DNA Genetics 60 Day Wonder - First Grow

all auto's are easy to grow...60 day wonder is just a bullshit hype to lure people in to buy a 60 day bean to bud seed...60 days my ass! more like 72-80 days...most auto's are in that range and have much better smoke and much better yield .... i agree with whoever said anything less than 2 ounces is a waste for autos.

i bet they came up with the name 60 day wonder by actually wondering how many days left when you it hit 60...12? 15? 18?
we're on day 66 right now. probably another 5-7 days to go. they both look incredible however so i can't say anything about their appearance. estimating 2-3 from each plant.

all auto's are easy to grow...60 day wonder is just a bullshit hype to lure people in to buy a 60 day bean to bud seed...60 days my ass! more like 72-80 days...most auto's are in that range and have much better smoke and much better yield .... i agree with whoever said anything less than 2 ounces is a waste for autos.

i bet they came up with the name 60 day wonder by actually wondering how many days left when you it hit 60...12? 15? 18?
I figure another 15 Days for sure - trichs r still clear and increasing - gotta luv it as harvest time approaches.

we're on day 66 right now. probably another 5-7 days to go. they both look incredible however so i can't say anything about their appearance. estimating 2-3 from each plant.
all auto's are easy to grow...60 day wonder is just a bullshit hype to lure people in to buy a 60 day bean to bud seed...60 days my ass! more like 72-80 days...most auto's are in that range and have much better smoke and much better yield .... i agree with whoever said anything less than 2 ounces is a waste for autos.

i bet they came up with the name 60 day wonder by actually wondering how many days left when you it hit 60...12? 15? 18?

Chill - what ur smoking doesn't seem to be mellow at all - My Money - My Time - My Smoke
I have ordered some seeds of the 60 DW strain and I'm anxious to get them and plant them asap. Interesting grow journal... thanks for sharing. I'm subbed and +rep for you!!
Chill - what ur smoking doesn't seem to be mellow at all - My Money - My Time - My Smoke

what i am smoking is all good..thanks for caring :>} your money/time/smoke true....but my opinion.....my cousin and a friend of mine both grew the 60 day wonder and both got in the neighborhood of 17 grams ...average smoke...not a good strain..hope you have better results and both said it was 75-77 days
Good luck - dont understand the hostility of some posters - i tried the 60 wonder as an experiment - didn't think 60 days from seed to smoke was practical but even if it took 75 dyas - no big deal - still a nice plant and fun to grow
no hostility man..... just wish seed banks were more honest in what they are selling to the public....why not call it 75 day wonder?
we cut ours on tuesday, 4/24 and have it hanging...estimating close to 3 quart jars at about 3/4's full. once we weigh it dry and ready for the cure i'll report on the final into the jar weight. our estimate about 75-80 grams. we could probably re-veg and get more than 17 grams. so it appears your cousin is much of a green thumb.

what i am smoking is all good..thanks for caring :>} your money/time/smoke true....but my opinion.....my cousin and a friend of mine both grew the 60 day wonder and both got in the neighborhood of 17 grams ...average smoke...not a good strain..hope you have better results and both said it was 75-77 days
we got 70 grams even from our 14 inch 60 day wonder. the main cola was 21 grams by itself. looked amazing. have yet to try any as its curing in the jars.
are you talking about re vegetating (autoflower) 60 day wonder? I thought it would be impossible to clone autos or vegetate much if they are always flowering
one plant 70 grams, main cola was 21 grams. not re-vegging it. its done and gone. start to finish was 72 days. used FFOF, Blue Mountain Organics, finished the last week with one warm water and molasses, then one watering of pure cold water. never flush our organic grows. Will hopefully try a little of not completely cured this weekend.
awesome - mine topped out way less than that but that was my fault - got 22g (14g from Cola) - Smells awesome - smokes wicked, especially in a bowl - not at all disappointed - more is always better but for the investment (<$40) and 65 days of my time - I will definately do it again x 2 - using what ive learned i expect to lower my costs and double my harvest. Quick and painless. Perfect!
we used FFOF and blue mountain organics for that plant. the other one is about day 50 or so not sure without looking at the calendar. its not going to produce as much. using a different soil Coast of Maine potting soil. we wanted to see which soil is better. COM isn't near as good. FFOF beat it hands down. everything else was the same in terms of watering, fert's, molasses, lighting etc. just two week younger than the other plant. it's taller than the first one but doesn't seem to be filling out as well. we'll see.

awesome - mine topped out way less than that but that was my fault - got 22g (14g from Cola) - Smells awesome - smokes wicked, especially in a bowl - not at all disappointed - more is always better but for the investment (<$40) and 65 days of my time - I will definately do it again x 2 - using what ive learned i expect to lower my costs and double my harvest. Quick and painless. Perfect!
Awesome little plant (18-22") - Smoke is really nice - full body, long lasting - mine took 65 days in soil but worth the effort.