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Just so I know...... It's Rue Paul..... RightMake sure to spell his name write....

Just so I know...... It's Rue Paul..... RightMake sure to spell his name write....
Now THERE'S a statement i don't hear too often lol.Ron Paul. I like his foreign policy ideas, but he is just plain bat-shit crazy when it comes to domestic policy.
He doesn't stand a chance of becoming potus.
Has it sunk in yet?Now THERE'S a statement i don't hear too often lol.
i rather like his foreign and domestic policies for the most part.Has it sunk in yet?
Yeah, that's one of the parts that makes me say "for the most part". Although, that doesn't mean i believe they should more tightly regulated either. i have very mixed emotions on the subject because there are a lot of people that could do much more good without as many regulations imo but there are also those that could do much more harm as well.The thought of the financial industry being deregulated even further gives me heart burn.
I think the banks should be completely deregulated. But that includes getting rid of the FED, getting rid of too big to fail and making them accountable for their investements, etc.Yeah, that's one of the parts that makes me say "for the most part". Although, that doesn't mean i believe they should more tightly regulated either. i have very mixed emotions on the subject because there are a lot of people that could do much more good without as many regulations imo but there are also those that could do much more harm as well.
i can agree with that. FDIC is a must imo also. And i agree that if a bank makes poor lending decisions (of their own free will and not because the government tells them that they must) then they should held accountable. And of course i agree on ending the FEDI think the banks should be completely deregulated. But that includes getting rid of the FED, getting rid of too big to fail and making them accountable for their investements, etc.
The only thing that should remain is the FDIC for savings accounts. If a bank wants to be a savings bank they would have to be part of that system.
Both parties suck balls, so the idea of someone like Paul in office is intriguing. I just think he takes it a bit far with the whole gold standard thing, and complete deregulation.Yeah, that's one of the parts that makes me say "for the most part". Although, that doesn't mean i believe they should more tightly regulated either. i have very mixed emotions on the subject because there are a lot of people that could do much more good without as many regulations imo but there are also those that could do much more harm as well.
somewhat? pre EPA:Both parties suck balls, so the idea of someone like Paul in office is intriguing. I just think he takes it a bit far with the whole gold standard thing, and complete deregulation.
I kind of like the idea of the food I eat being inspected, and the air I breath and water I drink being (somewhat) free of contaminants.
i like the gold standard wholeheartedly although i doubt that we could maintain it with what little gold we have left lol. Maybe a silver standard?Both parties suck balls, so the idea of someone like Paul in office is intriguing. I just think he takes it a bit far with the whole gold standard thing, and complete deregulation.
I kind of like the idea of the food I eat being inspected, and the air I breath and water I drink being (somewhat) free of contaminants.
over-stepping of their powers? care to explain? sounds like conservative soundbites with zero substance to back it up.....i like the gold standard wholeheartedly although i doubt that we could maintain it with what little gold we have left lol. Maybe a silver standard?
As for the food being inspected, i'd prefer to be able to buy local from those i know and trust. The idea behind the EPA is valid imo but the waste and over-stepping of their powers are more than i can stand.
Lead paint removal fines and requirements for one. i have a buddy who owns a very small rental company and he and his son just had to go through mandated classes on lead paint removal. Not only did they have to go through the classes but also had to pay for them. OR, be subject to $32,500 fine per incident per day. Ridiculous imo.over-stepping of their powers? care to explain? sounds like conservative soundbites with zero substance to back it up.....
http://amazon.com/Recognized-Lead-Swabs-Brickhouse-Security/dp/B004XJKXJ2Lead paint removal fines and requirements for one. i have a buddy who owns a very small rental company and he and his son just had to go through mandated classes on lead paint removal. Not only did they have to go through the classes but also had to pay for them. OR, be subject to $32,500 fine per incident per day. Ridiculous imo.
Yeah, that's cool and all but what does it have to do with being forced to take the classes on how to remove it?
It wasn't about them leaving the paint on the walls. They bought a new rental house, tested the paint and it was lead-based so they decided to remove it and re-paint. But the EPA said they couldn't do that until they had taken a class that they got charged for. The requirement is if they worked with an area covering more that 1' square (which re-painting the entire house exceeded by far) then they had to take this class or be fined $32,500 per incident per day. They are intelligent men who learned nothing new about protectin themselves or the neighbors by taking the class but they each had to pay for the class and give up 8 hours to take it.how's that an overstepping of their powers?? lead is a known carcinogen and whenever there is a risk of lead being aspirated Hazmat precautions are taken...
i don't think it's as ridiculous as tenants getting cancer from their living quarters which they are paying for....
why should a landowner be allowed to keep lead based paint on the walls after it's been recognized as poisonous?? so he can save a few dollars?? give me a break...
it's all about moderation... you can be principled but you don't have to be so principled it borders on lunacy.....