Dj Ruiners feeble attempt at his first DWC grow...Jacks Classic only.

ive got some *sniff sniff* bad news....i think we might be losing party up yesterday to ALL of her fan leaves burnt to a crisp and almost dead.most of the other smaller leaves was burnt also....i pulled the res out and its ph was fucking 7.2....this came out of nowhere seeing as it was at a ph of 5.8 everyday till guessing this is whats to also might have been the fact that it had two sets of roots...set in the cup and the set that grew into the res...but on a good note...the roots are friggin huge...about a foot long and thick as hell.but she has been on life support the last day or so.changed out the res...added a small mix of nutes to get her bottom roots the ph adjusted...took it down to 5.5 this time..maybe that helps her a bit.buds was untouched...but pretty much all but the top 3 nodes of leaves are in about an hour when the lights come on
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looks like nute burn watch that jacks classics its very strong and i would only use it at 1/4 strength during maximum growth 20-20-20 and 10-30-20 are very high for mj i burnt the shit outta my first grow with jacks classics..2nd grow was great with the same nutes i just lowered the dosage.


Well-Known Member
looks like nute burn watch that jacks classics its very strong and i would only use it at 1/4 strength during maximum growth 20-20-20 and 10-30-20 are very high for mj i burnt the shit outta my first grow with jacks classics..2nd grow was great with the same nutes i just lowered the dosage. wasnt getting any nutes at all when this was only getting plain water..and had been for a few was a ph issue...had been going full strength with the nutes and had no issue while it was in soil...its from the new roots growing into the dwc


Well-Known Member
new pics for the evening...4 days in i think on the new babies...also have a new sprout thats going into the mini far my girl has done good...she got it germed and sprouted on her own...soon as it starts showing roots its going into the mini dwc and its all up to her from there

and not too sure on whether or not party girl is going to make it....its not getting worse at least...she now is getting jacks grow and bloom...1/4 of each...1 tbls of ebsom salt...and water with a ph of im checking ph daily...stayed at 5.8 and im ready to adjust it if wouldnt be a bad thing is she dont make it...then i could get more light to the new babies..which is what im worried about


Active Member
Maybe you could take Party Girl out of the Party cup, and transplant into DWC. Most dirt will fall off if you just dunk the roots in a bucket of water. You could make a styrofoam insert to place over the hole in your DWC and skip the net pot and just have party girl suspended and secured by the styrofoam insert. A little super cropping right above where the styrofoam disc is on the stem and it will never fall through :D

Just thoughts.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you could take Party Girl out of the Party cup, and transplant into DWC. Most dirt will fall off if you just dunk the roots in a bucket of water. You could make a styrofoam insert to place over the hole in your DWC and skip the net pot and just have party girl suspended and secured by the styrofoam insert. A little super cropping right above where the styrofoam disc is on the stem and it will never fall through :D

Just thoughts.
i thought about that..but there really is no way to...the roots and soil in the cup have kinda become was so bad rootbound theres no way ill get all the soil out..not without damaging the roots...and i dont want the soil ending up in my res.and the roots are and have been growing into the it should be getting all that it needs now...and its bubbling strong enough that the soil in the cup is still staying it wouldnt make much of a difference...and it would put soil in my rather not screw up the new plants just to save this one


Active Member
Aww, I know what you mean. I wish you had a separate spare dwc bucket lying around... Shoot I wish I had one just lying around too.

Best probably to just let it be root bound and finish up. Transplanting it will cause stress no matter what. Even if DWC accelerates stress stuntage, it's still stuntage. She'll probably finish before the root binding really gets to her anways. Best of luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
Aww, I know what you mean. I wish you had a separate spare dwc bucket lying around... Shoot I wish I had one just lying around too.

Best probably to just let it be root bound and finish up. Transplanting it will cause stress no matter what. Even if DWC accelerates stress stuntage, it's still stuntage. She'll probably finish before the root binding really gets to her anways. Best of luck my friend.
thank you thank you....but im not out too much with i said earlier...i could use the space right these new ones going...and most of the lights are wayyy to far away...the closest light for 1 of them is like 14" away...just noway to get them closer with the other big ass plant in there with it...just wish this happened about 10 weeks into flowering and not 3


Active Member
Lay that Party girl sideways? Hang her by the cola horizontally. Plants don't understand gravity, they just understand the light and their desire to reach it.
(Warning Ignorant Comment about the intelligence of Plants)


Well-Known Member
and now that i think about it...ive got a few things around here i could use as a smaller single dwc...ive got a giant version of the mini dwc i made...would be just as easy to use...just an issue of space...not sure i can fit it all in my box...still need to find a way to make a stand for the mini you can see i dont have much room


Well-Known Member
want to see how sad this girl is now.....this is maybe like 3 days difference

this is now.....

and same plant 4 days ago


Active Member
Awww, that's depressing..
She's like a little burn victim. The kind you know is beautiful on the inside, but so scarred on the outside you can't bring yourself to directly look at her unless she is talking to you. Then you struggle to look her only in the eye and not focus on her scars.


Well-Known Member
Damn thats sucks but at least it was just a bagseed. surprised it lasted this long...and to be honest..ive been a lil brutal to her.but rah rah high rah rah

Awww, that's depressing..
She's like a little burn victim. The kind you know is beautiful on the inside, but so scarred on the outside you can't bring yourself to directly look at her unless she is talking to you. Then you struggle to look her only in the eye and not focus on her scars.
its sad to see how fast it happened...but shit happens


Active Member surprised it lasted this long...and to be honest..ive been a lil brutal to her.but rah rah high rah rah

its sad to see how fast it happened...but shit happens
Dj, shit totally does happen. Thanks for having the right attitude towards life. Since it's meant to be consumed and spent, and lately I've been having the wrong attitude, dwelling and negative things like that. I really needed to be reminded that "shit happens" from time to time. Seriously, thanks for being here on RIU.

no homo


Well-Known Member
tonights updates....not much change on the new babies...still roots growing nicely into the res now.and the new one in the peat pellet is doing ok..that will go into the mini dwc that my girl is growing.and im start some new some killer mids the other day and in a 1/2 oz i got 8 seeds.the weed had a old school cheese taste to it...maybe it will give me some decent plants
and the party girl....well the high ass ph didnt seem to completely take her out.she is getting new growth...roots started growing like crazy again.i trimmed off all the stuff that died and that seemed to help to...she might make it after all..but after all this stress and a week missed during flowering...its not gonna give me anything worth it in the end...ill give her a couple weeks and if she dont take off fast...she gets chopped...the dwc plants need all the light that party girl is sucking up


Well-Known Member
not sure that its far along enough to make hash...dont think its potent enough yet....and who knows..she might just turn around..i have a knack for saving dying plants...brought back both the diesel and the roadrunner after i almost lost both...ended up getting 3 weeks worth of smoke out of that saved me at least $180-$200 that i would have spent on if she makes it and starts picking up...might get a weeks worth out of it...thats my only reason to money by not buying it..and the joy of growing..cant get upset each time a plant dies...thats the beauty of growing mj....just grab a seed and start it all over again.then after i get out of this fucking place im living now with the nazi ass office people...ill have a full on balls to the wall multi hps grow with a nft ive always grown in the past.i had to dumb down how i grow living in this place...these bastards dont play here so i have to keep my setup small and stealthy .....damn florida and the old upscale yuppie bastards..ruining my fun