DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Bathrooms

Seema Nanda just knocked on my bathroom door as I was dropping a load trying to get me to run. I told her if I could run, it would make my present situation much easier.
You think a subject like abolishing the Federal Reserve is Russian talking points? You're an idiot I been talking about that since High School! Is Ron Paul also a Russian? Were the hippies in the 60s all Russian? Were the Vietnam Vets all Russians? This is the problem with people having shitty long term memories. You guys never remember or learn from the past.

There's no new material because it's ACTUALLY the root of the fucking problem that has never been addressed!

Those topics were talked way before Trump or this Russia bs! Your just not educated and never looked these subjects up. Trump just brought some these issues up to the general idiot public. Trump stole our ideas from the Independent Patriots and did half ass job with them! Trump is bending over to the deep state while acting like a fake patriot. The game is rigged Buck and not who you think it is! I'm sure Putin has own agenda but he's very small player to the big guys.

Oh by the way why the fuck would I like Putin when the asshole makes it illegal to use cannabis in Russia? Kind puts a big hole in your theory there bud lol!
Russian/Soviet Union if your playing the stupid semantic game that propagandists like to do has been using this since the 50's.
Yeah it absolutely is a Russian troll talking point. Anything to hurt our country or to sow any division. The Federal Reserve Banking System is the reason the world trusts our currency as the global standard. No one has total control over it;

You ignored everything I posted before for you, I was hoping at that time you were not just a sock puppet troll account.

But for anyone else,
The Federal Reserve has 2 main goals, full employment (which we are at) and stable inflation (which we currently have set about 2-2.5%). Outside of that they shouldn't and don't mess around with the market, which is what they are doing. What Trump is trying to do is to put pressure on the Fed to do more to offset his destabilizing temper tantrums, but if the Fed does this they will not have any room to help the economy if we move into a recession.
That's the outside plastic layer of the Federal Reserve you described! The Federal Reserves been a scam from day one! Sorry we don't need a private bank that refuses to be audited in our country period! Tell me why are they so resistant to being audited if they have nothing to hide?

Paper money is useless and you know it! Like I said before look what happened to the Confederates paper money after the Civil War! I don't really care, be a retard a trust the almighty dollar.

More gold and silver on the market for smarter people like me to buy up with you out of the game. Not just gold, buying land, and other resources is way more valuable than fucking Federal Reserve Monopoly money! I try get rid that paper money and convert into something physical as fast as possible. If I do land up making alot of money off my CBD business. Sure as hell gonna be converting my paper money to physical assets immediately!

And will bury it where no one but me will know where it is. Than while you idiots are fighting killing each other and starving to death when the dollar collapse. I'll still have lots to trade. And you my friend will be the stupid fuck!

Lol. Shiny things. Shiny, shiny things. When I buy stock in McDonalds I demand it in hamberders not stock certificates - they jest paper.
That's the outside plastic layer of the Federal Reserve you described! The Federal Reserves been a scam from day one! Sorry we don't need a private bank that refuses to be audited in our country period! Tell me why are they so resistant to being audited if they have nothing to hide?

Paper money is useless and you know it! Like I said before look what happened to the Confederates paper money after the Civil War! I don't really care, be a retard a trust the almighty dollar.

More gold and silver on the market for smarter people like me to buy up with you out of the game. Not just gold, buying land, and other resources is way more valuable than fucking Federal Reserve Monopoly money! I try get rid that paper money and convert into something physical as fast as possible. If I do land up making alot of money off my CBD business. Sure as hell gonna be converting my paper money to physical assets immediately!

And will bury it where no one but me will know where it is. Than while you idiots are fighting killing each other and starving to death when the dollar collapse. I'll still have lots to trade. And you my friend will be the stupid fuck!

Your Russian accent is atrocious
That's the outside plastic layer of the Federal Reserve you described! The Federal Reserves been a scam from day one! Sorry we don't need a private bank that refuses to be audited in our country period! Tell me why are they so resistant to being audited if they have nothing to hide?

Paper money is useless and you know it! Like I said before look what happened to the Confederates paper money after the Civil War! I don't really care, be a retard a trust the almighty dollar.

More gold and silver on the market for smarter people like me to buy up with you out of the game. Not just gold, buying land, and other resources is way more valuable than fucking Federal Reserve Monopoly money! I try get rid that paper money and convert into something physical as fast as possible. If I do land up making alot of money off my CBD business. Sure as hell gonna be converting my paper money to physical assets immediately!

And will bury it where no one but me will know where it is. Than while you idiots are fighting killing each other and starving to death when the dollar collapse. I'll still have lots to trade. And you my friend will be the stupid fuck!


"I invest in gold and silver, not in things that have no value!!!"

More gold is in storage than will be used in decades. It's basically like buying dirt and calling it valuable. Silver is even worse. The silver market is controlled by one single investor.

I can't help but laugh at morons like you -- who are pretty much losers -- fantasizing about being winners after the apocalypse. Sorry to tell you that the personality traits behind success today are going to be the same as the ones that will be needed after the apocalypse.

"I invest in gold and silver, not in things that have no value!!!"

More gold is in storage than will be used in decades. It's basically like buying dirt and calling it valuable. Silver is even worse. The silver market is controlled by one single investor.

I can't help but laugh at morons like you -- who are pretty much losers -- fantasizing about being winners after the apocalypse. Sorry to tell you that the personality traits behind success today are going to be the same as the ones that will be needed after the apocalypse.

What's worth more a paper dollar bill or a bar of gold or silver? You know gold is actually used in alot of electronics? Gold has many uses to it. Silver can be antibacterial. And that's why I also said land, water, and other resources are also more valuable than paper money!

You kind of remind of this guy from Idiocracy!:smile:


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That's the outside plastic layer of the Federal Reserve you described! The Federal Reserves been a scam from day one! Sorry we don't need a private bank that refuses to be audited in our country period! Tell me why are they so resistant to being audited if they have nothing to hide?
They are audited every year.
Paper money is useless and you know it! Like I said before look what happened to the Confederates paper money after the Civil War! I don't really care, be a retard a trust the almighty dollar.
Paper money is not worthless, I use it all the time to exchange for goods and services. It is a thing of measurement. And it will continue to have value as long as the United States is around. And if for any reason America ceased to be, and we are in the zombie apocalypse you got me, it would suck.

More gold and silver on the market for smarter people like me to buy up with you out of the game. Not just gold, buying land, and other resources is way more valuable than fucking Federal Reserve Monopoly money! I try get rid that paper money and convert into something physical as fast as possible. If I do land up making alot of money off my CBD business. Sure as hell gonna be converting my paper money to physical assets immediately!
Your gold will get stolen too in a zombie apocolypes, I think toilet paper would actually be worth stocking up more in case of a zombie apocalypse though, always having a roll would be worthwhile. And as for land just ask the Native Americans how that works out when another country determines what land you own.

And will bury it where no one but me will know where it is. Than while you idiots are fighting killing each other and starving to death when the dollar collapse. I'll still have lots to trade. And you my friend will be the stupid fuck!

What's worth more a paper dollar bill or a bar of gold or silver? You know gold is actually used in alot of electronics? Gold has many uses to it. Silver can be antibacterial. And that's why I also said land, water, and other resources are also more valuable than paper money!

You kind of remind of this guy from Idiocracy!:smile:

If gold or silver were priced according to supply and demand due to use, it would cost a fraction of that gold coin you "invested in". Guess what? When the shit does hit the fan you'd be better off if you had invested in wine. Or Cheetos. Or a wood fired bread oven. Gold will be worthless because you can't eat or drink it.

"I invest in gold and silver, not in things that have no value!!!"

More gold is in storage than will be used in decades. It's basically like buying dirt and calling it valuable. Silver is even worse. The silver market is controlled by one single investor.

I can't help but laugh at morons like you -- who are pretty much losers -- fantasizing about being winners after the apocalypse. Sorry to tell you that the personality traits behind success today are going to be the same as the ones that will be needed after the apocalypse.
Buy they shiny!
What's worth more a paper dollar bill or a bar of gold or silver? You know gold is actually used in alot of electronics? Gold has many uses to it. Silver can be antibacterial. And that's why I also said land, water, and other resources are also more valuable than paper money!

You kind of remind of this guy from Idiocracy!:smile:
Well, you are right about one thing... rubles have no real value.
Blow me, loser. Your mom apparently didn’t warn you to not go to a gunfight armed with just a knife did she? Especially a dull one.

I'm probably going to take heat for this (and I really don't give a fuck lol), but I agree with 90% of what your saying in this thread. Hillary was viewed very poorly by common everyday people and anybody who denies this is living in a box. Also I'm no Bernie fan but I definitely believe the DNC fucked him.
I'm probably going to take heat for this (and I really don't give a fuck lol), but I agree with 90% of what your saying in this thread. Hillary was viewed very poorly by common everyday people and anybody who denies this is living in a box.

These guys are just a bunch of drunk circle jerkers, don't worry about taking flak. They failed at life, now they wan't everyone to be as shitty as them, like most leftists. Take the city of San Francisco for instance.
These guys are just a bunch of drunk circle jerkers, don't worry about taking flak. They failed at life, now they wan't everyone to be as shitty as them, like most leftists. Take the city of San Francisco for instance.
I thought you weren’t partisan

So much for that, socky McFistuptheass
I'm probably going to take heat for this (and I really don't give a fuck lol), but I agree with 90% of what your saying in this thread. Hillary was viewed very poorly by common everyday people and anybody who denies this is living in a box. Also I'm no Bernie fan but I definitely believe the DNC fucked him.
Let me go ahead and deny that

65 million votes

Woops, that means you’re wrong. And definitely living in a little box full of uneducated white males
That's why you don't put your eggs in one basket! I never said to JUST buy gold and silver. But say someone needs to restore a circuit board when things go to shit. There gonna need gold to make that work. Yes I already addressed that JUST investing in gold and silver would not be smart.

What I'm saying it's better to convert that paper money to physical assets as fast as possible. Land, water, cattle, etc! Don't let it sit in the bank and rot away! One day your gonna have all that money saved in the bank and you won't be able to withdraw it. It happened many times in history bud!

Shits gonna hit the fan is just a question of when?
You fuck tards ever learn from history?

They still think that Hillary won, do you think they learn from history?
Let me go ahead and deny that

65 million votes

Woops, that means you’re wrong. And definitely living in a little box full of uneducated white males

If Hillary was well liked she would have gotten way more than 3 million more votes over Trump and she would have won the electoral college. Never mind the fact that she didn't even visit Wisconsin. Hillary was a shitty candidate period.