DNC Lawyers Argue DNC Has Right to Pick Candidates in Bathrooms

Bill Gates, the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation and second richest person in the world, has been bankrolling Democrat candidate Cory Booker.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, former Estee Lauder CEO Leonard Lauder, Cox Enterprises heiress Katharine Rayner and Blackstone Group president Jonathan Gray are also helping finance Booker's campaign. Forbes stated 18 billionaires are helping fund Booker.


CEO Magazine. Reviewing the owners.
“As of the last filing deadline with the Federal Election Commission on July 15, 67 billionaires—including spouses and members of billionaire families—had donated to the 20 Democratic candidates that debated in Detroit last week. Some, like Lowercase Capital founder Chris Sacca and his wife, Crystal, have donated to as many as seven candidates. Others, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, have instead chosen to donate to only one of the contenders, according to data from the U.S. Federal Election Commission.”


Here’s the Democratic Party ownership for the 2020 season. Only a fucking retard would try to deny that the party is fucking owned. And unless YOU are a contributing billionaire you ain’t one of those owners.
did you know that when Bernie's amendment to roll back the Citizen's United ruling was up for a vote, every Democratic Senator voted against the Republican filibuster? Every Republican Senator voted to sustain that filibuster and it died there, in Sept. 2015.

Republicans took control of the Senate in 2016 (campaign finance reform isn't all that important to the electorate, btw). They have been in control of the Senate since then and campaign finance reform has not even been discussed by the Republican controlled Senate.

If you want campaign finance reform, the laws must be changed. If you want those laws changed, vote Democrats in.
“As of the last filing deadline with the Federal Election Commission on July 15, 67 billionaires—including spouses and members of billionaire families—had donated to the 20 Democratic candidates that debated in Detroit last week. Some, like Lowercase Capital founder Chris Sacca and his wife, Crystal, have donated to as many as seven candidates. Others, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, have instead chosen to donate to only one of the contenders, according to data from the U.S. Federal Election Commission.”


Here’s the Democratic Party ownership for the 2020 season. Only a fucking retard would try to deny that the party is fucking owned. And unless YOU are a contributing billionaire you ain’t one of those owners.
The Democratic party is not fucking owned. It accepts legal campaign contributions because to refuse to do so would be the same as surrendering to Republicans. You aren't a retard but you sound like one every now and then.
“You have three options for health insurance while living in Germany; the government-regulated public health insurance system (GKV), private health insurance from a German or international insurance company (PKV) or a combination of the two. You can opt for full private health insurance plans if your income is above a certain threshold amount or if you are self-employed. Finding the best service provider for state health insurance or finding the most suitable coverage from a private health insurer while still at a competitive rate is not always easy but is well worth the effort.”

Yet the Senate Democrats totally abandoned any thought of Medicare for all. It can be done and it is done. Everyone can have insurance. Private if you so desire. But party owners, especially the 67 billionaires contributing so far, don’t want it so you won’t get it. But at least you’re free! Right?

Bill Gates, the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation and second richest person in the world, has been bankrolling Democrat candidate Cory Booker.

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, former Estee Lauder CEO Leonard Lauder, Cox Enterprises heiress Katharine Rayner and Blackstone Group president Jonathan Gray are also helping finance Booker's campaign. Forbes stated 18 billionaires are helping fund Booker.


CEO Magazine. Reviewing the owners.
Yep, there is some hanky panky going on between Booker and Silicon Valley. He was even given a start-up for his own to play with for a while. Having worked in and around Silicon Valley start-ups, I've seen nothing like it. Start ups are usually founded by somebody with expertise and passion for the business. Booker's description of that episode seems more like something out of Alice In Wonderland than anything real.

Tech Magnates Bet on Booker and His Future
Aug. 6, 2013

The conference room in the Mountain View, Calif., headquarters of LinkedIn was packed with the stars of Silicon Valley. Top executives of Facebook, Google and Twitter gathered around a table; the billionaire Sean Parker looked on from a back row. The guest of honor: Cory A. Booker, the mayor of Newark.

The stated purpose of the gathering was to give Mr. Booker, already a Twitter fanatic, a seminar on social-networking technologies. But hanging in the air was an electrifying sense of being in the presence of an ascendant politician they believed understood the potential of the new digital world they were shaping.

“He’s part of this tide,” said Gina Bianchini, an entrepreneur who was at the meeting, in May 2009. “It feels like he’s one of us.”

Two and a half years later, some of those same Silicon Valley leaders joined forces again on Mr. Booker’s behalf. But this time, their efforts resulted in giving Mr. Booker, until then an admired outsider, the equivalent of full-fledged membership in their elite circle: an Internet start-up of his own.
in a financial disclosure filed last month, Mr. Booker, 44, revealed that his stake in the company was worth $1 million to $5 million. Taken together, his other assets were worth no more than $730,000.

It's simply too strange to believe this was on the up and up. Was Booker bought or was he coddled because tech moguls saw him as somebody who would align with their interests? I can guess we have different opinions on this. I think we can agree that his relationship with Silicon Valley is too strange and laced with patrimony to be taken lightly. This is the main reason why I'm not very warm toward Booker for prez. I don't think he was bought. I think he's one of them.
“You have three options for health insurance while living in Germany; the government-regulated public health insurance system (GKV), private health insurance from a German or international insurance company (PKV) or a combination of the two. You can opt for full private health insurance plans if your income is above a certain threshold amount or if you are self-employed. Finding the best service provider for state health insurance or finding the most suitable coverage from a private health insurer while still at a competitive rate is not always easy but is well worth the effort.”

Yet the Senate Democrats totally abandoned any thought of Medicare for all. It can be done and it is done. Everyone can have insurance. Private if you so desire. But party owners, especially the 67 billionaires contributing so far, don’t want it so you won’t get it. But at least you’re free! Right?

There are several bills submitted to the Senate that are backed by Democrats. If you are talking about Bernie's Medicare for All bill then you are still wrong. A few Democratic Senators support it, including Bernie (duh) and Warren. But in the case of Bernie's bill, rejecting it is the right thing to do.

For now, repairing damage to the ACA wrought by Republicans and shoring up the ACA to prevent them from fucking it up again, should GOP take control of Congress, are the best choices in policies for 2020.
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“The event, set for October 16, seems to mark the first major form of activism in support of the Democratic Party's electoral efforts. Politico reported on Tuesday that the event -- titled "Dinner and conversation at the home of Hillary Rodham Clinton" -- will offer tickets as high as $50,000.”

Let’s start a GoFundMe for Buck so he can go. Sure sounds like an event for the everyday person. Right?
Is that why you support the GoP?
“Back in April, the Hillary Clinton Super PAC Correct the Record, which is helmed by the former right-wing attack dog David Brock, announced that it would be spending $1 million to “engage in online messaging both for Secretary Clinton and to push back against attackers on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Instagram.” In other words, the political action committee would spend a cool million on paid internet trolls to pounce on anyone who dared to criticize their presidential candidate.”

“This announcement was part of a bigger story about the 2016 presidential election: the powerful and far-reaching presence the Bernie Sanders campaign has on social media, and the enthusiasm of young Sanders supporters online, many of whom have been labeled trolls, “Bernie Bros,” “BernieBots,” and — more egregiously — sexists and racists by Democratic partisans and the corporate media over the past year. Sanders has such a passionate online base that David Brock and the Clinton campaign felt it necessary not only to pay legitimate trolls to attack them, but to make bogus generalizations intended to discredit the entire movement.”

You do know that the Russians were found to have been a part of the "Bernie Bros" in 2016 right? They were spending illegally like crazy, propagandizing lies that they were planting nonstop, and still are. Even the document dumps would get nice juicy nuggets planted in them so that they could use them.