Disinfection ??


Well-Known Member
I have a situation with spider mites. I have done almost everything possible. I have a 160 plants that im going to flower. Its every plant in my facility. Once I have them done flowering what is my best bet to eradicate any pest. I am going to start from scratch. I will never bring clones into my grow again. If I want that strain I will buy the seeds. I have been batling mites for close to 6 months. I have tried sulfer burners, azamax, neem, spinosid, azatrol, pyrethrin bombs, spidermite knockout home brews etc. Im ready to make a flame thrower and burn every surface in my grow. The facility is 27'x30' split in half. 12.5'x30' per side with 12.5' ceilings. I have thought about gettin like 10 raid bombs and letting them kill.....Do they do anything for these lil bastards?


Active Member
Spider mites lay eggs that only hatch after about 3 days. This is why those fuckers are so hard to kill because even if you kill every living mite today in three days they will be back because every spray and soap on the market only kills living mites not the eggs (trust me I've been there). The only full proof way is to wash every inch of the plant by hand and that is a tedious task for even a small time grower. I think your spot on by flowering everything and then starting from scratch. make sure you don't have any form of plant matter in your grow room for at least a month after the harvest to make sure that the remaining mites die of starvation.