Disappointed with Breeders.

disagree too.

from the breeders perspective, freebies are a great way to get people growing their gear. It's a relatively cheap investment to make as a breeder, with a huge upside for reward. This is nothing new, and certainly not specific to the sale of cannabis seeds.

with that said, it would be really stupid for a breeder to associate themselves with a seedbank that is selling old, or mislabeled stock as freebies from that breeder. It is a business relationship most likely held together with a strict contract, and it would be really really stupid of any seedbank to do anything to breech it.

but that also doesnt mean all your freebies will be fire. sometimes seedbanks just give out stuff. They really have no idea if its fire or not. But I don't think that's necessarily what we're talking about here. I was thinking more along the lines of you order a pack of DNA, and you get a pack of free seeds labeled 'freebies' from DNA.

but even in the case of a seedbank just giving out random free stuff. It would be really dumb of any 'serious' breeder to let the seedbank give out bunk or old seeds of their gear.

stop being paranoid :D
Not really disappointed in the breeders themselves but few recent disappointing strains were,

Chernobyl from Subcool, recent stock made by Badger. Lower potency had many complaints, didn't have any phenos worth a second look. Not any Golden ticket phenos or anything even resembling older Chernobyl seeds from few years ago.

Dankolato from Dank genetics.. Bad flavors, bland high. Low potency across them all.

My biggest surprise of disappointment was from Karma, his Difruitti strain. Has some strawberry/banana flavors but I didn't feel enough headbanger showed up in the cross creating a lower potency slight fruit flower but zero flavor/potency from banger.
Attitude freebies are trash 99% of the time. Ya never know if they are just relabeling old, crappy stock that they couldnt sell. The only potentially worthwhile ones are the full breeder pack promo's.
What makes you think they'd relabel freebies? The freebies always seem to be what they are said to be to me?
Here is a dinafem northern lights blueberry auto flower freebie I gave my buddy. Looks good and smells berry like...
20190809_193036.jpg 20190809_192828.jpg
I'm a 'new' grower (on my third run, about to be a year fooling with these plants) and when I got into this hobby, I definitely was lured into the traps. Coming from an illegal state, I'd never seen 99% of the crosses on seedbanks sites, so I was freaking out lol. Gelatos, cookies, sherberts, you name it; and this was on seedsman (not a bad bank I just have more knowledge now so they're no longer my go to). Anyway I ended up splurging and buying about 10 diff crosses (all fems) and I'm about to harvest my first round of them in a week. I also was a sucker for strain names, not knowing that means absolutely nothing to how the plant will grow, smell, smoke, etc.

I'm now collecting bodhi and doc d's work (love reg beans now and making f2s). I just feel like when buying seed, people need to take into consideration that there's a lot of variables that play into how those seeds will express the genetics inside of them, or if that seedbank or breeder is even reputable so you may not even be getting what they say you are.

And dakilla, I wouldn't say all of those genetics you chose were bad. They aren't my cup of tea but I would take into consideration that most of them you bought (except for the first two I believe) were single seeds. When planting a single seed of anything even if it's fem and trying to find some heat is hit or miss. I bought a single seed before (Dutch Passion Auto Critical Orange Punch), it had a decent citrusy funk to it, but it was my second time growing, and we'll just say I failed miserably and she began flowering way to early to amount to anything.

I think that before any variety is claimed as 'shit' I would try growing it in multiple different environments or with different inputs, otherwise it could very well be grower error.
Not really disappointed in the breeders themselves but few recent disappointing strains were,

Chernobyl from Subcool, recent stock made by Badger. Lower potency had many complaints, didn't have any phenos worth a second look. Not any Golden ticket phenos or anything even resembling older Chernobyl seeds from few years ago.

Dankolato from Dank genetics.. Bad flavors, bland high. Low potency across them all.

My biggest surprise of disappointment was from Karma, his Difruitti strain. Has some strawberry/banana flavors but I didn't feel enough headbanger showed up in the cross creating a lower potency slight fruit flower but zero flavor/potency from banger.

Bro.. try to made cross of your own.. lets say you get 1000-2000 seeds,try to grow them them all thru time
and then you will learn that every strain have favorites and keepers.. but also have lot of those that will
underperform parents in huge percent.. its hard to judge if you tryed one pack.. maybe tommorow
somewanne will come with such a nice plant that will become elite cut right from those strains
you mention...

if you grow multiple packs and then criticize that will have more value if we talk judgement..

P.S.--- You needed to goes directly on Karma Headbanger,i didnt found much folks that says
anything bad on that line... actually i didnt found no body talks bad on Headbanger..
and mine experience with HB is only positive..
Bro.. try to made cross of your own.. lets say you get 1000-2000 seeds,try to grow them them all thru time
and then you will learn that every strain have favorites and keepers.. but also have lot of those that will
underperform parents in huge percent.. its hard to judge if you tryed one pack.. maybe tommorow
somewanne will come with such a nice plant that will become elite cut right from those strains
you mention...

if you grow multiple packs and then criticize that will have more value if we talk judgement..

P.S.--- You needed to goes directly on Karma Headbanger,i didnt found much folks that says
anything bad on that line... actually i didnt found no body talks bad on Headbanger..
and mine experience with HB is only positive..
I have 2 headbangers I run...I have my own strains I've created and have ran for 15 years or more on some and have multiple crosses in seed. I did grow out multiple packs of Chernobyl and dankolato but only one pack of Difruitti. Just for your information boss!
On a somewhat related topic, I've often wondered if flipping the switch from say 20 to 12 hrs is the cause of self-pollination.
It's in my mind at the moment, as I'm tempted to flip gradually this run; lowering light incrementally as nature does outdoors.
I even have a pack of beans here that states:
"Best grown outdoors, possible sensitivities indoors"
And it's from Bodhi, a reputable breeder.
I have 2 headbangers I run...I have my own strains I've created and have ran for 15 years or more on some and have multiple crosses in seed. I did grow out multiple packs of Chernobyl and dankolato but only one pack of Difruitti. Just for your information boss!

Good for you man,HB are really worthy... and am not any boss or bossy but tryed to explain you things..
didnt know you are breeder.. but then again if you have experience in breeding you could know those
things i tryed to explain..

and not all strains perform as Headbanger.. there is shitty weed and seed lines,maybe some of those are
created by your selection too if you breed for 15 years already..

Have great day you "Chief of the Universe"... ;D LOL
Good for you man,HB are really worthy... and am not any boss or bossy but tryed to explain you things..
didnt know you are breeder.. but then again if you have experience in breeding you could know those
things i tryed to explain..

and not all strains perform as Headbanger.. there is shitty weed and seed lines,maybe some of those are
created by your selection too if you breed for 15 years already..

Have great day you "Chief of the Universe"... ;D LOL
Hahaha! Don't look now but your flys down...i get it your new here from getting banned elsewhere trying to make a impression and you feel the need to defend Karma since your a tester now. Been there done that and still have pictures on attitude from when i use to test for breeders. I never said I was a breeder but I've chucked alot of pollen. Maybe next time don't try and be a know it all and come at guys that probably been growing longer then you have been smoking.

Anybody else remember when this forum was about strain reviews and not politics?
On a somewhat related topic, I've often wondered if flipping the switch from say 20 to 12 hrs is the cause of self-pollination.
It's in my mind at the moment, as I'm tempted to flip gradually this run; lowering light incrementally as nature does outdoors.
I even have a pack of beans here that states:
"Best grown outdoors, possible sensitivities indoors"
And it's from Bodhi, a reputable breeder.
Hay boom111, I do not get involved in these discussions very much so if I say some thing out line let me know. Anyways ,about 25 maybe 30 yrs ago my brother and I had some panama seeds that we brought back from being stationed there we grew them outside a couple years but they would not finish all the way(still produced some good weed just not as good as what we smoked in panama) anyways one of us found out about growing indoors . We set up a grow room in a barn and tried to grow those seeds indoors for two or three years and we had horrific hermies. We tried what you are talking about.instead of going from 18 directly to 12 we reduced light to 17,16, etc. Down to 10 hrs away it worked for us we got rid of most not all, but it took 20 weeks to finish those Panama plants. I think it reduces the stress on certain strains. I don't do it much any more but sometimes
Hay boom111, I do not get involved in these discussions very much so if I say some thing out line let me know. Anyways ,about 25 maybe 30 yrs ago my brother and I had some panama seeds that we brought back from being stationed there we grew them outside a couple years but they would not finish all the way(still produced some good weed just not as good as what we smoked in panama) anyways one of us found out about growing indoors . We set up a grow room in a barn and tried to grow those seeds indoors for two or three years and we had horrific hermies. We tried what you are talking about.instead of going from 18 directly to 12 we reduced light to 17,16, etc. Down to 10 hrs away it worked for us we got rid of most not all, but it took 20 weeks to finish those Panama plants. I think it reduces the stress on certain strains. I don't do it much any more but .sometimes
Hay boom111, I do not get involved in these discussions very much so if I say some thing out line let me know. Anyways ,about 25 maybe 30 yrs ago my brother and I had some panama seeds that we brought back from being stationed there we grew them outside a couple years but they would not finish all the way(still produced some good weed just not as good as what we smoked in panama) anyways one of us found out about growing indoors . We set up a grow room in a barn and tried to grow those seeds indoors for two or three years and we had horrific hermies. We tried what you are talking about.instead of going from 18 directly to 12 we reduced light to 17,16, etc. Down to 10 hrs away it worked for us we got rid of most not all, but it took 20 weeks to finish those Panama plants. I think it reduces the stress on certain strains. I don't do it much any more but sometimes
Think you quoted wrong person, Sunbiz1 is who was talking about slowly transitioning from veg to bloom. With that said I too experienced something similar way back when. I brought some Jamaican seeds back(lambs breath, Alaskan, and I think Cambodian) to grow outdoors before almost all the strains on island became hybridized. They would never finish here in northeast outdoor and when grown indoor years later had to be started under 12/12 to get any kind of yield without growing into a wild jungle bush. Nowadays i only see hermi's on lower branches on fem seeds, I call them low light stress hermis that happen because they barely get any light under 6ft canopy.
Hahaha! Don't look now but your flys down...i get it your new here from getting banned elsewhere trying to make a impression and you feel the need to defend Karma since your a tester now. Been there done that and still have pictures on attitude from when i use to test for breeders. I never said I was a breeder but I've chucked alot of pollen. Maybe next time don't try and be a know it all and come at guys that probably been growing longer then you have been smoking.

Anybody else remember when this forum was about strain reviews and not politics?

So you have 70 years... ;D LOL

Me bro dont coming at you at all... its only your amygdala works overloaded so you expect some attack
when there is cool as iceberg..

also how you know how long i growing and breeding.. you follow me for some time or what??

Also must addmit to you am pretty much freelancer... not bound to any breeder and these test grow i made
for KarmaG in friendly way and cause of old school spirit..and this is now and who knows will i ever test anything for him..

Thing was i wished to grow something with A5 genetics inside.. in same time i grow Killer A5 Haze from ACE..
am thankfull for chance and in mine eyes KarmaG haves good vibration compared to some others..

You on another hand chuked a lot of polen and never become breeder.. so these also tells much about your
skills and gift for selecting... ;D heheehehehe