Dammmit I didn't ground my frame! Don't have a junction box yet, but just so I understood what airwalker is saying. Just run some of the same solid core wire used to run the cobs a sepearte wire of course, tied into the ground wire(wagos) of the drivers ground? Also, had a question about the pot and resistor. Ok 2 questions.

1. Is it ok that i used wagos to connect the pot and resistor to the dim leads of the driver? It works just not sure how safe it is.I used electrical tape to seal/cover the cconnectors. haven't soldered anything to date. Did buy a soldering iron and flux rods tho.
Also, watching growmau5's videos, I see he applies somehing to the wire before he uses the flux rod and soldering iron. What is the stuff?
2.Is an on off switch an option? I've never seen any mention on one on diy builds. Not totally necessary when hooked to a timer. But, yea yanno....
Any ideas on how he got that mirror polish on his angle aluminum?
@Airwalker16, are your drivers remotely mounted with that J-box outside your grow space?