LOL everyone acts like i'm gonna die, damn part of life is learning how to be around others, i'm using this situation as a personal challenge, my past approaches to these type of situations usualy ended with me yelling and someone else crying, never talking to me again
Ya i can be a royal KUNT when pushed, but she's not a bad person, just lacks respect, which i feel is due to her age. I'd rather give her a chance then bail. I like the house and i don't run away from problems, i resolve them.
I remember being her age and i did a few things i now regret, I want to be her friend not enemy. It's weird she has 2 friends that come over and hang out with me more than her lol, why can't i hit it off with her as easily?? I don't get some women ??
April is not going anywhere, sorry if i'm bitching guys but this is my safe place, lol u can't have these kinds of convos on FB ( and i have very few friends in my new home) I like being able to just openly express myself without fear of who is reading