Do Americans Know How Weird and Extreme Their Collapse is Getting?

You were just foaming at the mouth all night. As usual.


you were trying to write off your death threats until 3 or 4 in the morning, your usual meth-bedtime

i stayed up a half hour past my normal bedtime for once in two weeks because my wife is home today to watch the kid and let me sleep in

sure hope no one invites themselves over to show your wife some affection, nazi boy
my last post was 12:52 am

methigan's last post was 3:46 am

i rarely post past 10pm because i have a job and a kid

methigan routinely stays up to 4 am posting because too much meth to be employable, too much meth to have functioning sperm, and too much meth to go to bed at a normal hour

methigan is a pathological serial liar who made death threats on my family

you were trying to write off your death threats until 3 or 4 in the morning, your usual meth-bedtime

i stayed up a half hour past my normal bedtime for once in two weeks because my wife is home today to watch the kid and let me sleep in

sure hope no one invites themselves over to show your wife some affection, nazi boy

You foamed at the mouth on two different threads for hours.

You only post hate and lies for a long time now.

Everyone but your silly little (and shrinking) fan club knows it.

I however talked to other growers about growing and other hobbies all night while you foamed and spit alcohol all over your screen arguing about your own lies.

You don’t even have any idea what your doing here anymore.

You are despicable talking about my wife. She has serious illness. But she is getting treated now and will likely get better. And the information I got here about meds and growing has helped us make Oil that has melted her internal cysts away.

You can use good pot to help stop drinking too. Hint, hint. ;-)

She isn’t heartless like you pretend to be here. She has all the heart in the world. She even rides mountain bikes in the woods while still overweight. And paddles kayaks in the river.

You would be huffing and throwing up if you even tried to keep up with her.

And you want to mess with me? Lol.

You drink in front of a tv screen for your free time.

What’s wrong with you buck? Every other Irish carpenter I have met can easily handle their liquor. You are an obvious slobbering drunk who blacks out.
my last post was 12:52 am

methigan's last post was 3:46 am

i rarely post past 10pm because i have a job and a kid

methigan routinely stays up to 4 am posting because too much meth to be employable, too much meth to have functioning sperm, and too much meth to go to bed at a normal hour

methigan is a pathological serial liar who made death threats on my family

No. You lie. And I always have stayed up late. Even as a kid. Hard to sleep with my internal illness.

At least your obsession with me and what I do is progressing. You stalk me now. What’s the next step for an infatuated homosexual blogger in love like you?

I didn’t make any threats. But you clearly did.
@UncleBuck I am positive knowing you are a window installer that I have already paid more taxes to our country than you ever will.

I had a very high salary for decades. You make dollars per hour as a carpenters helper.

We do thank your family for earning real money and paying in to our country. You don’t get to pretend you paid by osmosis.
you were up to 3:46 am posting last night, like you almost always are

i was up to 12:52 am, which is rare since i have a job and am not unemployable like you

deal with it, meth boy

Why does his matter? I work for myself. I can keep any schedule I like.

You are down to posting about literally nothing.

Sorry I ruined you. You seem horribly hurt.
@UncleBuck I am positive knowing you are a window installer that I have already paid more taxes to our country than you ever will.

I had a very high salary for decades. You make dollars per hour as a carpenters helper.

We do thank your family for earning real money and paying in to our country. You don’t get to pretend you paid by osmosis.

you were a used car salesman until you got fired due to your meth habit

independent contractors like me pay double what employees like you used to back when you were selling used cars. your employer paid the other half of your FICA taxes fyi

post a picture of your health insurance cards so we know you aren't getting a free ride on us, welfare sponge
you were the one that brought it up you pile of trash and meth

has meth rotted your brain so badly that you can't remember what you said just half an hour ago?

You are the only one bringing up health insurance.

I brought up medical treatment.

Why are you so upset so early. I have been up enjoying my day since about 9:30. Went to the docks to listen to the screaming frogs.

Like these

you were a used car salesman until you got fired due to your meth habit

independent contractors like me pay double what employees like you used to back when you were selling used cars. your employer paid the other half of your FICA taxes fyi

post a picture of your health insurance cards so we know you aren't getting a free ride on us, welfare sponge

I ran new car dealership departments. And you have no idea what the car business was like in the 90’s.

You won’t ever get anywhere near our salaries and bonuses back then. You won’t even beat my best year of only paid commissions from my early 20’s.

And we got free new cars to drive and amazing investment packages with company matching. And much better health plans than available today.

You are just a kid with an hourly job.

What sort of addiction or personality disorder makes you act this way?
I ran new car dealership departments. And you have no idea what the car business was like in the 90’s.

You won’t ever get anywhere near our salaries and bonuses back then. You won’t even beat my best year of only paid commissions from my early 20’s.

And we got free new cars to drive and amazing investment packages with company matching. And much better health plans than available today.

You are just a kid with an hourly job.

What sort of addiction or personality disorder makes you act this way?
you lie about literally everything so the most i can give you credit for is "used car salesman" who was fired due to crippling meth addiction, paid minimum wage against comission

want to see the last contract i completed? it was a fairly massive structure. you're far too infirm and weak to ever even attempt the work i do