yes it does,
have u ever calculated gravity before?
Solar System Simulator :-OG2
i made this little game earlier this year.
g is expressed in m.s^-2
any increase in g is the equivalent to a decrease in time. (so long as the proportions are the same)
u can alter the timer in the prog to double the speed
this has the same temporal effect as doubling the g
do the math
if u can write a little computer game that simulates gravity where u
can increase or decrease the gravity and the speed,
then u will have proved your point.
otherwise just play the game and see for yourself
or any other gravity game
with 1970 tech and finance we can go to the moon every 2 months,
but in 2008 we can only go into orbit every year and a half?
not only has tech advanced amazingly in that time
computers are over a million times better, and
the worlds economy has doubled three times since then...
people would pay every spare billion they had to go to the moon.
Why does Russia allow space tourists but America not?
Are my billions not good enough for them or something?
Or do they have something to hide behid that zero gravity pen of theirs?
nice try no cigar, Bill.