Dj Ruiners feeble attempt at his first DWC grow...Jacks Classic only.


Well-Known Member
got some pics of party girl...i cut the roots off from the net cup to help it start to dry out faster.ive had it in darkness for about 24 hours...but darkness with a kick...i was looking into the effects of uv rays on mj plants...i read that in defense of uv rays...the plant will produce more resin to try and shield and protect itself from uv while it was in darkness it also had a uv-b light sitting about 4" away from it...and it seemed to really help...the resin on the calaxes almost got frosty as im going to leave it overnight in my closet with the uv light again...i checked the roots in the cup and yeah...roots almost took over the cup...if it didnt start growing into the might not have made it through flowering........i did a mini trim on it...gonna let it go into paper bags to dry with a few leaves still on it...then ill trim it before it goes into a jar to cure...then im going to cure with the RH cure method...but here is some pics...can really tell how much bud it was really hiding...the leaves was tight around the buds so it didnt look like there was much there..but after trimming the big leaves off it gives a good idea of whats going on...but enough is some pics

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Good shit homie, she would have made it in the cup, i have ran many growing in cups with no problems.

those roots look great tho :D


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5046694]Good shit homie, she would have made it in the cup, i have ran many growing in cups with no problems.

those roots look great tho :D[/QUOTE]that was my intention..i didnt want it to grow into the dwc...but after a couple days the roots just shot into it..i had it sitting in a net cup in my dwc system that was on a test run before i put any plants in it just had plain tap water...with a ph around 8..that why it lost all of its fan leaves when it was maybe 2 weeks into flowerbefore i knew it the roots had grown into the res...and the really high ph got it...and since it almost killed it..i thought id experiment with it...thats when i made it a soil/dwc grow...she was entered into a party cup growoff...and had wanted to keep it that way...but shit happens ya know


Well-Known Member
Interesting link and read on THC etc..
EDIT: Also you can google CBN1 brain receptors
some good info there...think i read that a few months back..but a lot from that site is hard to trust as its a cannabis prevention website..cant trust a site that tells you not to smoke it while giving you info about it.thats like listening to the government talk about the state of the nation...a lot will be hard to swallow


Well-Known Member
Yea I know, but I've been reading more and more on this matter as my mother has stage 4 lymph node cancer. another link I found seems to suggest that endocannibinnoids may be able to reduce tumors by helping to control the brain, seems like the med company's want a crack at patenting a drug before cannabis will ever get legalized.
only downside there...they cant get a patent...cannabis has been under patent by the federal government for many years...which is funny..if the government says pot is so bad and they want to keep it iilegal...why do they hold the patent to it


Well-Known Member
party girl just got the chop chop...woo hoo...i went ahead and just put it in a paper bag...gonna dry it in there then into jars it goes...i left a few leaves on there and will do a final trim before it goes into jars...cant wait for this shit to already had the house stinking like sour should be some good shit...hell the samples i took got us blazed and it was barely dry with no cure at all..and the odd part..smooth as can be



Well-Known Member
I love the fact that its not harsh at all...i hated smoking and coughing my lungs out everytime haha..wooohooooo the buds look great babe :)..she will definitely be some good smoke


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5048308]I would hang dry it.[/QUOTE]
i normally do..i just wanted to try it a little different this time...if im not liking it by this time tomorrow ive got my old grow box with a couple of fans on it ready to go go dry it in there


Well-Known Member
Congrats brotha, I cut off a little bud of the KK earlier and its looking and smelling great:) I'm actually putting together another dry box right now!


Well-Known Member
welp...i got the party girl harvest all in a jar curing now...rh was at 44% and climbing when i last checked...should know by tomorrow whether its in the cure zone or still needs to dry out im getting a sour/skunk smell from it as it cures...hasnt been in there 24 hours yet and its already breaking stuff down..but if it keeps the consistency it has now its gonna be spongy and stinky as hell...but im sure by about christmas its gonna be some dank smoke before some ham and turkey...probably giving some of it as gifts to couple people also...nothing better then getting some herb for the holidays

but on to the new babies....the 2 cups being crop circle trained has had some hella-growth on the main stem...its going to start shooting out new budsites left and right...just too many damn fan leaves in the way...or there would be even more growth by now....will be training them both more tomorrow...i need to feed them early from now on..they are keeping droop from being almost dry every 12-15 misting them 2-3 times a day on top of daily waterings...gonna flush them tomorrow since ive been pumping them with my 20-20-20 nutes...will also be starting them with molasses and my reg nutes after the flush.


the haze is doing great....its at 2 weeks old and not many issues with it yet...other then a couple funky shaped leaves


now we have this one...its been growing odd since sprout...came out of a bag of some killer i had just kinda looks like the leaves are forming devil horns at the has great color and is growing just as fast as any others...but the leaves have 2 points at the end of each leaf...i think im growing the anti-christ
