DNA Testing and Terpene Fingerprinting

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JD, HGK is legit. he's a stand up guy who has grown a shit load of beans and knows his way around the garden. It was a pleasure meeting him and he's not some dude to blow smoke up anyone's ass. He's documented many plants, has a nice sized garden and isn't an agenda seeker.

On that note, you said you were impoverished and then act insulted when we bring up the business. Just because we are a bunch of stoners doesn't mean we don't hold degrees, run business and a seed business has its unique challenges but it isn't outside the gist of how things work. So please don't act like we are stupid.

You've been evasive with questions, we aren't asking for tax returns or anything. If anything we are trying to figure out why you seem to have dinosaur opinions on how things work. Perhaps you are jaded, but many of us are actually interested in engaging you and finding out more. You still didn't answer my question about Whittaker Blues. How is it? if I were to buy it, what would I expect?

That is all I ask, if we are having a discussion he should answer the questions instead of avoiding them.

1. Makes him look like a shill
2. Makes him look like he doesn't have answers to the simplest questions (if my dad ran a seed company I would know the ins and outs.)
3. Consistently talks down to others (while I continue to talk down to him) but mainly those who don't deserve it and have much experience growing the beautiful plant.
4. He starves his plants, he doesn't love them.
Same here. Not trying to be a dick to the guy, but I just haven't seen the love for his strains in years. If it looked good I would definitely pick up a pack cuz I like me some fruity flavors.

I've enjoyed a really good flo cut That's been passed around. Shit was really good. As far as bean grows? I've heard little good.

That is all I ask, if we are having a discussion he should answer the questions instead of avoiding them.

1. Makes him look like a shill
2. Makes him look like he doesn't have answers to the simplest questions (if my dad ran a seed company I would know the ins and outs.)
3. Consistently talks down to others (while I continue to talk down to him) but mainly those who don't deserve it and have much experience growing the beautiful plant.
4. He starves his plants, he doesn't love them.

He's a tad defense but he's at least engaging. Perhaps he can shift his attitude.

Some people like fades, me personally, I keep them happy and well fed but I can't say those aren't good looking plants. Credit where credit is due.

I like to keep them green unless they shift colors on their own. I want the maximum performance in those last precious weeks.
And as far as you're magical Santa Cruz cut of blue dream you speak, congratulations!!!….you've just learned the hard way how much people are either full of shit or have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. The Blueberry wasn't finished until approximately 89. And wasn't stabilized until much later. Wasn't in europe before 94' So this magic cut of Blue dream you speak of isn't blue dream, it's just someone trying to market their strain to the utmost of their ability using someone else's brand and lying about the time frame. This is exactly how pirating works. How can we as a community be so familiar with how pirating music works and get so lost and confused when it comes to the plants we love?
Even if what you're saying is true, you should be happy for the association, because the real Santa Cruz cut of blue dream is leaps and bounds better than any blueberry I've ever smoked. Hell, it's some of the best smoke I've had period. So if anything, maybe we just learned "the hard way" that none of us actually like what you consider to be the "real" blueberry, and we have been giving DJ Short props for something he wasn't even involved in, since I'm probably not the only one who's said "Well even if it's not that great on it's own, some of it's crosses (Like the SC Blue Dream) are amazing!"
"Not for nothing dude, but you gotta know that most people are going to sing your praises when they are talking to your face. Thats why all the breeders you KNOW have no issues with it, and then you go online and immediately find people willing to speak their mind about the downsides. I'm not saying you guys don't have good genetics, but to get so defensive as to discount the possibility that he grew it correctly and still didn't like it shows an unbelievable amount of hubris on your part." <<<<this I find extremely interesting. So, are you saying all those scores of people who've openly praised and loved the Blueberry are brainwashed? And are you saying that people aren't capable or are somehow to afraid to speak their minds. I find this preposterous.
What I am saying is that you have basically said that "Everyone says it's great" and when some people say "I don't think so" you say "Well that means you grew it wrong, because everyone says it's great". Which means that basically, you don't actually care to find out what people think of your shit unless they think it smells like roses, and if they don't it's their fault because obviously they are wrong. It seems like you feel that only bad growers grow bad blueberry, so anyone who says they grew bad blueberry is a bad grower and you don't care to listen to their critiques because why would you listen to bad growers, and if we prove that they are a good grower then you say "Musta been fake blueberry".
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Who cares if you get the real thing or not. But how about make sure you're talking crap about the right thing before talking crap, otherwise you just look like someone talking shit. And you're basically bullying the wrong person. Realistically the biggest problem with this is that because of the unfound shit talking people are unfortunately being steered away from some of the best medicine and smoke they can get. Personally, I know this is exactly the intent of the shit talking. Im also not worried because as the topic of the thread addresses, DNA testing and things such as terpene finger printing will change all of this unfounded bull. And for what, so someone can feel a little better about only caring for their ego and pocket book? Anyway, I think we're all a little better than this, and I think the future generations to come deserve better than what we're attempting to leave them in our fury to appease our own desires and wishes. They deserve good smoke and good medicine. Dj's genetics are chalk full of both.
Then come out with it and say which seedbanks you guys actually sell through, who actually has your legit beans, and who specifically is hawking fake beans. Otherwise, if you're just gonna say "DJ Short Blueberry is the shit, the fakers are bunk, but I won't tell you which are real and which are fake" then the only reasonable thing to do is for everyone to stop buying ALL "DJ Short's Blueberry" that way no one wastes their money on fake stuff, right? Otherwise you're saying "They deserve good smoke and good medicine, but fuck them anyways, I'm not gonna tell them where they can get it"
He is worse than swerve, at least swerve was entertaining with his asshatery.

I am on a JD Short boycott, I mean DJ Short.... wait maybe they are the same person. Does his son really exist?
Then come out with it and say which seedbanks you guys actually sell through, who actually has your legit beans, and who specifically is hawking fake beans. Otherwise, if you're just gonna say "DJ Short Blueberry is the shit, the fakers are bunk, but I won't tell you which are real and which are fake" then the only reasonable thing to do is for everyone to stop buying ALL "DJ Short's Blueberry" that way no one wastes their money on fake stuff, right? Otherwise you're saying "They deserve good smoke and good medicine, but fuck them anyways, I'm not gonna tell them where they can get it"

i ask again, who has legit dj genetics. feel free to pm me, im not a cop i just would like to try out that f5 ,and if its good like real blueberry ill be honest.
i ask again, who has legit dj genetics. feel free to pm me, im not a cop i just would like to try out that f5 ,and if its good like real blueberry ill be honest.
What's weird to me is that from a business standpoint he has nothing to lose by pointing out who has his real gear. The only people he would potentially hurt are people who are ripping off his product, and that's also a win for him, so I'm not sure what the hold up is. He can't "literally not know" like he claims, because he knows which seed banks he has supplied (unless he isn't actually producing the seeds in which case he really has no ground to stand on), and thus by process of elimination he also knows who is claiming to sell his product without ever getting his product from him. I think that what the problem is, for him, is that if he says who actually sells his stuff, then he can't claim that the bad stuff people grew was fake if they got it from a source he says is legit. He isn't trying to protect himself legally, he's trying to protect his upper hand in the argument.
Well I know he has at least 3 sons (He mentioned them in a high times article) but whether or not this guy is one of them remains to be seen.

It just seems like there is a huge disconnect between this guys information and the truth. Let me tell you that you are buying phonies but I don't even know where the real ones are... how the fuck does that make sense.
Dj did not work with "Duchies" to create the Blueberry, he created it on his own without help from anyone in a 4x4 closet. He did some work with the 'duchies' and parted ways some time in the early 2000's. Ever since then the products coming from there are not his. As far as I know, this is public information….if not….BOOM, there ya go. And it shocks me to what degree people somehow believe Im obligated to discuss personal business matters like seed production or distribution. Give me a break.

I would have never imagined such a "legendary" strain be created in such a tiny area. I always imagined breeders doing selections from the low hundreds. I guess that's not to say you can't do that with a couple/few runs.

As a newbie workin with a 8x4 and possibly soon to be 8x8 that is inspiring. Yeah... I like to dream.
I would have never imagined such a "legendary" strain be created in such a tiny area. I always imagined breeders doing selections from the low hundreds. I guess that's not to say you can't do that with a couple/few runs.

As a newbie workin with a 8x4 and possibly soon to be 8x8 that is inspiring. Yeah... I like to dream.

One plant can make hundreds of seeds, you can start your own company after one run. I know a company that did and everyone bought most of their seeds out already lolol. I always dog on places so I am not going to give the specific one. They did just win another award though in the most recent cup.

You got this dude, find a good daddy and some ladies and go to town.

[ Forgot to add if, if you have access to quality clones that makes the job all the easier. ]
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I didn't say HGK wasn't legit. But what I know is what I've seen and the difficulties I've seen some of the most experienced growers I know have with growing the Blueberry, and more appropriately curing it. I don't consider myself to be an expert grower or curer by any means, but I get around the garden just fine and had been growing and playing with Blueberry genetics for years before I finally learned how to feed them *and* properly leach out what I was feeding to get the cure right. I really don't mean any disrespect. This has never been easy for me to say to someone, growers are sensitive to critique. If it's any consolation, I got 28 different f5 Blueberry seedlings to cure up and Im nervous as hell about it because they're going to require such individual attention.

I and my family are impoverished and have been our whole lives. And Im not insulted to talk about business, but I am insulted to be pressed for answers that I feel I've been pretty clear on to this point. And even more insulted to be called names when I clearly state Im not at liberty to discuss such matters. And also dumbfounded at the lack of understanding for why I may not be in a position to discuss such matters.

What questions do you feel I've been evasive on? I *won't* name other seed companies or discuss operations of ours. I *won't* answer questions about production or distribution. What I *can* answer for certain is that the level of production which most everyone seems to think occurs, just isn't even *close* to accurate. Im sorry if this feels evasive. As I've already stated, give this time to work itself out. I won't call the foul, I'm just gonna blow the whistle, for now. Again, Im sorry if you feel I've been evasive in my answers. Maybe I've just answered in too many words previously. But perhaps if you reread my answers to some of the questions you feel were unanswered you may understand my position a little bit better.

The Whitaker Blues has to date been one of my most favorite projects. The mother of the strain is a hard core leaning afghani indica reminiscent of "Cat Piss." The mother goes by the name Quimby and reeks of ammonia while growing and cures up into the sweetest jolly rancher and or fruity pebbles taste you could imagine. Ive done two pheno hunts through the strain so far. Both times out of only ten seeds. The first time I ended up with several hard core purple grape pheno's. One was dark violet blue and the other was dark violet purple. The second time I didn't get as much color but got the same grape berry. And the second time I ended up with a vanilla keeper. Thanks for asking. :)

And Arthur, I know my demeanor hasn't been up to par throughout this entire interaction, but you're really starting to rub me the wrong way. You have absolutely no right to demand any answer form me for anything. Go buy your beans elsewhere, I thought you already said that's what you're gonna do anyway. Why are you still here? Is it really just to be insulting? If you're here to troll me, all you're doing is giving me the safest practice available for dealing with your kind. And let me clue you in on something, you're a dime a dozen. So, thank you for the practice.

Maybe people have found those berry terpene's in some of the f2 berry knock-off's pheno hunting and had their mind blown. But if you throw enough f2's of anything out, you'll get a lot of different representations and something that will blow your mind. The Blueberry is stabilized waaaay beyond what an f2 could represent. And it's not stabilized to be *pure* berry either. There's earthen, floral, chocolate, and vanilla terpenes as well as others. So, pheno hunting and curing up a bunch of Dj's f5's is gonna be a much different experience and perhaps something the average pheno hunter may not be as experienced with as looking through those f2's for the sweet berry pheno's that stand out like a sore thumb. Im sorry so many people have had to learn this the hard way. It's not Dj's fault.

Only one person even alluded to seeing the pictures of the f5's I've posted just a few comments back. I have a question to ask? Are these pictures representative of what everyone who's complaining of the Blueberry saw in their pheno selections? Because if these pictures are representative of what you saw when you ran the authentic Dj Short Blueberry and you're still gonna complain, I don't have time to respond to the same unfounded complaints all day long. And if these pictures are not representative of what you saw when you ran Dj's f5 Blueberry, then you didn't have the real thing and have no right to complain about Dj's genetics.

I like pushing my plants to perform at their maximum also. But as I already clearly stated several times….the Blueberry doesn't perform well that way. Again, I can't keep repeating myself.

And personally I am extremely happy for the association to the Blue Dream, it's one of the rare circumstances that actually helped our brand. What was it that was being said earlier…."can't win em all…." and something about "patenting"….lol, again, I kid.

And no, Im not saying everyone who complains grew it wrong, Im just dissecting your complaint and saying that perhaps your difficulties are particular to one of two things. One; your growing methodologies, and or two; your source of seeds. Just perhaps….? That's all Im saying, just perhaps?

"Then come out with it and say which seedbanks you guys actually sell through"<<<< No one is going to get me to admit anything. Least of all the selling of seeds. And this is the shit that's getting tiring and insulting….think about it…..and reread my words or read them slower.
We be Friends Mon

I am sorry your family has been impoverished through their time, I don't think it is right for anyone to have to live a life of poverty. I know what it is like as I grew up at pretty much poverty level. Luckily we had family to help when something bad happened like unexpected injury or when rent gets increased and second job was needed etc. I may not know the extent of your families but I can say I apologize for being such a dick to you.

On the other hand, I don't mind that I purchased some other seeds but I would like for you to at least share with the few people that you think deserve it where to find the seeds. If someone has to send you a letter in the mail to get an answer let that be the answer but it isn't right for you to come in here and claim we are all buying false beans and not giving us the place to go. All you have to do is say

"I trust this seedbank..."

you don't even have to answer our question entirely.

better yet, WHERE would YOU get your SEEDS?
So I got these Lotus Larry seeds from Midweek song and none have popped.Anybody try this one and if so how long did they take to sprout?Im also doing the lemon penetration which were supposed to be hard to crack because of hard shells but so far out of 5 3 popped.anybody?
LOL i was just thinking bout trolling hard^^.... can you load up pics of all 28 phenos at chop or dried. i need some nice porn...
wait...DJ SHort?I heard someone was boycotting his seeds??don't know why,crappy genetics maybe??LOL jk

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