Well-Known Member
Pondering pondering.. I'm not trying to offend any American citizens here but how do the American people expect foreigners to believe anything the American Gov says or do when they've lied to the world on numerous occasions??
~LOL~ The foreigners don't believe what the USA says. Some of them play along so they don't get on our bad side.
The more important question is how should be believe what the USA gov't says is real?
Anyone else see on TV that the new "discovery" is that bottled water is bad for you. So if bottled water is bad for you, than you would rather drink tap water. Right??.. Wrong... Our tap water contains fluoride that they deliberately add for "our dental hygiene". I have not found any conclusive facts that fluoride has any benefit to us when internally ingested. Just search youtube for "fluoride" and try and find some benefits.