DiY LED - Cree CXA3070

Sure you can use passive, you just have to use enough surface area (100cm²/W) If you go with active cooling it will add the cost of the fan and use about 2W per fan, but you buy a lot less heatsink (30cm²/W).
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Yea I just had to reinstall windows last night because i was getting popups in google chrome making it unusable. Luckily I had a clean image ready so it didn't take long but whatta PITA.
Curious (and so sorry for asking something everyone else knows) but what's the footprint for an actively cooled unit? 80cm2/W?
Here we go then.




Plants were light deprived for 3+ days while I setup the COBs. The sativas were on the outskirts of the 560-watt Chinese panel for weeks too. They're all starting to recover already, and it's only their second 18-hour under the 3070's. Also I plan to get Orca film all along that back wall soon.
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So what advantages can hydro bring to the table that are worth "skipping" the biodynamic relationship that has existed for 450 million years? You are more likely to discover consequences than advantages if history is any guide.

I enjoy the speed and precision with hydro. I'm also a tech geek and I like to tinker. I'm actually hoping to experiment with a AA-HPA system early next year. The plant is getting the same stuff in either case, I don't understand the 'stigma' attached to salt based fertilizers. Even the best most natural recycled soil is full to the brim with 'chemicals' :P.

It's one thing to tout a preference. But to call hydroponics poison, is kinda misleading. They both have their places, neither one is inherently 'better' than the other. They both do different things and have different advantages. I can't post anything, but there have been plenty of gardeners much more skilled than I am, that have grown bomb product with both methods. It's the skill of the Gardner that has the biggest influence I think, rather than the method used.

As far as tomatoes are concerned, multiple double blind studies have been done that indicate that most people can't differentiate between tomatoes that were 'organic' vs those grown with salt based fertilizers. They actually found the biggest indicator with taste was when the fruit was harvested, not how it was fed.
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Yea I just had to reinstall windows last night because i was getting popups in google chrome making it unusable. Luckily I had a clean image ready so it didn't take long but whatta PITA.
That sounds painful. I would have just ditched Chrome, but I'm sure you had your reasons.
I can understand the tinkering thing and like I said, if you do it correctly you might actually get a decent product. As far as the stigma, the chem fert paradigm is unsustainable, unnatural, easy to abuse and maybe even inherently dangerous. Chem ferts are the gateway to arrogant foolish science abuse. The next step after chem ferts is half-assed chem ferts on an agricultural scale with no regard to environmental damage and then lets throw in some petrochemically derived pesticides, spray all over the food crops. Since we are on a slippery slope, lets introduce irreversible GMO into the environment that create pestcide in the crops. Since the pests develop resistance the farmers will now be dependent on us for new seed, that should please the shareholders and who can stop us? It is not hard to see that this is heading in the wrong direction, why even start down that road?

Organics give you the ability to be resilient and knowledge that will be valuable down the road. You can grow medicine or food using nothing but what you find in the woods. You will create no toxic waste and your own waste will actually be a contribution to the ecosystem.

Blindfolded, I could pick out my weed versus my friends chem weed 1000 times in a row, probably wouldn't even have to smoke it :)
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Yes I agree, because we have a gun to our head, we are forced to use artificial light. In a free society, we could grow medical cannabis in greenhouses and supplement light as necessary.

Sorry if I come off rude Bicit, I don't care how other people grow to each their own. I just personally choose organic because I see no compelling reason to deviate from such a convenient and effective natural system. I trust nature a lot more than artificial systems.
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Blindfolded, I could pick out my weed versus my friends chem weed 1000 times in a row, probably wouldn't even have to smoke it :)

Course you could, you spend 3 months around a plant you'll be able to pick it out by smell and feel alone. Now let's see you pick out the difference between two strangers of equal skill level. That's what double blind studies are for.
Yes I agree, because we have a gun to our head, we are forced to use artificial light. In a free society, we could grow medical cannabis in greenhouses and supplement light as necessary.

Sorry if I come off rude Bicit, I don't care how other people grow as long as I don't have to smoke it/eat it.

I didn't mean to single you out either, just sorta happened that way. Though honestly, I don't see what the concern is. Realistically you wouldn't be able to tell the two apart in a double blind study, this has been demonstrated repeatedly in the greenhouse industry. There is nothing toxic going into these plants, it's the same stuff the bacteria make just directly available instead of having to be pooped out first.

What is it that makes salt fertilizers dangerous in your mind? It's kinda boggling me to see these replies in a section that's full of what I consider scientists.....

Not to say I'm against organic methods, or pro-monsanto, I just finished mixing a huge batch of soil for my edible garden. It just seems like there is some misinformation going around here.

Different tools different applications.
Course you could, you spend 3 months around a plant you'll be able to pick it out by smell and feel alone. Now let's see you pick out the difference between two strangers of equal skill level. That's what double blind studies are for.

Sorry brotha, but your refrence to blind study and tomatoes is completly false, first off even if itwas done by a neutral legit tester (which i doubt because most these test r sponsered by corporations like Monsanto), these people who are being tested on are already products of a society in which we are forced to eat chemical gmo crops. So in other words they wouldnt know what organics taste like or looked like if it bite them in the ass.

Same goes with these synthetic growers claiming to have a satstified patients, who in reality dont know what good organic herbs is, or even worse, patients dont know they really have a choice! (Same with food)

Like supra said, its a maatter of sustainabilty, hydroponic bottle sysntetics is not sustainable. And especially mono agriculture that plagues our enviroment.

Obviously im aware im not 100% purist, im well aware of my foot print and my privledgess as a citizen of the USA. I believe technology has to play a role in our future, we are in aa point of no return, thats why i believe in LEDs.

With that said in one or two months time i should have a fully operational green house going. Not sure if i should go the cob/led route or the indagrow route. Geuss whatever is cheaper.
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I've personally got two waterfarms sitting because I couldn't get them to make the herb as dank as soil. Nugs were twice as big in it's saying a lot I still chose organic soil

I think they both have their place...hydro in the in the country. I'm sure both can be done responsibly or irresponsibly.
What is your degree in, out of curiosity. 'Science' is a pretty broad term.

Lay it on him RROG hehehe

Edit: just wanted to point out about your question/statement in reguards to salt fertilizers.
Obviously it damages the environment. Studies shown to deplete oceans and land, all connected to fertilizers. Lets not forget about the vanishing bees and frogs! (Few examples)
As for health, although "scientist" havent fully connected cancer/obesity/disabilities and other diseases to salt based fertilizers, there are studies that are heading that direction, obviously.
And honestly, i dont need a study to tell me that shit is bad for you, i feel it when i smoke chem grown herb, burns your fucking throat, taste like fucking plastic. Chem grown tomatoe? Seriously, disgusting.
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oh wow. Not looking to boast. I was mostly going for the joke. Probably should not have. I think Positivity has stated it well. Both can be done responsibly or irresponsibly. I have dual Bachelors in bio and chem. And there's a shit-ton of people with no degrees that know a hellova lot more than me.