DMT Anyone?


Just got a connect. It comes in a cap, you crack 'em open and lace a bowl with the powder.

I've tripped several times so far. Often times I find the experience hard to remember to the t, others I can recall what happened clearly, though there aren't words to describe the kinds of things I was experiencing.

One time, I decided to take an idea from Fight Club and go to my "cave." My cave was a rocky, damp one with an underground waterfall. I was positioned above a circular body of water, which went through the cave entrance out to the open sea. Inside, the rocks were damp and I could smell and taste salt. I noticed that from down in the water, tentacles were rising up. I ran down to see just what they were, only to discover that they were in fact snakes. These snakes started moving in rhythm to the patterns you see when you trip. Then I realized that I was a snake, too. Unfortunately, that's when I got pulled out.

Any other DMT stories? Some people keep their eyes open, some shut them to have a more dream-like experience, what about you? I personally close mine, as it gives you a blank slate, so to speak, to trip on.

Anyone more interested in DMT should look up Terence McKenna on youtube.

So yeah, DMT trippin stories, go!


Well-Known Member
Nice story Heli! Welcome to RIU :hug: I, myself, have not had the luxury of visiting the elven folk, but hope to in the near future.


I personally love dmt I extract it regularly as a hobby and have a nice personall collection. I recomend smoking it on a bowl of passion flower
how the hell do you extract that, and from what?
You can extract it from many living things, not exactly sure of the was to go about extracting it thou.... im not a very good chemist

I've got a story the first time i experienced it I was able to completely function normally... not exactly sure how or why my body reacted so well. But I was talking to my friend the whole time and was telling him exactly what and how i saw everything. At one point I was imagining myself anywhere I literally wanted to be... egypt... very top of the state building at night... running on the great wall of china... to say the least it was very intense. I don't have anyway of aquiring anymore so I cant test my theory out but you probably can... D is the susbstance that makes you dream its released by the brain right before going into the state of sleep in which you dream. If a person dream diaries they can remember there dreams with ease and can then attempt to lucid dream. If you get to the point where remembering your dreams are easy to remember then try smoking some d and you might be able to recall your entire trip.... or consious dream.... I think this could work since the brain basically is forcing you to not remember your dreams as a protective measure to be able to separate the real world and all that happens in the subconsious and over riding that mechanism would probably make many go insane. Anybody else thinking like me ?


Well-Known Member
i smoked some Dimitri yesterday!!!
my buddy who was holding said it was extracted from a cadaver (human).


i dont care what drugs you do, even you meth heads out there....i could care less.
but if one human being literally extracted DMT out of another human beings brain.....YOU ARE FUCKED UP!!!!

now....i may have smoked this human harvested dmt but this was before i knew what it could allegedly be...
looked like normal MHRB DMT extract, smelled like normal DMT, and tasted like normal DMT....the effects were nothing like ive experienced but i call this off from smoking it out of an oil burner/bubbler bong. THE REAL WAY TO SMOKE DEEMSTERS!
i HIGHLY dis believe this information my buddy told me. (this guy talks up a lot of his drugs and just likes to run his mouth)

i know this extraction process is possible but i never want to be apart of it.


Well-Known Member
Your buddy was talking shit, I don't see any way that extraction would be possible or even viable to produce enough material to make it worth while.

Also on a proper breaktrhough your friends will go away, and you probably won't even remember that you can speak.


Well-Known Member
agreed he was just messin with you head, or someone was messin with his head. Either way it didnt come from messin with nobodys head.
ya it was probably extracted from an amphibian or a plant like it normally is. I don't think many people actually extract it from humans cuz that would be pretty crazy to do and verry illegal.


Active Member
Actually, I think pretty good quantities of DMT could be extracted from phalaris grass grown in a yard, cut with a bagging mower, and then A-B extracted. A few passes would give you kilos of material to work with, and I'd figure a yield of 0.5-1g/kilo could be expected depending on strain. I haven't put this one to the test yet (my mower doesn't have a bagger), but I do know for certain that phalaris is a viable source of DMT and can be used to make a pretty good anahuasca.


Active Member
I've got a story the first time i experienced it I was able to completely function normally... not exactly sure how or why my body reacted so well. But I was talking to my friend the whole time and was telling him exactly what and how i saw everything. At one point I was imagining myself anywhere I literally wanted to be... egypt... very top of the state building at night... running on the great wall of china... to say the least it was very intense. I don't have anyway of aquiring anymore so I cant test my theory out but you probably can... D is the susbstance that makes you dream its released by the brain right before going into the state of sleep in which you dream. If a person dream diaries they can remember there dreams with ease and can then attempt to lucid dream. If you get to the point where remembering your dreams are easy to remember then try smoking some d and you might be able to recall your entire trip.... or consious dream.... I think this could work since the brain basically is forcing you to not remember your dreams as a protective measure to be able to separate the real world and all that happens in the subconsious and over riding that mechanism would probably make many go insane. Anybody else thinking like me ?
when a system reaches the point of maximum chaos it can handle, it can either reorganize to accept a new order, or close the system down to maintain order.
this point of maximum chaos is a bifurcation point.


Well-Known Member
Before I ever smoked dmt I had lots experience with lsd and shrooms but must say I was a bit unprepared for my dmt trip.

The onset was so fucking fast it felt like salvia. But it wasnt a retarded trip like salvia where it felt like my body wanted to tear into two. Right after exhaling the smoke I began getting super intense visuals. The only other time in my life I have gotten visuals like this is when I ate some family doses I got when the grateful dead was in town, now thats a whole different story but to put it in perspective for people who have tripped as hard on lsd as I have they are remotely similar but you have no 3 hour build up like acid, this shit hits you right away so you better be ready. while tripping everyone in the room turned into clowns and dragons (totally didnt see that coming) and nothing in my visual path was still, everything was a hallucination.

overall I would consider it a positive experience but make sure you have some solid trip experience before you do this or I could see it turning out bad