DIY Honey Oil Extractor! (Using Butane Gas)

Hi folks, just saw this thread and figured Id add my 2cents.

I made this once to trial, just using leaf matter and came up with some nice yellow honey type oil that was a bit like blue tack.

It worked well and so I decided to put a bit more thought into the process and try another way of containing the end product.

So I went to the local kitchen appliance store and bought a nice thick sundae glass (about 1/2 a foot high, thick glass, with sloping sides). I used chopped up stem, leave and some of the smaller shittier heads I didnt want to keep. Ground it all up and squirted 2 x 300ml gas cans through it and into the sundae glass.
It took a lot longer for the butane to evaporate and I kept stirring it to keep any solid bits forming. I kept it under a gentle heat for about 3 or 4 hours until it seemed all the butane was out, then left it overnight for good measure.

What I was left with was about 5mm of deep brown/red oil in the bottom of the glass and the consistency of thick honey. I am not sure why it didnt turn out the yellow/creamy blue tack kind like the last lot. But this stuff seems much more potent.
I have a skewer that I leave in the glass and just dip it out when I want to smoke.

To smoke Ive found putting a few drops in a clean oil burner and a straw works well, but takes ages and is rough as guts. Another way is just to drip a drop or two onto a joint and smoke it. This is more wasteful but lighter on the throat and nicer to smoke.

This stuff is awesome.
to say oil is 99.9% thc.....or that its the purest form is incorrect.

Try ear hit me harder then any oil I've bought/made. and it was only 74.4%.
mate Ive been making this twice as long as you and i know that this is only half the procedure when you have your Pyrex dish you want another dish under it full with hot HOT water so that as soon as the liquid hits the 1st Pyrex dish it will turn solid and if Ur looking to make crystal oil just use heaps and heaps of coffee filters and you will get so fucked up like wasted to the max
mate Ive been making this twice as long as you and i know that this is only half the procedure when you have your Pyrex dish you want another dish under it full with hot HOT water so that as soon as the liquid hits the 1st Pyrex dish it will turn solid and if Ur looking to make crystal oil just use heaps and heaps of coffee filters and you will get so fucked up like wasted to the max

You are talking about butane extraction, I was talking about purging the butane with a vacuum AFTER the hot tap water is used, not as a substitute. hot water will only remove a majority of the butane, but not ALL. I've been doing this since you were in diapers mate
Purging isn't necessary if you do it right. lambofgod has it right. Make Budder. By the time you're done, there are no bubbles....and it's better.
I watched the video and maintain that YouTube will never teach me anything I don't already know. It's not just whipping it into a butter consistency. It's double-boiling to cook off all of the butane. There's nothing, and I mean nothing that a vacuum will do better than a double boiler when it comes to making Budder. I don't care what link or video you post. You need more than hot water. You need REALLY hot water....anyhoo, my wife is bugging me to burn so I gotta deuces.
I watched the video and maintain that YouTube will never teach me anything I don't already know. It's not just whipping it into a butter consistency. It's double-boiling to cook off all of the butane. There's nothing, and I mean nothing that a vacuum will do better than a double boiler when it comes to making Budder. I don't care what link or video you post. You need more than hot water. You need REALLY hot water....anyhoo, my wife is bugging me to burn so I gotta deuces.

too hot you burn the cannabinoids and thc matter, thats all bad . boiling is bad. purge at low temps for best results.
you get more after product if u use hot water and i know how to turn it into a creamy crystal do u mr ive been going this since ive been in diapers hmm? would you like to know how?
i use a stainless steel turkey baster with the bulb off. the small tip i put in one of the ends from the butane can.the large end of the baster i used a coffee filter attached with a hose clamp.remove the coffee filter,add plant matter inside,replace filter,and inject butane into the small end.evaporate the butane as indicated above.mmmmmm.bho....
Dusty Tome bump!

I just yielded close to 3 grams (two runs, technically) of shatter off top shelf flower shake. Room temp, and open... its the consistency of the old school flat, Jolly Ranchers. Closed up and in your pocket, it turns into a gooey mess, that will stick to anything.

Here's my second run on a half/half mix of fresh and 2nd run (which was a pathetic first run). Used a Schott glass 12" x 1 1/2" extraction tube, Pyrex breadpan and a crockpot set to high. Let it cook, until it cooked off all the big bubbled (the butane). Still in the midst of a good 2+ hour (though its starting to fade... not a big crash however)

I've been researching the crap out of this...
folks.... DONT USE PVC!
PVC with butane = bad

use stainless steel or want the butane to only capture cannabinoids...not cannabinoids and some plastic....
Great details on everything from butane to not using PVC because of chemical from butane corroding PVC to get sick and ruin your oil. Just one tip everything I read correctly one thing to do after extraction when all oil and butane is in your pyrex dish put that dish into a larger one and easy pour boiling water half way up to your honey dish. This evaporats the butane faster because of the coldness of butane. Then leave to sit out in the dish for at least 12hours really 24 but if can't wait. Just to make sure everything purged from oil. Why dispensaries use vacuum chamber to suck all oxygen out of oils made plus impurities.
Dusty Tome bump!

I just yielded close to 3 grams (two runs, technically) of shatter off top shelf flower shake. Room temp, and open... its the consistency of the old school flat, Jolly Ranchers. Closed up and in your pocket, it turns into a gooey mess, that will stick to anything.

Here's my second run on a half/half mix of fresh and 2nd run (which was a pathetic first run). Used a Schott glass 12" x 1 1/2" extraction tube, Pyrex breadpan and a crockpot set to high. Let it cook, until it cooked off all the big bubbled (the butane). Still in the midst of a good 2+ hour (though its starting to fade... not a big crash however)

Yeah wonder since you're purging butane in crockpot you created shatter instead of wax or that yellow honey like substance. Easier to break off a piece to smoke then dabbin and scraping
good point
im making one of these tomoz
i was wondering if pvc could be used and if it would become static and cause a spark
and that why some many of these jokers use glass
but if your around to write this i going to make it and get real bent
how hard does this shit go anyway i never smoked hash before or oil
No PVC butane will leach toxic stuff from it and oil won't be as good. Everybody uses PVC either don't know or care. Honey bee extractors uses special material made for butane. I get it's diy but 20 bucks online for one.
why would you want to put something into your body that is made with butane ?
That's how it's made but dispensaries and people with money have vacuum chambers that purge and suck out all oxygen and impurities. Plus using high grade butane the 99% and distilled is safe. Or go solventless with heat and pressure to extract some good stuff.