aroma, fuck all trichs on it and it's PGR'd to death.

Welcome to our "paradise" guys.
Ya those are more normal prices dude...far cry from $180 for an 8th. Are you sure the wasn't a typo? ..this is obviously not the case-but 180 a slice up the board for a elbow would be a lil over 23k a lb. Haha that would be awesome if we could get that, lol. Ya but $2k -$3500k for an elbow is more normal prices...I see packs of very high end flower in the mid $2000s to $3ks and I'm talking very high end boutique stuff.
Nagh duke, no typos. So those prices are for domestic black market prices. You've got Vietnamese crime groups growing low grade boof (always the same strain) that comes very poorly trimmed, still half wet and uncured that smells and tastes like hot air or hay that's polluting the entire Eastern coastline from Queensland down through New South Wales through to Victoria that shit sells for under 300 an Oz (closer to 250) and it never seems to run out and then you've got the South Australian stuff which could be anything from some really, really nice GDP (closest thing to American import quality that we have), beautiful White Rhinos, Jack Herer, Red Devil and occasionly some Bubbas and G13/HP right down to trichomeless PGR biker grown B-grade.

At best we're still stuck in 90's down here.
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If you guys ever come here for a holiday I'd be mailing my weed express 3 weeks ahead of time to post office drop box or something like that. Unless you have peoples down here you can trust to receive it on your behalf.
Nagh duke, no typos. So those prices are for domestic black market prices. You've got Vietnamese crime groups growing low grade boof (always the same strain) that comes very poorly trimmed, still half wet and uncured that smells and tastes like hot air or hay that's polluting the entire Eastern coastline from Queensland down through New South Wales through to Victoria that shit sells for under 300 an Oz (closer to 250) and it never seems to run out and then you've got the South Australian stuff which could be anything from some really, really nice GDP (closest thing to American import quality that we have), beautiful White Rhinos, Jack Herer, Red Devil and occasionly some Bubbas and G13/HP right down to trichomeless PGR biker grown B-grade.

At best we're still stuck in 90's down here.
O don't worry we have those Asian gangs that sell mass produced trash...they call it bubbas and platinums lol. It comes from the west coast. They usually blow out a ton of houses all over the west coast....pump their bud full of shitty bloom boosters, sometimes they're quality gets better during the fall/winter months as far as a product to make $ off of but I wouldn't smoke it or ever consider it quality. It super trash in the summer hotter months probably cause they cheap out on a/c.
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O don't worry we have those Asian gangs that sell mass produced trash...they call it bubbas and platinums lol. It comes from the west coast. They usually blow a ton of houses all over the west coast....pump their bud full of shitty bloom boosters, sometimes they're quality gets better during the fall/winter months as far as a product to make $ off of but I wouldn't smoke it or ever consider it quality. It super trash in the summer hotter months probably cause they cheap out on a/c.

Yeah these substandard Asian grow-ops seem to have a foothold in just about every major Western country you can think of. But you know what? I have a sneaking suspicion that the shitty Asian trash weed you guys get over there shits all over our shitty Asian trash weed hands down. At least your Asian "organised" criminals are nice enough to change up on the strain from time to time. Even if they don't resemble the way those cultivation are supposed look, smell, taste and effect you.
...that shit sells for under 300 an Oz (closer to 250) and it never seems to run out and then you've got the South Australian stuff which could be anything from some really, really nice GDP (closest thing to American import quality that we have), beautiful White Rhinos, Jack Herer, Red Devil and occasionly some Bubbas and G13/HP right down to trichomeless PGR biker grown B-grade.

At best we're still stuck in 90's down here.

BTW, I forgot to add the fact that the further rural and remote you go the more the price goes up. We also have other states such as Western Australia and the Northern Territory and the northern half of South Australia is central Australia, otherwise known as the Outback.

Here we have indigenous tribal communities who still live by their original way of life and even still speak only in their native dialects with little to no English.
Because of the devastation alcohol has had on these communities most parts of these states are "dry towns" and anything considered as contraband is completely untolerated and illegal so consequently the prices are sky high and weights of retail deals minuscule in these towns. I'm talking $50 gets you 0.8g if you can even find it in the dry towns. You won't find an ounce for sale there. For that you'll have to go out of town and risk smuggling it back.

You also have alot of mining towns in these states but outside of the dry towns and so consequently their economy is on a whole other level and everything is expensive in even the densely populated cities like Perth in Western Australia so shit just expensive from the jump over there
BTW, I forgot to add the fact that the further rural and remote you go the more the price goes up. We also have other states such as Western Australia and the Northern Territory and the northern half of South Australia is central Australia, otherwise known as the Outback.

Here we have indigenous tribal communities who still live by their original way of life and even still speak only in their native dialects with little to no English.
Because of the devastation alcohol has had on these communities most parts of these states are "dry towns" and anything considered as contraband is completely untolerated and illegal so consequently the prices are sky high and weights of retail deals minuscule in these towns. I'm talking $50 gets you 0.8g if you can even find it in the dry towns. You won't find an ounce for sale there. For that you'll have to go out of town and risk smuggling it back.

You also have alot of mining towns in these states but outside of the dry towns and so consequently their economy is on a whole other level and everything is expensive in even the densely populated cities like Perth in Western Australia so shit just expensive from the jump over there
Ya man its sad and just straight up wrong how the aboriginals are treated over in Australia- not any better over hear in the United States with Native Americans . My buddy did a year in college over in Australia- he loved it but that was something that he did not like about Australia. He said a lot of the aboriginals were addicted to huffing gasoline- very sad. Also the Australia was in the 1950s in terms of racism. This is just my buddy telling me this from being there a year so take with a grain of salt. He also became good friend with some Aussie dudes his age- early 20s at the time. He said they were the craziest drunks he ever partied with. They loved to get after it and loved getting into drunk bar brawls. He said there would be insane fights at the bar at least a few times a week.
Ya man its sad and just straight up wrong how the aboriginals are treated over in Australia- not any better over hear in the United States with Native Americans . My buddy did a year in college over in Australia- he loved it but that was something that he did not like about Australia. He said a lot of the aboriginals were addicted to huffing gasoline- very sad. Also the Australia was in the 1950s in terms of racism. This is just my buddy telling me this from being there a year so take with a grain of salt. He also became good friend with some Aussie dudes his age- early 20s at the time. He said they were the craziest drunks he ever partied with. They loved to get after it and loved getting into drunk bar brawls. He said there would be insane fights at the bar at least a few times a week.

You're not lying. The indigenous people of Australia and the indigenous people of North America share completely identical and overlapping stories as each other and I do mean identical. The story of their ways of life and their connection to the land along with the tales of the plight of both of these civilisations are completely identical.

White man + alcohol + foreign disease and the systemic oppression of the peoples is the root of equation at the end of the day.
And yes sniffing petrol/gasoline and a varying degree of other inhalants are a massive problem in these communities but you need not travel into the outback to see that shit first hand. You don't even have to leave my postcode. It's not as prevalent here as it is in the remote areas but it's here nonetheless.
I can get decent mids and trips for 1100-1400. All these prices are retarded. Markets so flooded w/weed people giving it away almost. Quads are like 1700-2900 depending. Even then still cheaper than in aus..thats gross.