Direct sun?


Well-Known Member
I live in the desert,should I plant in direct sunlight or half-sun half- shade? Temps get in the 100 in the summer.Morning sun or evening sun? Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
ya you dont want sun from 1-4. thats when the sun will be the most intense. put up a screen of sorts that will allow some from to come through but not all


Well-Known Member
Plant your plant so that between 1-5 in the afternoon ya get shade. so that the extreme rays get shaded, it help with the whole heat and watering thing.


What are your seasons like? What's the rest of your living/grow scenerio? What are you expecting from your grow? IE: time frame, personal/commercial, coughlock/head high? You've got low humidity so.... Indicas might do well. You also have intense sun, yes? So equatorial sativas might be an option. High uv as well as low humidity regions of the world seem to be where the good shit ORIGINALLY came from, not Holland. Your Latitude will be the most determinant factor in plant selection as it sets the intensity of the sun and the photoperiod. Of course greenhouses, shades, irrigation, stealth, etc. will factor in too. Soooooo, give us more info! :)


Active Member
Hits 110+ where im at with 14 hours of direct sun.

I used smart bags with perlight.
Direct sun, Id never plant in the shade.

Trick is to pump the smart pots with 10 gallons of water in the AM so it can drink and hold out in the hottest of hellish temps and then another 8 gallons at night so it has a reserve for the AM,
I covered my smart pots with straw on the top and sides but they have grey pots now that wont evaporate the water.

One thing I noticed is a really healthy root system is necessary or the plant would die and some did!.

I believe this for my location, yours might be different.


Well-Known Member
100 is nothing, it gets over 110 here and they love it keep em moist and you'll have some monsters.