DNA Testing and Terpene Fingerprinting

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Thank you, seems that those of us who have actually dropped that BIG ASS FEE, have come away pretty damned disappointed over the past 5 years. Some of the most unstable stuff I have messed with and nothing out of a 10 pack that was even close to being a keeper.
DJ Short might have been "the shit" 15+ years ago, but now it just seems like shit to me. Sorry if this is harsh, but I paid and I grew, and I was thoroughly disappointed.

I've been told by people I trust that good phenos exist and this is why il probably still buy a few more packs next time I get the chance to in flint. He sells them for only $50 a pack there so thats very much worth it in my opinion even with my not so great experiences so far.

I'd like to disclaimer all my previous poets by saying that I'm sure there's goodness to be had in the DJ shorts genetics but they really seemed so very Dutch to me. The best phenos were on par with an average pheno of something else. I'm recalling that I actually gave away the second half of one of the packs of blueberry, I need to ask him how that went.

I don't wanna bash DJ shorts genetics too bad seeing how this is prolly a troll but if he be genuine then I reckon my point got across.

I also don't wanna call anyone out on a wild conspiracy claim..... Buuuuuutttt it would probably behoove a competitor of dj's to come on the interwebz and act a fool pretending to be related to dj..... I can think of 2 off the top of my head at least... No 3... Shit actually 4-5 breeders that are immature social media warriors that might try something along these lines.. Just an after thought considering his ego just seems too made up..
I've been told by people I trust that good phenos exist and this is why il probably still buy a few more packs next time I get the chance to in flint. He sells them for only $50 a pack there so thats very much worth it in my opinion even with my not so great experiences so far.

I'd like to disclaimer all my previous poets by saying that I'm sure there's goodness to be had in the DJ shorts genetics but they really seemed so very Dutch to me. The best phenos were on par with an average pheno of something else. I'm recalling that I actually gave away the second half of one of the packs of blueberry, I need to ask him how that went.

I don't wanna bash DJ shorts genetics too bad seeing how this is prolly a troll but if he be genuine then I reckon my point got across.

I also don't wanna call anyone out on a wild conspiracy claim..... Buuuuuutttt it would probably behoove a competitor of dj's to come on the interwebz and act a fool pretending to be related to dj..... I can think of 2 off the top of my head at least... No 3... Shit actually 4-5 breeders that are immature social media warriors that might try something along these lines.. Just an after thought considering his ego just seems too made up..

You really think so? Your more plugged into the scene than I am. I prefer the low profile and Internet folks these days.
You really think so? Your more plugged into the scene than I am. I prefer the low profile and Internet folks these days.

There so many ridiculous poop flinging battles on social media nowadays by the 18-39 breeder crowd. The icmag generation of breeders for the most part. There's a couple that came from the icmag crew that are truly great additions to the canna community but there's a ton of doofuses trying to capatilize too and they just argue and bicker for the most part online. Who's cuts are real or who had what first. It's insane
There so many ridiculous poop flinging battles on social media nowadays by the 18-39 breeder crowd. The icmag generation of breeders for the most part. There's a couple that came from the icmag crew that are truly great additions to the canna community but there's a ton of doofuses trying to capatilize too and they just argue and bicker for the most part online. Who's cuts are real or who had what first. It's insane

Yea I noticed that hence why I am not on it. I know there are a bunch of hacks out there. One of the reasons I stick to this and the bay.
at 50 a pack is great numbers.

Ya you can't complain about that lol. That's why they come in little mini zip locks with the only distinguishing mark being a 3mm x 3mm square of paper with BB printed on it. No packing overhead = customer savings.

The one thing Im totally disappointed in for sure now tho is my plants looked pretty damn close to what this JD posted. Most of the DJ short blueberry I've seen have been very stretchy low yielding it looks like. That wasn't so with the cut I've seen from long ago. Sure it's a lower yielder but its better then an OG. Big thick purple clusters of calyxes. Yum!
simply take the consideration of cleaning up in house and again going through the catalog and reselecting parents.
Tonightyou, thanks for your responses. This new selection process is already happening, that's what I'm selecting the f5 for, a potential backcross of some sort. I should say however that for the f5 Blueberry that we offer now, I don't think any reselecting of the parent stock needs to be done. Personally, Im happy with the product as it is. It's confusing to me what people are looking for if they actually buy the f5's we offer, grow them and still say it sucks. It just isn't my and so many others experience at all. And as far as the stability of the genetics, again, Im confused because as I stated, the Blueberry was so stable for me that it was kind of boring. All 28 plants look awesome and reek of berry and got's the purple, but really no anomalies. I wanted something skunk. I thought 30 selections would have presented that. I got the kush, but I wanted skunk. And although I did get a skunk anomaly of sorts, and it is my first pick, it's just a lot like the others. It's even finishing up this week and leaning towards the grape berry we all recognize from the Blueberry. Im also going through some old f3's of my fathers stock to find things to play with as well as selecting pheno's of the grape crush, moonshine, old-time moonshine, true blueberry and a few others. (unfortunately one at a time, but I love doing this so it's worth it). Im attempting to find something in the old f3 stock that stands out, maybe a temple floral male to backcross many of these pheno's with as well as as many outcross 'knock-offs' of whatever beautiful pheno's I can get my hands on. At this point, Im only doing all this breeding for me. I want my own private seed stock. In this moment, I wouldn't dream of sharing any of these crosses with anyone. Especially when I see how much of a target it can potentially make me. However, the ultimate dream is to share all of this. All of the bickering here hasn't motivated me much to join the fun. That feeling will pass though. I will share as many of these genetics as I can.

Im just saying, why have we all been so mean to each other here? Did I really start this by instigating a conversation about knockoff seeds? How is that possible when anyone who buys seeds already knows that there are shit loads of fakes out there? Is it really because I refuse to call out other companies? I mean I almost regret it at this point, except unfortunately I know its a conversation we all need to be having, myself included. So, I find it hard to believe that all this animosity is a direct result of my starting this conversation. The only thing I can think is that A). its a direct result of my own attitude and B). I've clearly made myself a target here and people get off on bullying an easy target. At any rate, I've said my piece in regards to ripoffs and DNA testing, we all know it's coming, we all know it's changing quick. I envision that perhaps as much as 20 years in the future there will be a system in place where anyone who wants can have the genetics and terpenes….etc. tested within their products. At that point, these conversations will be moot. My point being, we'll all find out what genetics we're using and where they originated from soon enough.

As far as the variation in the f5, what variation exactly are you speaking of. I just don't see it. The fox-tailing is a common trait of many of Dj's genetics. I attempted to control it this time with feeding. I believe what we're seeing in regards to the foxtailing is that genetic trait induced by excessive nitrogen. Most all of the Pheno's foxtailed and I attribute this to my last heavy nitrogen feed which was in the beginning of the 4th week. I don't usually like hitting them with high nitrogen at that time. But I nailed em in the beginning of the 4th week because of yellowing. They were struggling in the one gallon pots. I do believe it was this late feeding of nitrogen that pushed out those foxtails. All the pheno's I selected *did not* have those foxtails except for the one I showed in the pictures because it was just too beautiful. Is this the variation you speak of or was there something else? I stayed away from the foxtailing pheno's because I know growers complain about it and the difficulties in growing and curing foxtail buds, and I am attempting to do some of my selection based on how the plant processes it's overall nutrient uptake. Im trying to breed qualities into it that make it easier to grow.

My understanding of patenting is that once a genetic is released to the public, it can no longer be patented or copyrighted. And without a copyright on the current brand, anyone can use it without legal recourse. Cooperation with the Duchies stopped years ago, but the continued use of the genetics and brand has flooded the market with products that have no barring on what we feel our brand represented. Our brand has a very specific set of criteria for what we believe authentically represents our products. And Im sorry to burst any bubbles but the criteria for Blueberry isn't purple, grape, berry. There's a lot more going on with the breeding of that strain. And anyone who's thought they could just recreate it by purchasing authentic seeds or with access to the genetics without Dj's cooperation is only making their own version and that version is not a fair representation of his product.
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For fuck sake can somebody tell me wtf to spray on swerves cookies? Fucking herm factor
It's a pollen gang bang going on and I got allergies
Hey JD, good post. Not to be offensive but I think it is your attitude. Between the evasive answers, and the unnecessary paranoia. Really people aren't out to get you, it's a new day and there are breeders who put themselves out there far more than many. I hope you get over both as it would definitely benefit the brand. No one is saying don't be careful, I'm legal in Michigan medically and I still take precautions.

As far as foxtailing, I personally don't mind it. I was referring to the second picture if I recall correctly but you are right about possible nitrogen causing it late in flower as I've done it on runs of clones that didn't do it previously. I think as long as the bud is strong and doesn't have a terrible taste (to be honest I'm a fan of a variety of flavors), I'm happy. Really one trait I don't like when growing is a poor bud to leaf ratio. Regardless of quality, leafy bud is annoying.

Now the moonshine strains I've always wanted to try but OTM is offered by Mosca which I believe is an F3 from original stock. I've never seen Blue moonshine stocked, seems I always sold out.

Nevertheless I think you need an adjustment in approach. I think you could have many new opportunities, particularly if you worked something like blue dream. Use technology and social media in ways to help your brand.
I know my attitude throughout this hasn't been aces. Perhaps part of the problem is that Im attempting to lead a conversation that I know is really important to many of us and on the forefront of many discussions being had all around us at this time. But that Im trying to lead it from a place of frustration and perhaps a touch of healthy paranoia. But I may add that some of the current undertone towards our products and contributed efforts is right off the bat fraught with a terrible attitude. This was apparent when I started an unrelated thread about my grow journal of f5 Blueberry's and was bombarded with comments about how much Blueberry and Dj Short and myself basically suck. Im used to this and kind of expected it. But I think it's important to make note of this general undertone of henpecking and bullying that goes on in our society and more appropriately within our very small ganja community in order to understand why it may be difficult for me to control some of my frustration at times.

What I mean by this is that I understand some of the responses Im receiving are directly related to my attitude, again, Im working on it. But I also believe that much of the harsh attitude I receive has nothing to do with whatever attitude I may be carrying and has much more to do with people's fear. Fear of being swindled by their favorite seed company, or fear of being caught swindling others, both intentionally and unintentionally. I know it's potentially frustrating for any of us to think that the strain/brand we've been pushing as our babies just isn't what we've been telling everyone it is. I understand that this may upset some to think about, and I understand me saying that that's a potential possibility makes me an instant target. I also understand that I have personal information to back up my claims that may further upset some people. And I also understand that much of my attitude is present in an attempt to protect myself from the scrutiny and frustration I know Im making myself a target for.

So, please excuse the attitude. It's nothing personal....just business. ;)
All I wanted to know was where to go to not get ripped off, I could be the nicest person but when I feel like someone is stringin me along I don't take too kindly.

Also there is nothing wrong with trying to lead a discussion about topics that can get heated. If your first post said something like

"Hey guys this is JD Short, I would like to talk with you all about DNA fingerprinting and companies selling fake beans...."

I feel like the whole thing could have been avoided if you weren't so hostile from the beginning. If you really want to lead a discussion about something like this you should do your research first so you have evidence to back up your claims. Whether something is true or not, you still need proof to form a logical argument.

Fallacious arguments and evasive tactics remind me of politicians, neither are needed in this discussion. And that is why I have been as blunt as possible and crystal clear with my expectations. If you wanna start over on a good foot that would be nice. Time heals everything.
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Dude people are pretty dynamic and if you go in with certain expectation, you just may end up with anticipated results. It's the whole self fulfilling prophecy. I can be a bit abrasive sometimes too, but knowing that I need to give people the benefit of doubt and not apply my expectations to them. Instead I try and listen, see what they are trying to say instead of what I am anticipating on behalf of them.
Dude people are pretty dynamic and if you go in with certain expectation, you just may end up with anticipated results. It's the whole self fulfilling prophecy. I can be a bit abrasive sometimes too, but knowing that I need to give people the benefit of doubt and not apply my expectations to them. Instead I try and listen, see what they are trying to say instead of what I am anticipating on behalf of them.

and the crowd goes wild!
Dude people are pretty dynamic and if you go in with certain expectation, you just may end up with anticipated results. It's the whole self fulfilling prophecy. I can be a bit abrasive sometimes too, but knowing that I need to give people the benefit of doubt and not apply my expectations to them. Instead I try and listen, see what they are trying to say instead of what I am anticipating on behalf of them.

When I started my thread about my current f5 research and development project I had no expectations but to have a place to share what I love doing, I had no attitude. Instead it turned into a Dj Short bash-fest. I had no attitude present when the insults started flinging. So, although I understand the self-fulfilling prophecy thing, I also understand that there is a lot of mis-information and *slandering* (so much blatant slander) happening as well. I know my attitude will have a direct impact on how all this goes down.

Anyway...Im learning.

Logging off for the day.

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