Dirty Pickle............


Well-Known Member
i read the thread title as "dick pickle" for some reason. april, can i send you a picture of my erection?


Pickle Queen
Now get settled in so you can post more.
So I've been wondering why there's like 4 feet of snow blocking the walkway to my backyard (between me and the people next door) ha This morning I walk out and see the dick shoveling all his driveway snow onto my property, I just stopped and politely asked " should I toss all this back so it melts into your basement come spring?" Dude just stood there looking at me like a deer caught in headlights, damn some people are just dicks. No way to move all the snow he's tossed, but at least my new is decent, well she did take my cocoa butter into her room last night, which annoyed me I got out of my shower, I just bought it yesterday too :(

Ya i'm pmsing, everything annoys me lol

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member
Yeah you could be "ovary acting". "ba-dum-bum-CHING... Sorry, not all is comedic gold.
I don't know how you folk even live there? I'm sure it's beautiful country, but what's it like -25 as I type. I grew up in New Jersey so I know a little about winter, but damn, I think your in the thick of it.
I guess you get used to it. I just hate working in the cold.
Miss the crunch under the boots thu.


Well-Known Member
Fuck a roommate, get a wife they take much better care of ya.....Never had a roommate Mon liked, Mon still like his wife............