do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
LMAO! well we can argue all day, but the is one thing everyone can agree on...It SUCKS to find out your rights AFTER the fact. In my situation it was well worth it to seek legal advice in advance of any case, I'm not in any legal trouble ATM but I sleep good knowing I have a kick-ass lawyer who knows his shit :)


Well-Known Member
The only time I had to use my rights was when I was in my college dorm a year ago smoking a volcanoe I just bought and some 1 pulled a fire alarm for the dorm... fucking idiot. The cop came and shut it off but was poking around the outside of the door. stupid campus cop.. any ways she nocks on the door walks half way in the room and says it smells like pot. keeps asking us where the pot was. We actually just smoked the last bowl in the vape that was sitting plane sight on the coach but the way I was standing blocked her view... Im tricky =) She asked If she could search the dorm to my roomate who looks at me and I yell No! she ask why and I say I dont like cops going through my stuff and had a bad experience 1s. she ask if i trust her and I say no. So she leaves and goes to get the people who are in charge of the dorm who can search but by the time they got there we got the volcanoe out of the room and cleaned everything up. I was more worried about loosing my brand new 600 vap. Always wanted to tell this story 1st time i could.


Well-Known Member
The only time I had to use my rights was when I was in my college dorm a year ago smoking a volcanoe I just bought and some 1 pulled a fire alarm for the dorm... fucking idiot. The cop came and shut it off but was poking around the outside of the door. stupid campus cop.. any ways she nocks on the door walks half way in the room and says it smells like pot. keeps asking us where the pot was. We actually just smoked the last bowl in the vape that was sitting plane sight on the coach but the way I was standing blocked her view... Im tricky =) She asked If she could search the dorm to my roomate who looks at me and I yell No! she ask why and I say I dont like cops going through my stuff and had a bad experience 1s. she ask if i trust her and I say no. So she leaves and goes to get the people who are in charge of the dorm who can search but by the time they got there we got the volcanoe out of the room and cleaned everything up. I was more worried about loosing my brand new 600 vap. Always wanted to tell this story 1st time i could.
fucken nerves of that bitch........then she goes n rats u out like alttle bitch sssssssssssssssssss :joint:


Active Member
If they asked to search my car I would have said no, if they insisted I would have asked for reason. If they give reason that hooks them because if it isn't viable to the reason you were pulled over then they can't hold it against you let alone search your car without a warrent.


Well-Known Member
yeah I noticed my left hand was twitching and I was sweating really bad when she left
plus im in Florida the worst state for marijuana by far


Well-Known Member
I think the author if this story is full of horseship. Cause if it happened the way he described and he doesnt yet have the services of a civil rights lawyer, he is a complete dip ship who only takes up space on this planet and probably smells bad as well.
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Well-Known Member
I think thew author if this story is full of horseship. Cause if it happened the way he described and he doesnt yet have the services of a civil rights lawyer, he is a complete dip ship who only takes up space on this panet and probably smells bad as well.
Besides the bad spelling of the poster I quoted I think someone finally realized what the fuck is up with this thread.

What stupid ass fucker gets detained for 3 days for having hydro supplies in his car??? Or fucking High Times mags?? Or fucking soil???

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Are you all THAT fucking stoned?

Whoever the thread starter is has to be a complete fucking moron. I could care less if you're a trailer park shithead with no fucking money. How the fuck do you get detained for 3 days and have nothing illegal in your car?

You are either:

A) Leaving out a whole lot of shit from this story.

B) A DEA guy posting total stupidity and a million spelling errors to trick the already dumb ass shit posters that thrive around here.

C) A total stupid shit for being detained for 3 days. Who are you? The Incredible and Totally Retarded Stupidman?

Holy fucking christ!! Don't people around here go to school?? No wonder the police held you for 3 days. They figured you are so stupid that if they let you go you would probably poke your own eyes out with a corn on the cob.

So to answer your question for the thread.............

YESSSSSSSSS, cops think you are dumb. Have a nice day :hump:


Well-Known Member
its easier said then done,
Half the time cops dont even ask if they can search your car, and if they do and you say no
then thyell just find any probable cause to do it anyways. like "i smell weed"
I've done this just to fuck with cops. Never stop for a cop on public property. It is much easier to tow a car on public property than it is on private property; just pull in to a parking lot and pick a spot. Then when you get the chance get out and lock your keys in the ignition and then say oh shit I fucked up. Play dumb as hell. There's a guaranteed end to your search and a violation of your 4th amendmant rights. Most importantly though, never ever drive with anything that would give a cop probable cause and don't smoke dope in your car.



Well-Known Member
I like smoking in the car, especially when I am on the way back from the Clubs... I just cant wait to try out my new goodies... does that make me a bad person? lol sorry got a little off topic there, but yea I drive safe (not like you little punks that just got your license... sorry some 16 year old hit my fucking car today on lunch, a little testy about that subject) but if your driving safe, car is up to code, and you are not speeding (kinda follows the first one driving safe) then you have no reason to be pulled over, THUS NO RUN IN WITH THE LAW.... weird how that works out.....


Active Member
This right here is why I ride my bicycle or walk, even if it takes me multiple trips to get something. I have yet to even be an after thought to anyone. By the way, Pigpen, I love your avatar.


Well-Known Member
Holy fucking christ!! Don't people around here go to school?? No wonder the police held you for 3 days. They figured you are so stupid that if they let you go you would probably poke your own eyes out with a corn on the cob.



Well-Known Member
Besides the bad spelling of the poster I quoted I think someone finally realized what the fuck is up with this thread.

What stupid ass fucker gets detained for 3 days for having hydro supplies in his car??? Or fucking High Times mags?? Or fucking soil???

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Are you all THAT fucking stoned?

Whoever the thread starter is has to be a complete fucking moron. I could care less if you're a trailer park shithead with no fucking money. How the fuck do you get detained for 3 days and have nothing illegal in your car?

You are either:

A) Leaving out a whole lot of shit from this story.

B) A DEA guy posting total stupidity and a million spelling errors to trick the already dumb ass shit posters that thrive around here.

C) A total stupid shit for being detained for 3 days. Who are you? The Incredible and Totally Retarded Stupidman?

Holy fucking christ!! Don't people around here go to school?? No wonder the police held you for 3 days. They figured you are so stupid that if they let you go you would probably poke your own eyes out with a corn on the cob.

So to answer your question for the thread.............

YESSSSSSSSS, cops think you are dumb. Have a nice day :hump:

you need to chill the fuck out buddy