do i really need a fresh air intake?

Dr. G

im starting an 8x12x8 room from scratch, 5 supernova es led lights...working on aquiring a co2 question is: do i need a fresh air intake? do i need an exhaust? the money saved from not buying the fans could almost get me a co2 generator...


Well-Known Member
alot of people choose to ventilate their grow rooms for 2 reasons.

1. To replenish old Co2 depleted air
2. To clean/scrub the air.

For reason number 1 if you have Co2 capabilities then you are ok.

For reason number 2 as long as you dont mind the smell that comes from your grow room/house then you are ok.

Usually when ventilating using Co2 you allow your Co2 20mins from bursting before kicking extraction on.

So it would burst Co2 wait 20mins then clean the air and repeat.


Dr. G

it depends on how much heat those leds put out.
The LEDs have 3 built in cooling fans, and dont produce enough heat to be too concerned about...

alot of people choose to ventilate their grow rooms for 2 reasons.

1. To replenish old Co2 depleted air
2. To clean/scrub the air.

For reason number 1 if you have Co2 capabilities then you are ok.

For reason number 2 as long as you dont mind the smell that comes from your grow room/house then you are ok.

Usually when ventilating using Co2 you allow your Co2 20mins from bursting before kicking extraction on.

So it would burst Co2 wait 20mins then clean the air and repeat.

so your saying that it would be beneficial to have an exhaust to purge the stale air? Im really not too concerned about the smell yet...


Well-Known Member
Ventilate for a healthy grow environment.
Plants need fresh and the stale needs to go.

I run one exhaust fan once an hour for 10 minutes in the flower Lab.
Veg Lab exhaust runs 24/7. The Raptors are vented while they are on.

Exchange the air. The Plant will love it.


Well-Known Member
its not logical to grow under led and use CO2 becuz to reap CO2 benefits, you gota use very strong lighting

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
if youre gonna grow in a 8'x12'x8' and want to run c02, your air quality needs to have 1300-1500ppm c02 and mid to high 80's temperatures to really be effective, which means it will need to be regulated, you're gonna need a lot of c02, and you need to make sure your room is completely sealed so you don't lose your c02 count. and its gonna stink.


Active Member
buy little fans man you dont need expensive grow fans.. i use 6 inch desk fans bought from Rona or Walmart for like 20 bux a fan not even and they work amazing you just need air to flow... but your plants NEED NEED fresh air,, stale air has to go its not healthy for the plants...

Dr. G

if youre gonna grow in a 8'x12'x8' and want to run c02, your air quality needs to have 1300-1500ppm c02 and mid to high 80's temperatures to really be effective, which means it will need to be regulated, you're gonna need a lot of c02, and you need to make sure your room is completely sealed so you don't lose your c02 count. and its gonna stink.
yeah, got is COMPLETLY sealed, looking at a co2 generator, and a temp.-humidity-co2 sensor...of course imma run fans to move the air around the room.


Well-Known Member
yeah, got is COMPLETLY sealed, looking at a co2 generator, and a temp.-humidity-co2 sensor...of course imma run fans to move the air around the room.
man this will not work, get exhaust and save for HPS to flower anything worth it

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
yeah, got is COMPLETLY sealed, looking at a co2 generator, and a temp.-humidity-co2 sensor...of course imma run fans to move the air around the room.
of course without ventilation if you are in your room talking to your plants for extended periods of time ( as we all do ) you WILL get a headache from the stale and c02 enriched air...

ventilation is necessary for your plants.

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
I tried for years to achieve the airtight room. It works great for giant warehouse grows, terribly for house grows. The smell may not be much now, but by the time you're in late bloom, it's gonna stink beyond stinky. Like, you're whole block sometimes when the wind is right. Even if it's small. The worst part? You live in the smell so you will have no idea unless you're gone for a few days, or somebody tells you (bad sign). Ventilate, if only to save yourself from smell. Instead of c02 generator, buy a good quiet fan and scrubber, and with the profits from your first few months, upgrade to a climate control with a discreet C02 tank. Tried, tested, effective

dirk d

Active Member
having an exhaust and intake fan is just as important if not more important than your lights. don't skimp on air period.

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Not to be a dick or anything. All living things need a fresh supply of air. How long would you live if you were buried alive with no fresh air?

Depending on the size of your cab, I'm sure a few cheap PC fans will be ok. One at the bottom to draw freshair in, one at the the top to vent the hot air. Also from what I've read a nice breeze over your plants will simulate the wind they would get in the great outdoors, making them stronger so they develope nice thick, strong stems.

Good luck Buddy


Well-Known Member
i run a sealed room with a co2 burner. When its lights off i exhaust with a carbon filter and open my passive intake. works good for me


Well-Known Member
and i think every one is takeing this the wrong way. any one that dosnt use fans to move air around inside the grow needs to put a little more effort in. If you dont have a problem with temps. Then a sealed room is the most effective way to use co2 when its lights on. lights off get some air in there sence you dont run co2 at night


Well-Known Member
no need for CO2 enrichment with normal lighting since it will not benefit plants until the light is stronger than usual. it only adds to cost and complication and is useless. dial the room completely then see if you want CO2