Did we actually land on the moon?

Pondering pondering.. I'm not trying to offend any American citizens here but how do the American people expect foreigners to believe anything the American Gov says or do when they've lied to the world on numerous occasions??

~LOL~ The foreigners don't believe what the USA says. Some of them play along so they don't get on our bad side.

The more important question is how should be believe what the USA gov't says is real?

Anyone else see on TV that the new "discovery" is that bottled water is bad for you. So if bottled water is bad for you, than you would rather drink tap water. Right??.. Wrong... Our tap water contains fluoride that they deliberately add for "our dental hygiene". I have not found any conclusive facts that fluoride has any benefit to us when internally ingested. Just search youtube for "fluoride" and try and find some benefits. :mrgreen: YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride


~LOL~ The foreigners don't believe what the USA says. Some of them play along so they don't get on our bad side.

The more important question is how should be believe what the USA gov't says is real?

:mrgreen: YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride



Well said..but I don't want to get on their bad side either

As for bottled water..at one stage deodorant gave you cancer??..I mean people are just full of shit man!!
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your calculations are correct wetarded,
that video would need to be slowed 6 times to meet the similar effects of earths gravity. But then it would rise at 1/6 times which, would look much worse. That is why they opted for a middle road and used half speed. Fudge.!

And the bad film quality?
People of 1970 would not have the same understanding of digital manipulation as 2008 computer geeks, now would they?
your calculations are correct wetarded,
that video would need to be slowed 6 times to meet the similar effects of earths gravity. But then it would rise at 1/6 times which, would look much worse. That is why they opted for a middle road and used half speed. Fudge.!

And the bad film quality?
People of 1970 would not have the same understanding of digital manipulation as 2008 computer geeks, now would they?

Ok, cool... So are you 100% certain that the moon landing(as seen in the vid) was faked?

I am not a physicist and haven't researched this 'moon landing hoax thing' any more than what I have posted here, on RIU. I have mostly been playing devils advocate for the purpose of debate, so I can find conclusions on the subject.

So, let me try and ascertain what your logic is.

Your saying that when the vid is doubled(doubled that of wht NASA claims to be 'real time') , they are jumping at what would actually be normal speed? For example, if you calculate how high they jump, and the time they were 'in the air' for, than that would equal that of earths gravity effects(earths gravity effects- the same height and time as on earth). You follow me?:mrgreen:

But, on the moon, if the vids were real, they would have to be sped up by 6 times in order for it to appear as earths gravity effects. Thusly, unless we took the original tapes and sped them up by 6 times, only then would it appear to have taken place on earth if the vids were truly shot on the moon.:-? Am I getting this right?

So we have conclusive FACTS, that can not be debunked?:mrgreen: Did "wetarded" and PoseidonNet solve the moon landing hoax with irrefutable evidance?

I'm excited. Honestly!!!! :mrgreen:

I'll await your reply PN. Please help me explain this phenomena in laymans terms for the unscientific readers. (Or even for me to understand better HAHA :mrgreen:)


We Tarded I tried to watch that link you gave about the U.F.O. Disclosure but it's quite long so I'm not going to waste my time..all I wanna know is do you really believe in that shit like aliens and stuff?? LOL ..I don't!! I watched a little of that bullshit on youtube and all I heard was bla..bla..bla f@#%ing bullshit.. :)
It's extremely naive to think in the super vast expanse of the universe, there is not one or more civilizations. That's like saying, well... because we haven't found anything else in the ocean, there's nothing else there. How about this...


Mars, carved by water...
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It's extremely naive to think in the super vast expanse of the universe, there is not one or more civilizations. That's like saying, well... because we haven't found anything else in the ocean, there's nothing else there. How about this...

Mars, carved by water...

Do you know anyone who has seen the water do that? It is a big universe,it could have been made by some other force we don't know about.
I've seen water do that... much smaller scale. The Canyon' I hike every year, Grand Canyon... had water do that over millions of years, proof is in the skeletal remains of fish in the Canyon. Where there's water, there's life. Whats so amazing though, those canyons in mars, are double the height of our Grand Canyon... now I wanna hike them!
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We Tarded I tried to watch that link you gave about the U.F.O. Disclosure but it's quite long so I'm not going to waste my time..all I wanna know is do you really believe in that shit like aliens and stuff?? LOL ..I don't!! I watched a little of that bullshit on youtube and all I heard was bla..bla..bla f@#%ing bullshit.. :)

I honestly don't know. But if you want a yes or no answer than my answer has to be NO! I have never seen an alien and I have never meet anyone who has. I do believe that there is a great possibility that there are other life forms on other planets in our infinitely large universe.

I believe that the UFO disclosure vid on youtube is a vid that shows you how good people can lie with a straight face. I highly doubt that these people have seen UFO's and whatnot. It clearly shows that either the gov't has been hiding HUGE amounts of info from the people(us) or that these retired military personal have the act of lying down to a science:mrgreen:

So, yes I am very skeptical about the vid being true, but I do not ignore the fact that anything is possible. Until I see facts than I will remain skeptical, and even if I did see facts I would remain skeptical.


It's extremely naive to think in the super vast expanse of the universe, there is not one or more civilizations. That's like saying, well... because we haven't found anything else in the ocean, there's nothing else there. How about this...
Mars, carved by water...

I'm not saying theres no life somewhere else in the universe but it's quite difficult for me to think that there are aliens on earth or maybe the Chinese are aliens he? :mrgreen: I watched a little of that bullshit on youtube about the U.F.O. Disclosure bullshit and I nearly pissed my myself laughing at the guy who tried to convince the other people that he saw a spaceship hovering over the water and the lights he saw..bla bla bla.. The best is how the first guy starts of by saying "I'm an actor and I played in this and that"..

I personally believe in the one earth theory but don't discard that there is life somewhere else in the universe but if there are aliens who can travel through portholes or travel much faster than the speed of light what the f@#%! are they doing here or better why are they choosing planet earth of all places it's not like we have much more than what they maybe already have on there planet or maybe they've got special powers or something they wanna share with us.. or maybe it's because theres no planet like earth out there and they like our planet so much they wanna live here?? :confused:
The best is how the first guy starts of by saying "I'm an actor and I played in this and that"..

^^^^I'm glad you realized that. ^^^^^ It threw up red flags to me too!!

It just goes to show that someone is lying through their teeth with a straight face. I believe these people on the youtube vid were lying.

But I wouldn't doubt it if the USA gov't has anti-gravity technology and have been using it to fly (UFO's) around earth. We only discovered how to fly in 1903, and by 1980's we are flying around with jet fighters, so my point is that are technology has been exponentially increasing in the past 100 years or so.

So, maybe not all of these people are lying, maybe some of them sincerely saw a "ufo" but in actuality it was a secret military anti-gravity vehicle.... Just a thought anyways.


I honestly don't know. But if you want a yes or no answer than my answer has to be NO! I have never seen an alien and I have never meet anyone who has. I do believe that there is a great possibility that there are other life forms on other planets in our infinitely large universe....



Well said! :blsmoke: I totally agree with you on everything I just can't see why the aliens wanna waist there time here on earth.. :mrgreen:

but have you guys watched MIB.. theres lately a lot of people acting and looking very strange to me maybe they are the aliens disguised as human beings.. :mrgreen:
I've seen water do that... much smaller scale. The Canyon' I hike every year, Grand Canyon... had water do that over millions of years, proof is in the skeletal remains of fish in the Canyon. Where there's water, there's life. Whats so amazing though, those canyons in mars, are double the height of our Grand Canyon... now I wanna hike them!
Just because water done it here doesnt mean it done it there.Now when fossils are brought back of some sort of aquatic being,then it could be solar wind,plasma,compressed liquid methane,the possibilities are endless.
It's extremely naive to think in the super vast expanse of the universe, there is not one or more civilizations. That's like saying, well... because we haven't found anything else in the ocean, there's nothing else there. How about this...


Mars, carved by water...


and as we all know, water is the basis of all life as we know it (here on earth)

i am convinced that there are other civilizations, and even as convinced that we all have an anti-self..the universe is potentially infinite, with quasars quite possibly being gateways to even deeper, unfathomable depths into the bends and fabric of time and space... i fucking love astronomy..my passion and the most fun i've ever had doing things..can't wait to get baked and go star gazing..or shit ex and star gazing..never done shrooms but i bet shrooms and star gazing is even more amazing..and some really good trance..some atb or early tiesto would probably work..okay i'ma make my self all teary eyed and dreamy if i don't shut up..

i love drugs...and stars..and planets...and..fat people..sometimes telletubbies..i love jesus too..kinda, i love him cuz his canon makes for some wicked rolling papers..oh yeah and that old creepy dude on family guy.. i love him too..he has some popsicles, but i prefer ice cream sandwhiches..sometimes..omg u know what i love best though..the fully loaded butterfinger dreyer ice cream..oh my goodddddd orgasm...fuck im blowed:joint::joint::peace:
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and as we all know, water is the basis of all life as we know it (here on earth)

i am convinced that there are other civilizations, and even as convinced that we all have an anti-self..the universe is potentially infinite, with quasars quite possibly being gateways to even deeper, unfathomable depths into the bends and fabric of time and space... i fucking love astronomy..my passion and the most fun i've ever had doing things..can't wait to get baked and go star gazing..or shit ex and star gazing..never done shrooms but i bet shrooms and star gazing is even more amazing..and some really good trance..some atb or early tiesto would probably work..okay i'ma make my self all teary eyed and dreamy if i don't shut up..

i love drugs...and stars..and planets...and..fat people..sometimes telletubbies..i love jesus too..kinda, i love him cuz his canon makes for some wicked rolling papers..oh yeah and that old creepy dude on family guy.. i love him too..he has some popsicles, but i prefer ice cream sandwhiches..sometimes..omg u know what i love best though..the fully loaded butterfinger dreyer ice cream..oh my goodddddd orgasm...fuck im blowed:joint::joint::peace:

WTF are you smoking mate thats completely of the chart!!
:confused: Anyway, if you wanna take shrooms when stargazing then make sure you are somewhere where you can see the milkyway it will totally freak you out it's like as if you can stick your hand in between the stars and pick them it's quite awesome as I have done it myself in the Kruger National Park in S.Africa.. :grin:

WTF are you smoking mate thats completely of the chart!!
:confused: Anyway, if you wanna take shrooms when stargazing then make sure you are somewhere where you can see the milkyway it will totally freak you out it's like as if you can stick your hand in between the stars and pick them it's quite awesome as I have done it myself in the Kruger National Park in S.Africa.. :grin:

On the lookout at Port Douglas, Far North Queensland in 1982...
Night-time with a bunch of friends...before the resorts took over the place. A truly mind changing experience.
cannabis is good.
us govt says its bad.
us govt are liers.
us govt says we landed on the moon.
but we didna cos theyz a buncha LIERS.

double speed is not equal to six times speed.
except when us govt is concerned.

u should all boycott that fake rigged election o yoz.

i am alien and ii was born on cloud 7 and ii say they cant stand on the moon or theyll vamoose!!!!disappear from the lightyear pressure as ii have all bad thoughts trapped in a genie lamp then ii told the geenie to alakazzam!!!disapear them with the curious astronaughts because they can then try to change them and if they change to good ill let em go and we all lived happily forever after

alakazzam!!! to us govt!!!!