Do We Really Want Cannabis be Legalized?


Well-Known Member
It's more profitable to keep it illegal then to legalize it is the way the gov looks at it. Also alcohol and pharmaceutical company's are super against it. They are the biggest factor in getting it legalized. Philip morris got hip along time ago and bought 80,000 acres in nor cal waiting for the day it becomes legal. They bought the land in the late 80's.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
... Philip morris got hip along time ago and bought 80,000 acres in nor cal waiting for the day it becomes legal. They bought the land in the late 80's.
:shock: Damn that is a lot of land! I hope they are using it for corn to cash in on the ethanol market.
The more corn they grow means more food on my plate.


Well-Known Member
If you provide collectives with medical marijuana then you wouldn't want it to be legal. Because then everybody and their sister will be growing pot. It would be like HARVEST SEASON 24/7. TONS of great pot for cheap as shit. this is ALL BAD!!!!
The problem with this statement is the fact that most people SUCK at growing Cannabis. Don't think so? Do you know anyone or multiple people who started growing and it died somewhere and they didn't do it again? Yeah me too. If you have a green thumb growing it is easy, but if you don't then you don't have the mental structure to pay attention to a plants needs over the course of 4 months. There are people who simply can not grow pot.

I think there will be really cheap low quality weed everywhere, but the high quality custom strains which by then may be copyrighted, will go for higher prices than they do now. Think the price structure of a bottle of wine. (Is a bottle of wine cheap or expensive? A: BOTH depending on what kind of wine)

Bad growers will wind up having to find a new industry to work in. Great growers will be able to legally get top dollar for their plants at farmers markets or selling commercially to retailers like Costco.

If you are good at growing weed you'll have a legal and fullfilling job with pretty good pay (not what it is now) but with zero risk.

I don't like risk which is why I never deal weed. If it became legal though i'd grow a lot more plants than my needs and sell sell sell (not that i'm really that good at it, but I think by the time its legal I may be.)

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
I mean, I was thinking about it and even if the government did legalise it, they'd heavily tax the shit, worse than cigarettes and alcohol. And that's even if they legalise the recreational form and not just the parts that make them happy. They'd most likely still make the cultivation of cannabis illegal in order to influence the purchase of their 'government approved' products. The sale and distribution of cannabis would still be illegal for those without the correct business license, thus eliminating jobs for drug dealers. Well, that's just what I see happening, so think about it, do we really want to have cannabis legalised?
Assinine, we know what your bread and butter is. your not allowed to have opinions when you have a conflict of interests.


Well-Known Member
I look at it this way, either the tax dollars go to fund our US Government, or it goes to fund the Mexican Cartels. Although I got nothing but love for Mexican people i've met, but I would rather the profits go to help fund Roads, Schools and Medical Care for Americans. Face it, our country is broke and needs to find away to allow profits of products made in America. This is the ideal cash crop for our country, something that George Washington announced when He was president. The problem I see in treating this harmless medically beneficial plant like a hard drug is as you said Seein Stars there is no age limit for it! And the kids who get ahold of it then also have access to hard dangerous drugs which then ruin their lives. Proof? When was the last time you saw a kid who was able to get ahold of alcohol is able to get hard dangerous drugs from the same source? Marijuana should be legal only because it lacks any of the dangers to health that alcohol brings. We need to give Americans healthy choices in their relaxation and healing, and Alcohol just doesn't work. We need to Legalize, not for the sake of stoners like people think, but for the sake of our country and our economy over the next decade so we don't fall to a third world country. Marijuana, it is Safe and has tons of medicinal value without the negative health effects of pharmaceutical drugs or alcohol.

I can't understand why people are willing to sacrifice the American Economic future just because they don't like other people smoking pot.... If that isn't hate I don't know what is.
Awesome Anwser!!!!