Did you do anything productive today?


Active Member
I woke up, went for a walk....To the bathroom to piss. Lol. Cleaned my apartment. Did some work on my laptop. Searched for a nice foreclosed home in Maine (wifey and I are moving next year). Took my cans and bottles to the machines and made a few bucks. Bought a pack of smokes. Gave it good to the wife. And have been watching videos on Youtube and hanging out here. God I need weed. Lol.


Active Member
I woke up, went for a walk....To the bathroom to piss. Lol. Cleaned my apartment. Did some work on my laptop. Searched for a nice foreclosed home in Maine (wifey and I are moving next year). Took my cans and bottles to the machines and made a few bucks. Bought a pack of smokes. Gave it good to the wife. And have been watching videos on Youtube and hanging out here. God I need weed. Lol.
Probably the best response thus far! Haha. Cheers, mate!


Active Member
Had plumber replace some pipe in my shower. Went to the post office to get a package. Bought nutrients online. Played Counter Strike. Watered the plants. Played with my dog. Listened to some music. Cooked dinner. And of course smoked 2 fat joints, a few bowls and also vaped a few bowls.


Active Member
woke up took a shit, had a midnight meal so was ready to burst when i woke up! While taking a dump ripped my sheldon black bong with some BC bud. Got on the laptop busted out some work, watched a couple episodes of breaking bad (I am a season behind) GF came over we got blazed she got the magic stick... Got hungry called up some buddies went out for korean BBQ blazed a fat blunt on the ride from dinner... all in all productive day ;)


Well-Known Member
I've just started watching through Breaking Bad. Almost done with season 2; loving it thus far.

And I've been playing Counter-Strike since 1.3. Played really hardcore for about 10 years, but now I haven't been playing much in the past year, but I did buy Global Offensive the other day. In fact I think I might play some here pretty soon.


Well-Known Member
i did what i do almost everyday.
Went to school for about 2 classes.
Went to my internship for about 5 hours.
Came home. Ate. Now sleepy.
I work my ass off for free


Active Member
Yeah I'm not really liking Global Offensive too much. Still giving it a chance but Source is what I prefer. Used to play some CAL-Main.


King Tut
Currently jobless, hoping to feed off of others accomplishments...

So far this is what I have done today (daily routine):










Cheers! :leaf:
Only masturbated once?