Do roots grow through smart pots?


Active Member
I want to put smart pots on a coco fill tray so the roots can expand into the tray.. I just bought the smart pots and looking at them it's harf to beleive roots can actually grow through the pot.

Do the roots grow through the smart pot or do need to get a pot with the holes for roots to expand?


Well-Known Member
what does it look like ...can you post a photo for those of us unsure of what the pot looks like ???


Active Member
what does it look like ...can you post a photo for those of us unsure of what the pot looks like ???
I found this info on the web, but I am not sure if anyone has does say the root penetrates the bag..

"How Does The Smart Pot-In Ground™ System Work?

Trees and shrubs are planted into the Smart Pot-In Ground™. As the roots of the plant grow, they hit the fuzzy inside fabric of the bag. Importantly, roots do not circle on the fabric as they do against plastic. Instead the root is caught by the fuzzy inner surface of the material. The root penetrates the fabric. The tough fabric, however, prevents the root from expanding. The root is choked or girdled by the fabric. The choking causes the root to lose its apical dominance and lateral branching or pruning occurs inside the bag."

It is a felt's a couiple pics



Active Member
Mine never have, but I have talked with a few people that have said it is possible. The way the pot works is by "air pruning" the roots. So when you pull out the plant you will see all of these little roots ending at the side of the pot. Like I said i can only go off of my experiences with them. What people say is what people say. You never really know if it is true. Their entire dsign is based off of the roots not growing out though.


Active Member
Mine never have, but I have talked with a few people that have said it is possible. The way the pot works is by "air pruning" the roots. So when you pull out the plant you will see all of these little roots ending at the side of the pot. Like I said i can only go off of my experiences with them. What people say is what people say. You never really know if it is true. Their entire dsign is based off of the roots not growing out though.
Well I might need to take these back and exchange them for the plastic pot they had with a grated bottom. I want the roots to grow into the tray


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got the wrong pot for your purpose.....bummer
but I have to ask why one would use this pot for out door planting..? isnt the whole idea to give them as much root space as they need..? so they can grow huge...?


Active Member
sounds like you got the wrong pot for your purpose.....bummer
but I have to ask why one would use this pot for out door planting..? isnt the whole idea to give them as much root space as they need..? so they can grow huge...?
This is a indoor grow. I am actually going to use the pots I have and scratch the coco in the trays.


Well-Known Member
O....K .... I still don't really get it...but I'm sure you good luck with that :^)


Active Member
FYI...I saw a current coco grow today in smart pots on top of coco..roots will grow through smart pots if the pot is next to soil or in this case coco...they do seem to mainly grow through the bottom of the pots, but that might be because there is more compaction on the bottom..but this set up had about 3-4 " inches of coco in 4'x4' trays and had 3 gal smart pots set about 2" deep in the coco in the trays...roots are all intertwined in the tray. The plants were amazing sea of colas above a scrog net..I wish I could share a picture, but I wasn't about to ask if I could take a pic of his grow.

Jat's I am not sure what you don't understand..but I am no expert on anything grow related..just trying to learn as much as possible myself..
Thanx for that info! Love reading old post, so much to learn. I grow organicly in soil & I love the smart pot. Had the idea to start my seed in a 2 gal SP & then transplant it into a 5 gal SP, only leave it in the 2gal SP set that in a 5 gal SP & let the roots grow through the old one. No mess & no stress on the plant. Don't know if anyone else has posted this thought, but it was my epiphany yesterday.


Well-Known Member
I'm using 3 gallon smart pots with Canna Coco coir, and yes I get some roots poking through up to 1/2'' of white root is visible through the pots of course they are quickly air pruned so they dont grow any longer but yes I have them poking through the sides.


Well-Known Member
Are there any pots that I can use so that the roots grow out the primarily the bottom and force them downward to keep growing into like a stream if you would underneath?


Well-Known Member
yes yes yes I do it all the time now! They work great for that. As long as they are sitting on moist soil or coco, they will jump right through without hesitation. I do it inside and out. I just pulled a batch of OG Kush out ogf a 4x4 tray full of my soil mix, with 3 gallon smart pots burierd halfway and sticking above halfway, and it worked fantastic!!


New Member
Thanx for that info! Love reading old post, so much to learn. I grow organicly in soil & I love the smart pot. Had the idea to start my seed in a 2 gal SP & then transplant it into a 5 gal SP, only leave it in the 2gal SP set that in a 5 gal SP & let the roots grow through the old one. No mess & no stress on the plant. Don't know if anyone else has posted this thought, but it was my epiphany yesterday.
Was just thinking of trying this, you done it yet? Please tell me it worked???