Hey everyone,
I was rereading QT's dmt extraction tek on erowid (and this message board too: and had a question come up that I'm not too sure about and I was wondering if someone here could help me out? The pKa of DMT is 8.68 according to merck, but final basification steps take typically (at least in my experience) take place at around pH of 11ish. Would lowering the pH of the basification steps to ~8.7 help increase yield? Or would it not really do anything since the dmt/dmth+ is whats contributing the hydrogen ion (and thus the acidity)? I know pKa doesnt determine solubility, but it seems like keeping the pH at the pKa of the alkaloid would help solubility...thoughts?
I was rereading QT's dmt extraction tek on erowid (and this message board too: and had a question come up that I'm not too sure about and I was wondering if someone here could help me out? The pKa of DMT is 8.68 according to merck, but final basification steps take typically (at least in my experience) take place at around pH of 11ish. Would lowering the pH of the basification steps to ~8.7 help increase yield? Or would it not really do anything since the dmt/dmth+ is whats contributing the hydrogen ion (and thus the acidity)? I know pKa doesnt determine solubility, but it seems like keeping the pH at the pKa of the alkaloid would help solubility...thoughts?