Do auto's take the same amount of time outdoors?


Active Member
Also, what is the best month to plant auto's outdoors?
And do they yield better or worse with natural sunlight?


Well-Known Member
they work best outdoor. Sunlight most of the year is much more intense than indoor lighting giving u bigger yield.


Well-Known Member
I've grow autos for 3 years, mostly indoors but did do some af outdoors a couple of times. Although my indoor ones under 1000w hps did well, the outdoor one did just a bit better in yeild and thickness of growth. I just don't think one can mimic nature very well....I did find that outside exposes your plant to outside pests too....


Well-Known Member
just make sure there mature, auto flowers can take longer or shorter hard to answer as all strains are different. because of the suns intensity the yields are off the hook top to bottom compared to inside. the best way to shorten an outside grow is to use reg feminized seeds and just "force flower em!". good luck any questions just ask.