DIY with Quantum Boards


Well-Known Member
I was trying to ascertain that if all variables being the same, airflow ambient temp thermal resistance etc;
if i use a qb running at 75 watt, with the heat sink on robins website and another with the same material/anodised et al except double the thickness and/or width, will the thicker sink cause the lights to run cooler?
I'm sorry, taita, I still don't understand what you're proposing. You wrote: "with the heat sink on robins website and another with the same material/anodized..." Your application of the word "and" makes me think that you're describing a combination of sinks on one QB?? But the last part of your sentence sounds to me like you're describing using a thicker sink instead of robin's sink, so I'm confused.

If you're talking about replacing robin's sink with a thicker sink, there's a strong possibility it would pull more heat away from the QB. If the metallurgy, shape, finning etc. are all at least as effective as robin's. And it's not warped or uneven.

If you're describing some sort of combination of sinks on one QB, then it'd be helpful to explain in more detail what you have in mind.


Well-Known Member
For boards in different batches it is best to mount boards in series to avoid issues. Note that only max 2 boards in series.
thanks for getting this important info out there. It would be helpful to see a quick review of some of the more popular serial driver recommendations just to get everyone up-to-speed.


Well-Known Member
Would it be possible to series diodes (.6 v drop per junction) in series with a board with lower forward voltage. I've done this with 7805 regulators in the ground leg to change the voltage out. It may take several in series. Possibly mark boards for future reference?
Good idea i will consider using a sharpie to write down the cold board voltage at test current. But at what current......The test current i use is 65*8= 520ma

yes diode will do a voltage drop and then 2 boards from different batch will work better together. Great Idea. I will test it out, i think i have some 1007 diodes.
Average DIY'ers may not be able to play with diodes and it may be easier for them to just use boards in series.
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Got all my parts , now to put it all together.
The problem I'm having is how to mount the heatsinks.
I have this nifty track aluminum with a notch cut inside but the heatsink plus LED panel
is too thick to fit in the notch as well as being too crowded.
I was thinking of getting some flat strips of aluminum and mounting it in the notches but
not sure how to attach it to the heatsink. Maybe drill larger holes through both panel and heatsink with longer screws?
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Not sure if i follow from that photo. But if they are sliding boards, that is a very cool idea. Good luck
There are 8 holes(5mm ) that you can use to attach the heatsink