Do Americans actually want universal healthcare?

If government owns it, how come they make you pay for it ?
Gov owns the power in my state, you still have to pay for power...
97% green by the way.

Buy yes..Looks like Americans dont want universal healthcare- silly buggers.
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Gov owns the power in my state, you still have to pay for power...
97% green by the way.

Buy yes..Looks like Americans dont want universal healthcare- silly buggers.

Does your government own the sun ?

Do you need permission to generate solar power too ?

Some Americans would like to force others to pay for their ideas and those same people are the kind that also claim "my body, my right" etc.
Ironic eh? Even more ironic many of those same trained seals bark out "guns are bad", but then they forget they need them to force people to pay for their health insurance. Silly buggers.
@Lucky Luke ....unless you live in Albania you’re nowhere close to 97% green. If you’re in the states and take away hydro (which isn’t green) you're no where near 97.

If true universal healthcare worked and provided the best care, the leaders and rich from around the world wouldn’t come to the us for medical care when they are really sick.
@Lucky Luke ....unless you live in Albania you’re nowhere close to 97% green. If you’re in the states and take away hydro (which isn’t green) you're no where near 97.

If true universal healthcare worked and provided the best care, the leaders and rich from around the world wouldn’t come to the us for medical care when they are really sick.
Dont live in Albania, dont live in the states.

Not all leading medical care is in America but it is a leading force. Especially if your mega rich, not so much for everyone else.

Guess ur another American who doesnt want universal health care.- silly bugger.
Does your government own the sun ?

Do you need permission to generate solar power too ?

Some Americans would like to force others to pay for their ideas and those same people are the kind that also claim "my body, my right" etc.
Ironic eh? Even more ironic many of those same trained seals bark out "guns are bad", but then they forget they need them to force people to pay for their health insurance. Silly buggers.

How much does your Private Health insurance cost and does it cover everything (literally everything)?

How much does your Private Health insurance cost and does it cover everything (literally everything)?

My privates aren't insured, but to cover everything I have to wear long pants. Anytime I try to wear shorts, women, they just don't stop leering.
@Lucky Luke ....unless you live in Albania you’re nowhere close to 97% green. If you’re in the states and take away hydro (which isn’t green) you're no where near 97.

If true universal healthcare worked and provided the best care, the leaders and rich from around the world wouldn’t come to the us for medical care when they are really sick.
Hope ur on because this does change but right as i type this its at 100% renewable and 100% low carbon. All of 23g carbon intensity. Its even green for u.- Tasmania is the little triangle shaped island. We have so much at the moment we are selling it to the mainland as you can see.

Screenshot 2020-08-31 17.08.08.png

And yes we have Universal healthcare, you can choose to be in a Private healthcare fund if you want- God knows they chase new customers hard. Good to have a choice aint it? Arguably the cleanest air in the world and Covid free my little island is as well.
Its handy to look at what other placers do so u can adapt. Saw the other day, i think in Norway (?) that a small Community got together to finance and erect its own windmill to power the town. What a great idea, awesome community spirit and an example to other communities.

O Australians also live longer than Americans....might have something to do with being able to go to a Dr whenever you want and have access to really inexpensive medications maybe? Like you would have to agree that life expectancy would reflect on Health care?
Australians are living longer, 85.5 years for women and 81.5 years for men. However, Americans are falling behind with just 76.4 years for men and 81.4 for women.Aug 17, 2018
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