watch Every min of this people!!

In 2005 my best friend was shot to death in his home during a home invasion, I was tortured in a home invasion in my home 2 mos. later. Up to that time I had grown medically for myself and four fellow patients, but opted to allow a 50 person 3yearold collective bring their plants to my ranch in exchange for security and help construct my 48'x26'13' greenhouse out back beside my raised box garden and 9'x9'x7' greenhouse. We utilized a lite depriv. tarp to flower our 1st half, "10 blooming per patient" per the county guidelines which allowed each patient "10 veg. 10 bloom" outdoors; we just reversed the bloom so we didn't have to toss 10 plants in July. Instead we harvested each patients 1st 10 the end of July and the 2nd 10 that Oct. making for a double harvest. The July smoke wasn't as heavy or asgood as the same plants in Oct, but it was close!
Anyway, two months after my March05 home invasion, where I just made it out w/ my life by a string, July13th 2005 I received a cell call from my neighbor saying "don't come home the dea and sheriffs are busting in your doors and ripping up your garden". I drove straight to an undisclosed friend's home and began to call the collective members. Finding out that the head of the collective was arrested infront of my gate for obstruction and DUIP (DRUNK IN PUBLIC) and that a warrant for my arrest was issued that same day. I hired an atty and surrendered five days later. I was finger printed and bailed out as soon as they finished. The only words i used while in thw presence of police were; my name, address and i was "not talking"! They had to ask my atty if they wanted anything else. The case went on from mid 05 thru late 07, but in early 06, while I was on vacation in Costa Rica, I received notice the US Dept of Justice was hanging papers on my gate saying the ranch was being taken w/ a "Forfeiture in Rem". The county had given my case evidence to the US Atty and they were taking my home. Subsequently i was criminally charged by the state of California for growing for distribution and sales and the feds were taking my property because a felony was committed on the premises. The night before the state trial my doctor called my atty saying he wasn't going to do my case any good if he was called to the stand. he was afraid of what the feds had and by proxy the state. When I heard of his betrayal I told my atty "if they will give me a mister meaner i'll take it". the case had already cost me over $50,000 and we hadn't been to trial yet?? I subsequently received an "West Deal"; no jail time, no fines or court costs, 4 yrs search-able probation w/ an agreement not to allow anyone else to grow except me w/ in county guidelines, not to help any one grow or be involved in any aspect of cannabis business. If convicted of a mister meaner or violate agreement in the four year term I go directly to prison for 5yrs on two felonies plus whatever the mister meaner carries w/ it?? I am now in my 2nd year and was told by my atty from the start of probation "they will come to search each year", but no one ever showed? Then a week ago he calls after not talking for almost two years and says "your two year review is coming up, they will be by to search in the next month or two. be sure all is straight". One would think w/ all the budget cuts they wouldn't have time for small potatoes like me?? pray! Two months ago the feds dropped my case "w/ prejudice" saying "the violation couldn't have been that bad if the county gave a mister meaner w/ no time" as the feds rationale for the dismissal. Throughout the entire ordeal, in both cases, I never once talked top the law! They want one thing and that is "Arrests"! They come to the scene of a robbery and figure everyone is a perp. if they can bust the victim that's a bonus in their book. there mite be one out of every hundred officers who are true champions of justice and out to do good. Lots think they are, but their definition of good is so convuluted they are bad! As you can see I'm still angry, most of the collective members refused to help and it cost me all my savings for defense. The law never found any scales, dried cannabis, evidence of sales or distribution and evnthough all the neighbors testified it was impossible to see in my greenhouse from off the property the judge upheld the search warrant taking the cops word over all the locals as well as my atty and investigator! He goes home at nite thinking he's a good American, but he's obviously not. The basic difference between capitalism and communism is private property/ ownership. when the cops can jump your fence when your not home and search your property w/ out your permission we mite as well be under the Kremlin iron fist????
PS. yes, I understand Federal law is federal Law, but I don't agree and am not represented in my Gov! I never voted for those laws and the only drug problem in the US is a perceived problem. If the laws weren't enacted our prisons wouldn't be so full of citizens w/ a medical issue not a criminal one! I hate our un-free society; the corruption and cherry picking of cases and what laws to follow is unspeakable... W/ over 205 of the states having medical cannabis laws one would think it's obviously working and time to grow up and lay off cannabis!