Did we actually land on the moon?

YouTube - Jumping on the moon at double speed

In my opinion, it doesn't look like he jumped more than 8 inches. They would have weighted approximately 60 pounds on the moon. I'm pretty damn sure I would be able to jump at least 3 feet if I only weighted that much.

So if you want to know how much something weighed on the moon, than you simply divide the earths weight by 6. For example I weigh ~180lbs, so on the moon I would weigh 30 lbs(180/6=30). (I can curl 40 lbs with one arm.)

If you think the highest that they could jumped was less than 1 foot than I feel bad for you. Remember that these people are used to walking/jumping on the earth, their muscles are used to earths gravity. I would imagine I would be able to jump double the height at 1/2 gravity, three times the height at 1/3 gravity, four times at 1/4th, 5 times, at 1/5th, and six times the height at 1/6th gravity.

So unless you(or anyone) can explain why I would not be able to jump 6 times the height (when applying the same amount of force when jumping) at 1/6th gravity, than I assume that I would be able to. It just makes sense to me.

Hypothetically, lets say I was on Jupiter, and lets say Jupiters gravity is double that of earths.(Without a space suit on, I would weigh ~360lbs) Say if I just came from earth and I was walking around on Jupiter, I would assume that if I tried to jump up, I would only be able to reach half the height that I would normally reach on earth.

Maybe someone should try that experiment... Jump up as high as you can and measure it. Than double your weight, and see how high you can jump up. I would imagine you would only be able to jump half as high. Also, I believe the converse is true too. I believe you will be able to jump up to a height that is inversely proportional to the gravitational pull relative to earth(........ Sorry for the technical jargon....... But I said it in layman's terms all ready......:-|.......) If your that much lighter, you can jump up that much higher, and vise versa.

Is anyone else following my logic?



i'm not a physics major..but you're not exerting full 100% strength while on the moon..you're probably exerting 1/6th of it..because their is lack of resistance, your muscles don't react accordingly..you're muscles have adopted to your full body weight and usage there of..it makes sense that they only react accordingly under such gravitational forces...this is why most muscles atrophy in space when they come back to earth because of lack of resistance

Right, you only have to use 1/6th the amount of force to do the same things on the moon as you would earth.

But, even if you jumped with half the force, you would be able to get three times the amount of height on the moon compared to your highest jump on earth. You follow me?

Lets say I could only jump 12 inches on the earth. If I only jumped with half the force(6 inches), than I would be able to jump 3 feet on the moon.

So if I could only jump 6 inches on earth I would still be able to jump 3 feet on the moon. Because 6' times 6 equals 36 inches, or 3 feet.

Maybe I'm just a crackpot:?.....................

I would love to hear what a physicist would have to say about my logic, I think I might be right though guys. I was always very good at math and science, and thats no lie either.

Does anyone else understand what I'm saying? ~lol~


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Also, if my assumptions are true, than say if he jumped up 12 inches(it only looks like he jumped up ~8inches) in this vid YouTube - Jumping on the moon at double speed than he would only have to apply enough energy to jump 2 inches on earth..

So, if you can jump 2 inches on earth, than you can jump 1 foot on the moon.

If you can jump a foot on earth, than you can jump 6 feet on the moon.

If you can jump 2 feet on earth than you can jump 12 feet on the moon.

If you have a pogo stick and can jump 3 feet on earth than you can jump 18 feet on the moon.

(Say the space suit weighed ~180lbs(it wouldn't need to be this heavy, it most likely weighed ~100lbs) than you would have to use a multiple of 3 instead of 6 because you doubled your weight from the suit.. I hope you guys are following......)


While it is true that humankind has landed on the moon, I believe that the original moon landing was manufactured on Earth (with the assistance of Stanley Kubrick, might I add) in order to gain superiority over the Russian space program, which was the key issue in the Cold War at the time.

Aerospace technology was in its most primitive form in the 1960s but has advanced exponentially over the past forty or so years. It is these advancements that have allowed human beings to travel into the depths of space and to the moon.

My evidence:

Documantis - Watch Free Documentaries Online and Religion Movies - Dark Side of The Moon

A documentary on the subject, with interviews with Donald Rumsfeld, Stanley Kubricks' Widow, and Henry Kissinger to name a few. If you want to convince me that humankind has yet to land on the moon, you will need more recent evidence.

I'm going to bed very soon, so I'm not sure how much of the vid I will watch. But, what Apollo missions do you think we actually did? So you believe we only faked the first moon landing?

And why should we believe that the other missions were real when they could have just used better props and camera skills?

Thanks for stopping in "the dude":mrgreen:


It sure looked like it to me- but then again I was only 6 years old and watched it live- what the hell do i know???
Well, the technology just didn't exist at the time. The United States did not want to lose the Space Race so they resorted to drastic measures, as the government often did when they feared defeat by the 'Communist Juggernaut.' Obviously my lack of evidence shows I have not done a great deal of research into the subject, so I cant be specific as to which were real and which were staged. But rest assured, watching the astronauts enter the shuttle, then watching the shuttle take off, then seeing the same shuttle (or whats left after the remainder of the shuttle is jettisoned) re-enter the atmosphere and the same crew exit leads me to believe that it is true, not to mention the United States is not the only country to travel to the moon, and the sheer number of times it has occurred would lead me to ponder:

How can it be such a closely guarded secret that of ALL the people involved in space exploration over the past fifty years (probably hundreds of thousands of people), all over the world, would not have come out against it? The government suppression machine is not universal and not every person can be persuaded to be quiet...
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Ok, the last thing I have to add is this: Why the fuck does it matter? What do you get out of knowing if we truly went or not? Does it make you a fulfilled person? I just don't get what makes you tick and become so involved in all these theories and claims.
Well, the technology just didn't exist at the time. The United States did not want to lose the Space Race so they resorted to drastic measures, as the government often did when they feared defeat by the 'Communist Juggernaut.' Obviously my lack of evidence shows I have not done a great deal of research into the subject, so I cant be specific as to which were real and which were staged. But rest assured, watching the astronauts enter the shuttle, then watching the shuttle take off, then seeing the same shuttle (or whats left after the remainder of the shuttle is jettisoned) re-enter the atmosphere and the same crew exit leads me to believe that it is true, not to mention the United States is not the only country to travel to the moon, and the sheer number of times it has occurred would lead me to ponder:

How can it be such a closely guarded secret that of ALL the people involved in space exploration over the past fifty years (probably hundreds of thousands of people), all over the world, would not have come out against it? The government suppression machine is not universal and not every person can be persuaded to be quiet...

Just because we see a shuttle launch and go into space does not mean they are going to the moon.

How can it be such a closely guarded secret that of ALL the people involved in space exploration over the past fifty years (probably hundreds of thousands of people), all over the world, would not have come out against it?

How come lots of people still believe in global warming? Why do people believe in RELIGION? Why do people believe the Federal reserve is part of the federal gov't? The fact is that most things that are not common knowledge are deemed as "conspiracy theories" because the majority of people are uneducated on a subject so therefor usually concur with the consensus. Makes sense... right? One might say religion was implemented in order to control the savage humans that needed morals(;-)), and another person might say religion is the only path that you must take in order for eternal life in heaven. Who's right and who's wrong? You can debate all day long with a devout pious religious person. At the end of the day, neither party will sway their beliefs. In other words, people are headstrong and dumb sometimes, even when smacked in the face with truth and facts.

Ok, the last thing I have to add is this: Why the fuck does it matter? What do you get out of knowing if we truly went or not? Does it make you a fulfilled person? I just don't get what makes you tick and become so involved in all these theories and claims.

Why does it matter.... I'm really not going to bother talking to you if you can't think of two good reasons why it might matter. Go drink some more tap water dude...YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

If you don't want to read the thread than, by all means, don't.

If your willing to try and debate a point than go and do so.. The space program is little to no concern to me, but picking apart a "conspiracy theory", with the help of peer review(you guys), helps me poise my position. Its almost like reading a mystery book except I can play detective. I like to learn and have civil debates. If you can't fathom that pokey than go elsewhere.


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I remember a few years ago there was a special on the supposed moon landing hoax on fox...i thought it was pretty interesting and convincing...then not to much long after that I saw a documentary on discovery which pretty much disprved every point made in the fox special....everything from the flag to the stars to the supposedly jumping in slow mo, the multiple shadows, all of it was covered and explained in detail...imo we most likely did land on the moon
I remember a few years ago there was a special on the supposed moon landing hoax on fox...i thought it was pretty interesting and convincing...then not to much long after that I saw a documentary on discovery which pretty much disprved every point made in the fox special....everything from the flag to the stars to the supposedly jumping in slow mo, the multiple shadows, all of it was covered and explained in detail...imo we most likely did land on the moon

I would love to see that vid.. Can you try and link it or something like it.

I would rather not believe in a conspiracy "theory" if my logic tells me otherwise. I just don't see how they can debunk the lighting anomalies(multiply shadows) when its a fact that they didn't bring any artificial lighting with them on the mission.


wetarded : you are 100% right.
That video is in double speed not six times speed.
The force of you jumping up is the same, but gravity is one sixth.

In the video everything is at half pace : just not possible, unless
2=6 and 2=1
When you jump, you would still jump upwards at normal speed, not half.
You descend at one sixth, not half.

Please think logically about this:
Solar System Simulator :-OG2
I have calculated gravity perfectly. Have you?
In the video everything is at half pace : just not possible, unless
2=6 and 2=1
When you jump, you would still jump upwards at normal speed, not half.
You descend at one sixth, not half.
http://www.software-multimedia.com/Solar System Simulator/solar system simulator.htm
I have calculated gravity perfectly. Have you?

Can you please explain what you mean better. I have only been on earth, so I'm not sure how fast you would rise and fall, but I would think it would also be inversely proportional to the relative gravity. For example, if the gravity is 1/6th that of earth, than it would take 6 times as long for you to rise and fall.

I think I see what you are saying..... You are saying that in order for my theory to be viable, than the tapes would have had to be slowed down to 1/6th that of real time in order for them to "work"(as in my theory).....:?... I'm at a lose for better words:mrgreen:

The formula for earths gravity is 9.8m^2/s^2..... Is that what you mean?

So you just debunked my theory? It would actually be a relief to me because I'm not a fan of being in the 'conspiracy boat', but I do try and be skeptical of certain things.


If you were on the moon and you jumped up, you would initially accelerate at normal speed upwards, not at a slow speed. (Like in the vdeo)

One's descent is at one sixth when on the moon. Not at half speed. Like in the video.

Apollo is a hoax. That film is just bogus.
No man landed on the moon. Unmanned probes, yes.

Why did the Russians never go and have always maintained it impossible?
Why 1930 film technology?
Why no return since 1972?
Why does the shuttle turn around in 6 times as long with modern tech just to get into orbit?
And no 13 had an accident? A child's plot.
Pondering pondering.. I'm not trying to offend any American citizens here but how do the American people expect foreigners to believe anything the American Gov says or do when they've lied to the world on numerous occasions??
If you were on the moon and you jumped up, you would initially accelerate at normal speed upwards, not at a slow speed. (Like in the vdeo)

One's descent is at one sixth when on the moon. Not at half speed. Like in the video.

Apollo is a hoax. That film is just bogus.
No man landed on the moon. Unmanned probes, yes.

Why did the Russians never go and have always maintained it impossible?
Why 1930 film technology?
Why no return since 1972?
Why does the shuttle turn around in 6 times as long with modern tech just to get into orbit?
And no 13 had an accident? A child's plot.

Good points PoseidonsNet. Thanks for the input. You seem to be an astute one too.

You said "In the video everything is at half pace : just not possible, unless
2=6 and 2=1
When you jump, you would still jump upwards at normal speed, not half.
You descend at one sixth, not half."

I thought an object rises and falls at the same speed in a vacuum? So if an object initially jumps up at 20 mph than, after it reaches it apex and starts coming down, it will hit the ground at the same 20mph. :confused:

I'm just trying to discern your logic behind your certainty. I am mostly going off of my intuition on how I believe things should work.

This is how I believe a body in a vertical jump would act on the moon. I believe it would start out at normal speeds(as you said) and than decelerate at 1/6th the rate as on earth until you come to your apex. After the apex, the object in motion would then repeat the same process in reverse(with the starting point being the apex). So basically it would rise and fall at the same rate, but decelerate 1/6th that of earth speed and the object would go 6 times higher.:? Idk, but it seems logical to me.


no I cuoldnt find a link to that vid I saw we...it was from years ago...but there is this website thats supposed to disprove everything www.badastronomy.com I didnt read any of it though...personally it is unimportant to me either way, doesnt really affect me, atleast not in any way that I can think of...I think its definitely possible that it was a hoax though