King Arthur
Well-Known Member
Eating a big piece now,with thick cream cheese frosting....
Fuck, my mouth is watering now. I need to go get some carrot cake. Forget blueberries I am all about the cake and frosting life.
Eating a big piece now,with thick cream cheese frosting....
Is carrot cake,still considered carrot cake...even though is has no carrot on top?
Thank you, seems that those of us who have actually dropped that BIG ASS FEE, have come away pretty damned disappointed over the past 5 years. Some of the most unstable stuff I have messed with and nothing out of a 10 pack that was even close to being a keeper.
DJ Short might have been "the shit" 15+ years ago, but now it just seems like shit to me. Sorry if this is harsh, but I paid and I grew, and I was thoroughly disappointed.
I've been told by people I trust that good phenos exist and this is why il probably still buy a few more packs next time I get the chance to in flint. He sells them for only $50 a pack there so thats very much worth it in my opinion even with my not so great experiences so far.
I'd like to disclaimer all my previous poets by saying that I'm sure there's goodness to be had in the DJ shorts genetics but they really seemed so very Dutch to me. The best phenos were on par with an average pheno of something else. I'm recalling that I actually gave away the second half of one of the packs of blueberry, I need to ask him how that went.
I don't wanna bash DJ shorts genetics too bad seeing how this is prolly a troll but if he be genuine then I reckon my point got across.
I also don't wanna call anyone out on a wild conspiracy claim..... Buuuuuutttt it would probably behoove a competitor of dj's to come on the interwebz and act a fool pretending to be related to dj..... I can think of 2 off the top of my head at least... No 3... Shit actually 4-5 breeders that are immature social media warriors that might try something along these lines.. Just an after thought considering his ego just seems too made up..
You really think so? Your more plugged into the scene than I am. I prefer the low profile and Internet folks these days.
There so many ridiculous poop flinging battles on social media nowadays by the 18-39 breeder crowd. The icmag generation of breeders for the most part. There's a couple that came from the icmag crew that are truly great additions to the canna community but there's a ton of doofuses trying to capatilize too and they just argue and bicker for the most part online. Who's cuts are real or who had what first. It's insane
at 50 a pack is great numbers.
Tonightyou, thanks for your responses. This new selection process is already happening, that's what I'm selecting the f5 for, a potential backcross of some sort. I should say however that for the f5 Blueberry that we offer now, I don't think any reselecting of the parent stock needs to be done. Personally, Im happy with the product as it is. It's confusing to me what people are looking for if they actually buy the f5's we offer, grow them and still say it sucks. It just isn't my and so many others experience at all. And as far as the stability of the genetics, again, Im confused because as I stated, the Blueberry was so stable for me that it was kind of boring. All 28 plants look awesome and reek of berry and got's the purple, but really no anomalies. I wanted something skunk. I thought 30 selections would have presented that. I got the kush, but I wanted skunk. And although I did get a skunk anomaly of sorts, and it is my first pick, it's just a lot like the others. It's even finishing up this week and leaning towards the grape berry we all recognize from the Blueberry. Im also going through some old f3's of my fathers stock to find things to play with as well as selecting pheno's of the grape crush, moonshine, old-time moonshine, true blueberry and a few others. (unfortunately one at a time, but I love doing this so it's worth it). Im attempting to find something in the old f3 stock that stands out, maybe a temple floral male to backcross many of these pheno's with as well as as many outcross 'knock-offs' of whatever beautiful pheno's I can get my hands on. At this point, Im only doing all this breeding for me. I want my own private seed stock. In this moment, I wouldn't dream of sharing any of these crosses with anyone. Especially when I see how much of a target it can potentially make me. However, the ultimate dream is to share all of this. All of the bickering here hasn't motivated me much to join the fun. That feeling will pass though. I will share as many of these genetics as I can.simply take the consideration of cleaning up in house and again going through the catalog and reselecting parents.
Dude people are pretty dynamic and if you go in with certain expectation, you just may end up with anticipated results. It's the whole self fulfilling prophecy. I can be a bit abrasive sometimes too, but knowing that I need to give people the benefit of doubt and not apply my expectations to them. Instead I try and listen, see what they are trying to say instead of what I am anticipating on behalf of them.
Dude people are pretty dynamic and if you go in with certain expectation, you just may end up with anticipated results. It's the whole self fulfilling prophecy. I can be a bit abrasive sometimes too, but knowing that I need to give people the benefit of doubt and not apply my expectations to them. Instead I try and listen, see what they are trying to say instead of what I am anticipating on behalf of them.