Aside from the alleged evidence that I have provided you with, I'd just like to disclose some info on why I'm a conspiracy 'theorist', for the record. Pre-911 I wouldn't have thought twice about the the moon landings being faked...(snip)
...After spending many hours researching 911 I've come to the conclusion that there is something more going on than they lead us to believe....(snip)
...IMHO there is enough evidence to conclude that 911 was an inside job. I bet if it was a case in an unbiased court, and the jury was fully disclosed than they would rule the USA gov't GUILTY.
So to me, if our gov't could play a role in one of the worst terrorist attacks on OUR OWN PEOPLE, than whats stopping them from playing foolish pranks like this on the public?
As Dave and Seamaiden knows, the CIA were training Al Quada/ Osama Bin Laden in the first place. You guys know that the only weapons that we we found in Iraq were the ones sold to them. You know 911 was the pretext for the war in the middle east. You know Iraq was not an eminent threat. You know Iran is not an eminent threat. You guys know that the upper echelon who are pulling the string have absolute power, and what comes with absolute power? Absolute corruption(if your a bad person anyway).
Forgive my intrusion, but I *really* need to butt in here.
First, the one thing that gets people confused (no, I'm not singling you out We Tarded) about this Middle East invasion by GB and his corporate mates is that Iraq and Afghanistan are totally unrelated in terms of 9/11. Saddam Hussein and Iraq had absolutely *nothing* to do with the attack on the WTC towers. Nothing, nada, zip...or in the great language of us Aussies, "Fuck all, your honour".
Osama bin Laden and friends were trained by the CIA back in the days when the US and the USSR were 'enemies' (the Cold War) in the late eighties. He was trained in Afghanistan on Afghani soil many, many miles from Iraq, on the other side of Iran. bin Laden and his crew were trained to fight against the Russians who were coming in from the North attempting to take control of Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden wanted to retain freedom for Afghanistan and took what the US govt was offering them, probably knowing full well that the US would want something in return. After the Russians withdrew from Afghanistan, the group al Qaeda was formed and would not let the US take their freedom away either, hence the sudden reversal of 'friendship' by the US CIA and other govt organisations.
The US sold Saddam Hussein chemical weapons as well as conventional weapons between 1982 and 1988 so that Hussein could continue his campaign against his neighbour Iran, and to a lesser extent, Syria. I should add that up until 1980, Iraq's chief weapons supplier was the USSR. The Soviets withdrew arms sales when Saddam invaded Iran. Suddam lost favour with 'the West' when it attacked Kuwait (and the US and other UN countries retaliated with 'Desert Storm' in 1991).
We all know that none of the Middle East countries, Afghanistan, Iraq or Iran are 'imminent' threats to the US or any other 'Western' country. They are however, passageways that would allow a much freer supply of oil for the US. The current 'war' is also making some friends of GWB and his family very, very rich (Halliburton and Bechtel for example).
Now, considering what we know of clandestine operations by the CIA and other US govt agencies from the 80's through to the mid nineties; stuff that the US govt tried *extremely* hard to hide (encouraging underground sales of arms to Iraq etc), I doubt very much that something as big as a moon landing could be faked, or in the case of the WTC tragedy, covered up. I will say though that *I believe* that the US secret service groups knew that something big was going on, and they may well have known what was planned (they see everything anyway) in the sense of mass plane hijackings and attacks on buildings. However, I seriously doubt that they were directly involved other than being involved by their inaction.
As I said about the dolphin thing. Even if I took pics of the dolphins being on board and posted it on this website, people could claim that I photo-shopped it in. People could call me a liar and say that kind of stuff would never happen because someone would have already leaked and that would have been public knowledge by now. ~LOL~
Dolphins? Boats? Tell me more? Or a link?
Unless you are a player you are a spectator. Unless you see it in real life(not on the TV) you can only watch what your are given via the 'tube'(TV). We all should know by now that what we see via the 'tube' is biased and is bought out by big money companies. People need jobs so they can have money to live, maybe the same reason I keep my mouth shut about the dolphins

. Just something to think about.... Hehe

But then, people like you and VTXDave and Seamaiden and many others who aren't willing to be spoonfed propaganda by mainstream media and govt agencies won't allow bullshit to persist. You and many others will try to look beyond the crap and find the real truth.
That's why bullshit gets uncovered. The problem is, something like the Apollo 'faked' missions have been studied by many people for many years (38 and counting), with very few people still convinced that the landings were faked.
As with the bullshit George Bush and his cronies spun about Hussein and his WMD's, the truth eventually gets exposed.
If the WTC (9/11) attacks were an 'inside job', that will be exposed in the near future. However, I think the truth of the Apollo landings is pretty sound. They all happened and it wasn't a 'mirrors and shadows' trick.