Do clones flop over in the first couple of days?


Well-Known Member
thats the question basically, do clones flop over in the first few days?

I made a few clones for the first time the other day and they flopped over in the first couple of hours, I had to go away for a few days and they dried up. I took some new clones this morning when I looked int he evening they have flopped over - Is this what happens? will they survive?

Thanks for any advice


Well-Known Member
if they are too stressed they will go limp you need to keep them moist and also allow lots of air to the cutting still


Well-Known Member
They are kept moist and have been from the start, they have little air as they are in a heated propagator with the top just cracked open slightly to keep it nice and humid.

Yes I am using clonex gel

Some more info perhaps I should have given is:-

They are in rockwool cube that have been soaked and shook out some, I cut them on a 45 angle with a blade cleaned in surgical spirits I split the bottom of the stem and scraped around the outside of the bottom stem, dipped in some fresh clonex gel and poped them into the cubes, I then misted the top.

The only thing I did this time that didn't seem quite right to me but I followed the advice in the Jorge Cervantis book was to pour some 5.6ph water into the bottom of the tray with the rockwool cube in, from what I can see this wicked straight up into the rockwool and possibly these are now too wet.

I am visiting the propagator twice a day and misting inside the lid.

Can anybody advise where I am going wrong please also are they screwed now they have flopped or might they be ok?

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
They are in rockwool cube that have been soaked and shook out some, I cut them on a 45 angle with a blade cleaned in surgical spirits I split the bottom of the stem and scraped around the outside of the bottom stem, dipped in some fresh clonex gel and poped them into the cubes, I then misted the top.
this is probably why they are wilted. next time, just cut at an angle and remove node growth, no other cuts, scrapes, or splits are necessary

The only thing I did this time that didn't seem quite right to me but I followed the advice in the Jorge Cervantis book was to pour some 5.6ph water into the bottom of the tray with the rockwool cube in, from what I can see this wicked straight up into the rockwool and possibly these are now too wet.
probably, go shake the excess water out. they should feel water heavy, but should not be dripping

I am visiting the propagator twice a day and misting inside the lid.
stop misting, that's what the dome is for. it will hold all the moisture you need just from being on top of the wet rw.



Well-Known Member
this is probably why they are wilted. next time, just cut at an angle and remove node growth, no other cuts, scrapes, or splits are necessary


Thanks kp, I followed the advice in the Jorge book it said that this would give more chances of root growth, I will try without next time - I just revisited and it seems that not all have drooped some are still ok. Will the drooping ones spring back to life now if conditions are favourable?



Well-Known Member
if all else fails and its still wilted you have the same problem as i do, i don't know what i fix it so i went back to powder. Supposely the gel isn't a fungicide and i guess your gel is infected.

everybody else works fine but i got problems with clonex gel always wilting on me so i went back to powder.


Well-Known Member
thats the question basically, do clones flop over in the first few days?

I made a few clones for the first time the other day and they flopped over in the first couple of hours, I had to go away for a few days and they dried up. I took some new clones this morning when I looked int he evening they have flopped over - Is this what happens? will they survive?

Thanks for any advice
from my experience I can tell that this happens if clones get too much light like from sitting in direct sun light. but is could be also caused by wrong cutting techniques.


Well-Known Member
a few of mine did that. i can see one root on one of my others i did. its been 4 days. they take ages. im gonna try another method as well.i'll put a link up here to a thread i did. also where are you taking the cuttin from on the plant. newish growth or older. are they strong cuttings if you get wat i mean!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
It may also depend on how deep your putting them in the medium. I use an organic plug and the hole is almost as wide and deep as the stem I cut is long. Just enough so the first leaves are above the top. Cut only once on a downward angle. Remove any leaves close to the bottom. I also use a cloning gel, Olivia's and have great success. I make sure the plug is wet but not dripping. I check it everyday, lift the lid and fan them for a minute. I have them under 18 hours flourecent. All the clones I have taken have done great this way. I have seen some drooping ion some in the begining but once they get moist and settle in they do good.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I always cut my 45 degree angle and then split the stalk about 1.8th an inch.I have about 97% success rate.You need to make sure the dome is kept close for few days and that the temps stay around 70-75 in the dome.Are you using a clone heat pad to regulate temps? They will wilt as you start to do the dome opening procedure which is a gradual 3-4 day thing starting maybe twice a day for 10-15 minutes.You dont want the cubes to have water in them just moist.Soak them then squeeze them they should not be heavy or dark with watre but light and just moist if any heavier they root slower or can get rot or algae.I put my 1-2 inch clone in the cube with gel or powder then once in the tary I give a light mist as the only way they can drink or eat is via leaves at this point.Make sure you dont hav elarge fan leaves or alot of leave maybe 2-3 sets max and you can also cut the leaves in hald to help keep the nned for food down and increase survival.Bigger the clone the harder to root.I also tend to open the dome each day for at least a minute to refresh the air.I like to breath into the dome as Im closeing adding little extra co2.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help all, sorry I have been so long gettign back but my pc has been down.

Anyway to answer a few of the points I used clonex in a small container throwing away anything that was left, I have just been dipping the cubes into 5.6ph water to wick a little water in each time they dry up, I have been opening the clone box once twice a day and fanning with the lid.

They seem to have mostly straightened back up now, some of them have bent back up so the stems are curly. I think their looking ok although there are no signs of roots yet and it is one week on since I took them.

Thanks again all


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help all, sorry I have been so long gettign back but my pc has been down.

Anyway to answer a few of the points I used clonex in a small container throwing away anything that was left, I have just been dipping the cubes into 5.6ph water to wick a little water in each time they dry up, I have been opening the clone box once twice a day and fanning with the lid.

They seem to have mostly straightened back up now, some of them have bent back up so the stems are curly. I think their looking ok although there are no signs of roots yet and it is one week on since I took them.

Thanks again all
if they are green, they're still kicking. if they fail, you'll know it.



Well-Known Member
Yea KP their all still green, only today I saw the first root come through though. I thought it would have been a bit quicker than that.


Well-Known Member
I'm had good results using the cloning powder. I cut at 45 degree angle and scrape some of the skin off a couple inches up the cutting. I clone in perlite/vermiculite (equal parts) wick system with water at pH 6.5. I placed under a dome for 7 days with indirect light. Then I moved them to my veg bucket for a week while waiting to get my hydroton. I added 1/4 strength nutes and the really took off. I had a massive set of roots from about 2 inches up from my cut when I moved them into my DWC for veg.

Here's my clone setup if you're interested.
