direct to soil cloning


Well-Known Member
so basically, i'd be wasting my money on rockwool? i mean, if its just as good to stick clones directly in the soil, i'm not gonna bother w/ getting rockwool....
that's the way i feel... plus it seems odd to plant/start the clone in rockwool and then bury it into the soil anyway... just go straight to dirt to avoid the middle handling step, and save a few bucks...


Well-Known Member
very interesting, ive never cloned straight to 12/12 before.
wonder how this would work out in a sog application... you could clone directly to 6" square pots im thinking


New Member
I love this thread!

I cloned direct to soil my first few times with varying success, but only 50/50 at best.

One night I needed to take clones, but had no soil and all the shops were closed for a holiday weekend of some sort. SO I decided to try to clone using perlite. I went 100% and have been doing the same ever since. I use the same exact method as you for taking clones besides the medium.


Well-Known Member
so the rockwool & soil clones have been cut for 25 days... all 4 plants look as they should, very healthy. they all look the same, no difference growth wise seems to be going on.

also pictured are clones from a different dumpster plant that were cut 22 days ago. and under the cloudy cups on the corners are clones from a 3rd dumpster plant that were just cut tonight...

pic1: blue cups were direct to soil and red ones were rockwool
pic2: all 4 were d t s
pic3: 12 healthy plants in their box



This is an awesome thread!

I have been trying my luck with hydro cloning, but things don't look so good.
I do have small root formations, but nothing serious.
Also, my cuttings seem to have wilted and are no longer firm and standing upright.

I have been thinking about cloning directly to dirt, but did not know if that was possible or not.
Until I read this thread!

So yay for!!
I'll be cloning to soil tonight!


Well-Known Member
forgot i posted this thread... still going straight to soil... tried a batch with cubes and success rate is same for both, about 90-95%...
there always seems to be (and will be) one or two cuttings that just don't like livin...